9 - Makeover of the Century!

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 Hello again lovelies! 

I just wanted to make a mini announcement so please hear me out. 

I'm currently working on the F6 Special right now so it'll be out soon for you all to read. 

Now the second and final thing is that I am currently going through exams week so I might have a longer interval in between the chapters I post, but don't worry, I'll still update whenever I can! 

Thank you for reading this, now please enjoy the chapter! 


Yet again, there was silence that occupied the Matsuno household. The elderly couple that were the mother and father of the sextuplets were out on an errand, working for reasons that many other people also go by. The six men were desperately trying to find something to do, in order to occupy themselves and get their mind off the boredom that they were at the mercy of. However, that was the only excuse that they were able to have in mind so as to ignore the real reason behind their dismal mood.

Normally, it was only Ichimatsu that had his head down, with a shadow following him everywhere, although - on this particular day - that same episode was conquering all the brothers; even the generally, bright smiling Jyushimatsu. Before their parents had to leave for work, the brothers were already awake and the parents were quick to pick up on their sons' odd behaviour, though, they thought it best to leave them be and not press upon the subject in hopes of having them figure things out on their own - they were fully grown men after all.

"I'm going out for a walk, I'll be back in an hour or two..." Choromatsu spoke up amongst the silence. His brothers (and him) have been in a despairing mood ever since he had scolded them for their intolerable form of conduct towards (Y/N). He couldn't blame them, he had blew up a storm in the defence of a girl he had just met. Needless to say, his brothers were constantly getting lectures from him beforehand because of their unproductiveness, though, the time he had verbally punched them in the gut for (Y/N) was much different then the others. Throughout their hopeless lives, they've had aspirations for a miracle to happen and give them a chance at changing for the greater good, as a bonus, they've also always wanted to have that special girl be by their side, a girl who can accept them for who they were: NEETs. Therefore, they've always done their best in impressing females, well, as much as they could, that is, whilst being their true selves. Only Jysuhimatsu had succeed in that area, although, it didn't turn out as he had hoped and so it was back to square one for him.

Now, they find themselves pondering over why they had acted in such an unacceptable way. Surely, they knew deep down that it wouldn't be a step forward but a step back in their journey of succeeding in life.

"What did we do?..." Todomatsu asked whilst doing his best to face reality, all the while, dragging his brothers with him.

"We f**ked up, that's what we did..." Ichimatsu stated bluntly, acting dismissive of the ordeal when the topic was actually eating away at him, like termites shredding their minuscule teeth through a forest of trees.

"Yeah..." Jyushimatsu agreed, wallowing in his own hopelessness beside his purple garbed brother.

"And it's all your fault Osomatsu!" Karamatsu growled accusingly, casting a narrow-eyed glare at the eldest, all the while keeping his cool-guy act.

"Oh shut up! You were all in on it too so you have no say in this!" Osomatsu growled back.

"Face it! You're the one whose the most to blame out of all of us!" the second eldest shot back, eyes still cold and glaring as he watched (along with his three younger siblings) Osomatsu's shoulders drop in defeat, his form slumping against the wall he was leaning on for support.

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