25 - Confrontations

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Hey Dolls! 

I'm sorry that this is a rather short chapter. Things are piling up again but I am determined to update weekly. It feels nice to be dedicated. I hope you like this short, sweet chapter but I'm afraid some of you might be a little disappointed. I apologise! 

Much love, 

Dollie xxx

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"You wanted to talk to us?" Val smiled softly as he walked up to you under the egg-yellow glow of the streetlamp towering your figures, outside the Neko-Maid Café as Adam plodded along at his tall companion's side, his hands deep within his pockets. 

"O-Oh! Yeah!" you stammered, quickly coughing to cover up your nervousness. It was a weak attempt and the two had already picked up on your strange behaviour throughout your shifts, they knew something was coming and mentally prepared themselves beforehand. "I.." you braved up to carry out what you had intentionally planned for the night, "I thought it would be best if the two of you walk me home." they gave each other questionable glances, focusing their attention on you right after as a ways of asking you to speak further and explain. "I just wanted to have another movie night. I'm sorry for the short notice but..." your eyes suddenly veiled itself with determination, "this is important." 

Without another thought, they complied: "Of course."  

The commute back to your apartment was a comfortable one, like a coffee date with friends on a chilly autumn's day. You wanted to indulge in it for as much, and as long as possible but the journey was kept short and sweet; in no time, the three of you found yourselves getting comfortable within your cosy living room. 

"What movie are we in the mood for tonight? I'll leave it for the two of you to decide, I don't mind at all what we watch!" you chirped, bringing out the exact same pile of movies you make your selection from at every movie night the three of you have ever had. 

"Comedy." Val suggests. 

"Action." Adam mumbles. 

You mulled over how you could overcome the dilemma for a moment before snapping your fingers at the idea, "How about both? But we'll have to decide which one to watch first." you uttered, which began a verbal war that ultimately ended in favour of the action movie, a triumphantly smirking Adam and a sulking Valentino. 

"You're too soft Val." Adam remarked, hiding a pompous smirk as he set about playing his favourite film. 

"That is not true!" was the only countering statement that met your ears before everything was left as it was. 

After watching, lip syncing to known lines and happily munching on the assortment of snacks that lay before your small group, the three of you began preparing for the night. Just like the travel to your apartment, it didn't take long before all of you met up in the living space (the furniture pushed to the walls so that there was room for you to sleep in, especially for Val's tall frame), ready to sleep in each of your separate futons, which were laid out to recreate a three pointed star. 

"Guys.." you breathed, sitting up, hearing a light hum and deep grunt to hint at your alert pair of listeners. "Have what they girls been saying true?..." you began, already biting at the plumpness of your bottom lip, your hand gripping at the upper edge of your duvet.

"About what?" Val enquired as Adam simple raised a brow into a prominent arch. 

"About.." you looked down and fiddled with your fingers, "the two of you liking me.." gulping, you forced out the last few words of your suspicion, "as more than a friend..." daring yourself to peek up at them, you saw their quick exchange of looks before finally returning their gaze back at you. 

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