~ F6 Halloween Special Chapter ~

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Happy (late late late) Halloween Everyone! 

Like the previous F6 Special, this is also improvised so I apologise if this is mediocre, though I'm sure that most of you can understand that as you're all such wonderful people  -^^- . It took a while for me to find some inspiration so I apologise because that's also a part of the delay of this special. I must also apologise for the fact that I haven't taken the time to edit this as it's quite late and I have school tomorrow ;-; (Out of all the times to finally find inspiration! Grrr!)

Please enjoy and feel free to comment and like this! It'll be very much appreciated! 


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Hallows eve is the night where all horrific beings come out and make an attempt at haunting us, it's an inevitable event that occurs annually and in order to protect ourselves, we must dress like them in order to frighten them away. 

You yourself wanted to wear something petrifying, perhaps a zombie with your hair tousled, your skin caked with halloween make up as you 'limped' with disorientated limbs. That was one idea, another was to be a bloody nurse, fake blood splattered all over your uniform, a wicked smile stretched across your face, with a bloody scalpel clenched in your gloved hand. It gave you pleasant shivers just thinking about going out with such a horrifying attire. To do such a fantastic costume justice with your practiced acting skills was your aim every year, which you've always been able to succeed, because of this, Totoko demands that you dress as not a terrifying monster, but as a delicate princess. 

"It's a matching set! Please dress up with me!" she begged, holding up a white lace dress that just about covered your knees. It looked to have two layers. The first was simple and strapless, brushing the top of your knees as it hugged your upper torso. The second and outer layer was all lace, a v-neck that was composed of a floral design, the pattern continued to decorate the plainness of the fabric - down your arms, to where the translucent sleeves cuffed around your wrists, cupping the curve of your shoulders and stretching over the expanse of your torso. It was elegant and beautiful. 

You pulled a disgusted face, as if the dress offended you, "Halloween is supposed to be a night of fear. I'll only wear this if someone's getting married and I'm invited to the wedding ceremony, where there'll be free food because Halloween is the only time of year where you can get free stuff - more specifically sweets!" 

"Don't be such a party pooper!" she whined. "Please do this for me? I'm going to the sextuplet's halloween party and I'm not going alone!" this surprised you. 

"You're invited?" 

"Everyone is! It's all about whether or not you're able or willing to go! I want to be there this year since we've spent the last few years trick or treating! Please! Come on!" you pouted at her reasoning. It's tempting to go because of the sextuplets, but you always loved the traditional routine of knocking on strangers' doors, asking for sweets. Sensing your unease, she brought up an offer you couldn't refuse, "There's free food and sweets..." 

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Clothed in the white dress, a fake diamond tiara atop your head, tucked into the soft waves of your half-up, half-down hairdo, nude stockings and a pair of simple, white, heeled pumps, you approached the Matsuno mansion with Totoko at your side. She was also dressed like a princess, although her gown brushed the floor and was intimidating many individuals with its puffiness as well as vibrant pink colour. Whenever you looked at her dress, you would always glance down at your own, her words echoing in your head ('It's a matching set!'), you really doubted her statement. There's no way that these two very dissimilar dresses could be in a 'matching' set. Fighting the urge to voice your opinion, you stepped into the mansion. 

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