The Uncomfortable Priveledge of being CatCalled

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Because every woman wants to hear " Hey baby" mid-gulp of their morning coffee. Because I want to hear you say " Hey, mami why don't you walk that ass up over here" when all I'm trying to do is walk, I'm just fucking walking!

But believe it or not, some women actually say " I don't need feminism because I like being catcalled".... oh boy * cringe* here's why I have a problem with this.

It is verbal harassment. The fear that accompanies street harassment is a real and tangible thing. The false license some men give themeselves- thinking that they have the right to engage verbally, sexually, romantically with a woman - can lead to terrible things. Because when we violate that liberty by saying " no" or ignoring their advances, some men act out aggressively.

I hate the sense of entitlement the people doing it must feel. They think it's flattering, they think that their "right" to "compliment" you supersedes your desire to just walk or think or just exist without being bothered. It's fucking invasive. Leave me be, gaadamit.

The worst part is some of them want a fucking thank you! " somebody is just acknowledging you for being beautiful, you should say thank you more" but if I don't like how or why you're doing it, then hell will freeze over before I thank you, you doosh.
I was at lunch with a friend and we passed a group of cute guys, when we sat down, one of them walked up to my friend and said " hey, I just thought I'd say that you are really beautiful and I hope you enjoy your lunch" ladies and gentlemen, that's how it's fucking done!! Even though the boob completely ignored me. C'est la vie. Je suis une pomme de terre

Street harassment is power to control public spaces. Power to alter paths. Power to shame, scare and intimidate. Power to define what is safe and what is not. It's the power to say " I'm entitled to touch you, comment on your body, coerce you to smile and control your movement" even though some of us perceive it as flattering, we are all aware that it's an unpredictable degree away from harm.
And plus I just hate being called a " bitch" if I tell some perv to "fuck off"

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