19 - Their Bond and A Correction of Mistakes.

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Hey everyone!

I'm so so so so so sorry for my extensive absence, I know that I said I would update and be back sooner but so many things have hit me and were in need of greater attention. Since it's a new school year, and I'm having to get my head down to work harder than ever, for my GCSEs (General Certificate of High School Education), which will stretch out for 2 years, it's as overwhelming as it is demanding - especially with the subjects that I chose to do - so I've found myself busier than usual as of late, but don't worry, I haven't forgotten about you guys and I never will!

I love this account and I love YOU! I've seen your support and patience through the comments and it really gets to me - in a good way. I've been itching to post a chapter for you guys so here it is!

Also, for the special chapter with F6, it'll be out at around Halloween since it's themed around the festivities.

Now, enough of my rambling, please Enjoy!

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The pride of men is a wall of titanium, impossible to tarnish with brute strength; a mountain that will never bow down; a free spirit that's unwilling to obey anyone else's orders, and so, it's a shock to have you plea for one to sacrifice it in order to gain back a close relationship, however, what's most astonishing is the fact that the male is willing to do just that - sacrifice the pride that no man can live without. 

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"Adam..please, I'm sorry for being so controlling but it's the case of doing the wrong thing for the right reason." Valentino argued in slight distress, finally reaching out to the raven haired male after a tense workday. 

"You're sorry but what you did, showed that you didn't have trust in me when protecting people that you know do mean something to me!" at his bitter words, Adam begrudgingly shoved his ex-companion's hand off his shoulder. 

Glowering at Adam's unnecessary spitefulness, Valentino spoke without thinking of the certified consequences, "Love makes people blind...you of all people know that.." with a stiffening of his friend's frame, Valentino held his breath in anticipation, knowing that he had hit a chord he shouldn't have. He had delved into Adam's doleful past - a sensitive topic. They had agreed never to bring the subject up because it was just too painful on both of their parts, this is the first time it's come out verbally after years of being censored. It was a sensitive topic. Valentino shrunk back, his face wincing expecting a reaction that was either driven by ill humour or desolation, even so, he was faced with a response he could've never predicted. 

"Are you saying that you love (Y/N)?..." 

Despite having his reply prolonged by shock, Valentino hurriedly stammered out in protest, "Of course!" He spluttered, "As a friend! She's the sister I never had! You know that factually!" the chestnut brunette watched as a scowl distorted the lines of his friend's countenance, and stepped back when he approached with a dark air. He came so close that their breaths mingled in spite of their difference in height. Adam was clearly the one intimidating Valentino even though the red eyed, gentle giant was taller than him. 

"You know what I meant..." with a shove of the tall male, Adam briskly swivelled on his heel to walk away, leaving Valentino in a regretful and perplexed state. 

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"Adam!" you squealed, eyes gleaming at the sight of the male, ignoring the bitter expression he held because of the overwhelming excitement you developed just at the sight of him. In a matter of seconds, you had already embraced his frame (arms tightly wrapped around his torso), earning a baritone chuckle that warmed you from the inside. 

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