11 - Please Accept My Apology

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((I'm sorry that this is a rather short chapter but I'm hoping that you'll like it all the same! The next chapter will be longer, I promise! Until next time!))


The two of you just continued walking - still hand in hand - casually meandering towards your destination, with Choromatsu to guide you both. Clearly, you gave others the impression that the two of you were an actual couple as you were able to catch their fleeting, unbelieving and envious glances, however, the envy seemed to only be focused on Choromatsu and was only from the males that you both passed. 

On the outside, you were calm with a soft smile to grace your gentle yet extravagant features, although, it was the exact opposite on the inside. You were panicking too much over what to and what not to do. Of course, you've gotten some advice from Hiroo and Kai but the advice that they focused on was: 'be yourself'. Those words were what plagued your mind in the duration of most of the journey. What do they mean 'be yourself'? If you're yourself then you could easily get into a humiliating scenario with Choromatsu. 

Thinking back to the time they gave you the advice, you slowly were able to calm yourself down as you recalled all of their words before they had to end the Skype call this morning. 


"Just be yourself, no one's going to judge you. Look at me and Kai" Hiroo said, slinging his arms over the shoulders of his lover before leaning in to share a kiss with him, "We're ourselves and we're fine. I won't lie, there are people that openly taunt us but we have each other and that's all that counts." the couple smiled at each other but seeing that you still had conflicting thoughts on whether or not to agree with them, Kai felt obligated to set the rest of your nerves at ease. 

"Listen, you're someone that deserves to be admired because you're such a good person, seeing as how you've accepted our sexuality, as well as our personalities with out any hesitance. You basically welcomed us with open arms, not taking it upon yourself to make us feel uncomfortable, or a disgrace to man kind, only for the reasons of what we choose to be. This rentals business specifically wanted the males to look into what's on the inside, rather than what's on the outside. If this Choromatsu guy rented you out again then that means he's attracted to your personality, not your looks." you could only smile and thanked them with a big hug for their reassurance, if it weren't for them, you'd be even more stressed. 


Smiling to yourself at the memory of your supportive friends, you thought about how you can be more convincing as a 'girlfriend' after all, Choromatsu did rent you out and will be paying the expenses, so you might as well give him the pleasure of having you be the best and most realistic rental he's ever had. With that thought and determination, you hugged his arm (whilst still holding his hand) then proceeded to rest your head on his shoulder. You were almost tempted to giggle when you felt him tense up. Feeling more relaxed, you continued to keep yourself at a serene state of mind, deciding to worry about how to act when the time comes. 

As you were having a rather delightful time, Choromatsu was about to go into cardiac arrest! 




That, of course, is only an exaggeration, however, in his perspective, that was the case. His heart was beating as if he was sprinting continuously, the clack of his shoes upon the concrete was like a distant echo, but rather than fading completely, it continued to repeat, as if it were the deafening dong of a grandfather clock, his skin was consumed by invisible flames, everything was numbing his senses until his mind was frazzled, and he was immersed in an atmosphere that left him light headed. Although, in spite of that, being truthful to himself, he's never felt this elated in his life before, and it made his skin burn up even more when he concluded that you were the only person that seemed to have such an effect on him, certainly, Nyaa-chan was another person - being the cute idol that she was - but he's never had the pleasure of going out on a date with her. He was living in a dream right now and he simply didn't want to stir. 

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