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No means no.... gaaaaddaammit! 

Has it ever occurred to you that while your hormones render you incapable of leadership roles, a man's hormones excuse his violent behavior.  Or have you ever realised that that short dress you wore to that party that one time is a more valid form of consent than the words you say. Rape culture tells 'beautiful' women that they should expect to be harassed or abused and that 'ugly' women should be grateful for the attention. 

It's not normal that the one thing men fear about going to jail is the one thing we fear our entire lives. It's not normal to have to hold your keys in your hands when you walk home at night as a weapon, to avoid dark alleys, to not walk past a group of men alone, to buy rape whistles and pepper spray when we join university campuses and the worst part is... we were taught to be afraid. It is so ingrained in us that we don't realise how absurd it is. I was taught to be weary of men, but not once was i told not to rape someone and it may sound ridiculous, but i'm willing to bet that very few parents actually sit their kids down and say ' now listen here Tommy, no means no'

For goodness sake, stop asking people's clothes to have sex with you and start asking people! it is shameful and disgusting that we blame victims instead of rapists. like hold up! give men some credit, by saying that they can't control their sexual urges, you are indirectly calling them animals because the last time i checked, only animals can't control their sexual urges and men happen to be very intelligent beings.

How was the victim dressed??? like shut the fuck up. women in bikinis get raped, women in burkas get raped, men get raped! If you ask dumb questions like, was she flirting, was she drunk, you're letting a terrible human being get away with a disgusting crime. what the fuck is wrong with people??

Let's use the example of a traffic light:

stop means stop

maybe, means get ready to stop.

go means go

if you don't follow the signals, you will get run over by a truck.

I am that truck and i will run you over you fucktard.

As for rape jokes, i won't explain why i don;t find them funny. I'm just going to sit here and watch you explain why you DO.... go on, I'm listening.

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