13 - The Opening of the Neko-Maid Cafe

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Hello everyone!

Thank you for your patience. I only have a few minor tests to go through and then I'm finally free of exams! I took some time today to finish this chapter off since I felt that you've been having to wait quite a while. I'm hoping I'll also post another chapter next weekend as well.

After the good response from the Special Chapter that featured F6, I've decided to start posting a new Special Chapter every 5th update and since the entire plot of the Specials are utter improvisations then please excuse it if it isn't as good as this, which I have planned. Aha! ^7^

Anyway, please enjoy and thank you for reading this! Until next time!



You were just sending some recently taken pictures to your parents' company, when there was an abrupt knocking at your door. Wondering who it could be at such an hour (it was 7pm at night), you got up from your office chair and made your way to the door. When you looked through the peep hole, you smiled and didn't hesitate to open it for your guests.

"Hiroo! Kai!"

"(Y/N)!" they enveloped you in a hug, which you happily returned before stepping aside to let them in.

"What brings the two of you here? Not that I'm complaining." you asked once the three of you settled into your living space.

"Well, we just wanted to have a little talk." Kai began, holding hands with Hiroo, which you were able to ignore as you've grown used to their show of affection towards each other, you only tilted your head in confusion.

"About what, exactly?"

"You're make up!" your mouth formed the shape of an 'o' but no sound came out. You were still rather confused, why on earth would they want to discuss such a topic? And so late at night?

"Can we ask you something?" you giggled at Hiroo's queer.

"Of course, although, you just did." you wanted to earn a light chortle from them but they maintained a serious expression, leading your own smile to disappear "What's wrong?"

"Do you enjoy putting make up on?" Kai suddenly asked, which you were confused about but answered it honestly.

"Of course, through it, I've had so many treasured memories and I feel more confident in myself." they smiled gently.

"That's good-" Hiroo began but you quickly cut him off with a quick comment.

"It's also fun to put on." you giggled.

"Yes, that's wonderful but please only put it on during special occasions." Kai advised.

"How come?"

"You're already naturally beautiful and we want to reserve your beauty." Hiroo stated as you flushed.

"B-but...I feel more confident with it on.." they looked at each other with uncertainty.

"Look, why don't you try going out without make up for a day and if you feel confident about yourself after that, then you must promise to only put make up on, occasionally." you slowly nodded along to Kai's suggestion, which they smiled at.

"A-alright, but," their smile wavered slightly as their eyes asked you to continue, "can I still wear the stylish clothes that you bought me?" at that comment, they laughed happily.

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