8 - Hiroo Kurosawa and Kai Miyamoto

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There's a long chapter up ahead so I hope you don't mind it lovelies! 

I'd also like to thank you for taking the time to read this fanfic. It really means a lot to me to have you all respond and comment positively about it. It really motivates me to write more and in this particular case, made me want to write a special chapter, which features F6! Yay! I'm looking forward to posting it all for, you lovely people, so I hope you read that too. 

Just a quick note, I'd like to say that it would not be affecting the flow of the story but might turn into a mini series of specials with the F6 in this Osomatsu-san multi-chapter, all of that depends on you guys as I'm literally writing this for all of you, which I don't mind since you're all such sweethearts! 

Anyway, enough of my babbling! ON WITH THE CHAPTER! 


There's a pile of discarded clothes continuing to grow bigger and bigger as it makes it's way across your bedroom floor. You were in a current panic, wanting the date to go well; you had no intention of your first, rented date disaster repeating itself. This morning, you had woken up early and ate a balanced breakfast before taking a shower, straight after that, you've been rummaging through your closet, in search of something suitable to wear. 

Time was slowly getting closer to when you had to go out for the date, you have been too caught up in finding something fitting to wear that you weren't able to regard the ticking face of the clock, that was doing it's best to warn you of the loss of minutes, which soon turned into hours.

Finally, you raised your head to look at the clock face and gasped in alarm, you had planned to leave fifteen minutes before the long hand reached the number twelve, which would make it three o'clock in the afternoon, right now, it was currently two-thirty and you only have fifteen minutes left. In a rush, you slipped into an oversized (f/c) T-shirt with no design, some old boots and knee length shorts. You still didn't look ideal but, it'll have to do. If things turn out to be a disaster again, then you'll just suck it up and carry on with your life; there's nothing to gain from willowing in your own dismay. You stuffed your wallet, phone, keys and some other things that you thought were necessary to carry around, into a shabby looking bag that you slung over your shoulder before stepping out of your penthouse, locking the door behind you. 


The journey (on the bus) to the meeting place of the rented date was nerve wracking, and had you sweating like you were in the Sahara desert. Your eyes couldn't help but dart around, momentarily eyeing inanimate objects - not people as you didn't want to come across as some creepy, strange looking woman - in order to get your mind out of worrying over the date, however, your mind kept repeating disastrous outcomes of the upcoming rental. It felt like the end of the world, even though nothing had occurred yet. 

After torturous minutes, your pessimistic thinking was finally stopped once it was time to get off the bus. As always, you muttered a thank you to the driver, catching his returned gratitude before you hesitantly made your way into the centre of town - the meeting place. There was a short, grey stone wall that incased decorative flowers but also provided a seating place for people, beside that, there was a tall clock post that had four faces in which showed the same time - helpful to those that needed to check their timings - also a lamp post was placed at each corner of the moderately sized square of the central of town. It was averagely busy and you had just realised that you were three minutes early for the date. Looking around, you examined the square a little more as you had never really been much here, and there have been recent changes, which were quite nice. From the small square area, there were many paths that lead to various locations of the city, flowers grew in matching grey stone, square planters. In them were a collection of many flowers that blossomed vibrant, attractive colours, which lured wildlife and made the atmosphere more bright. 

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