Chapter Two: It's Getting Hot In Here

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School was terrible - I saw Erik with his new girlfriend, Sophie Aimerson. She was the schools new girl and super popular already, she had a better body than I did. She had beautiful skin and long silky looking blond hair. She tried to talk to me but I just didn't give her the time of day - me and my best friend Lucy just planned on different ways on how to kill them. But eventually when I saw how happy Erik was I knew that I couldn't stay mad forever - he never laughed like that when he was with me.

I have been moping around for a week and realised that I had to let him go, there was no point in holding all of this in anyways. So with a teary release I let go of the pain I had been holding in. I just want everything to go back to being normal again - I am also really hungry right now.

I walked downstairs with a slight skip in my step. Firstly I was going to tell everyone that they don't have to worry about me anymore because I'm okay now - everyone has been super nice to me especially Drake.

I was surprised when I saw a bunch of random strangers standing around the kitchen table with my mother and father drinking hot chocolate.

"Come meet the Williamson's honey." My mom ushered for me to meet the strangers.

"Hi," I said shaking Mr. Williamson's hand, he had jet black hair, golden brown eyes and chitzeled features.

"You must be Jenifer, we've heard so much about you." Mrs. Williamson said before pulling me in for a hug. She had dark brown hair and a bright smile that reached her cloudy grey eyes.

"Pleasure to meet you," I politely say to both of them then looked towards the door and noticed Drake coming in with a very good looking male who made my heart beat a little faster.

"Hi I'm Jake Williamson." He said extending his hand out towards me.

"Hi I'm um.." I stammer forgoting my name, wow this never happens um I'm Jenifer Powers yeah - let me say that out loud now. "Jwnnifer piweeas" I blurted out. He looked at me with a confused look and just laughed.

"Her name is Jenifer, we call her Jen." Drake said introducing me then laughed loudly.

"Jenifer," I felt a shiver go up my spine when I listened to him say my name. Oh goodness I'm such an idiot I could feel myself blushing deeply. His jet black hair and brown eyes made me weak in the knees - and let me not even mention what his chitzeled features and pearly white smile did to me.

"Jen honey, can you show Jake his bedroom. Its the spare room next to yours." Of course us having such a gigantic house we are generous - I told my parents not to get an eight bedroom house, it's just too much - but no 'what if we have guests' they said.

"Sure mom." Why next to me? Why can't the hot guy sleep near Drake's room. Wait I don't mean hot guy I mean... Jake - yeah Jake.

We walked up the stairs and headed in the direction of my room and then to the left side. I opened the room and exposed the big room with a built in bathroom that unfortunately is shared between my room also. So now we are sharing a bathroom - great.

"How long is your family staying here?" I asked not trying to sound too rude. He fell backwards onto the large bed and his jacket lifted revealing a bit of his - I'm assuming flawless skin. Oh my gosh!

"About five months," he replied when I was not paying attention.

"Whoa why for so long?" I asked shocked.

"My parents are building their dream house here so yeah that's pretty much why."

"Oh okay that makes sense, I guess. But couldn't you have stayed else where?"

"Why, are we a problem?" He said giving me a smirk - oh dear baby Jesus!

"No, I want you guys to stay, I was just curious that's all." I said walking out the room.

"Can I get a tour?" He asked standing up, "I mean it is being a good host." He said coming closer to me. He smelt amazing - like strong deodorant and also after shave. He looked like he had a bit of stubble.

"How old are you?" I asked him.

"Turned seventeen yesterday, you?"

"I'm sixteen turning seventeen on the 28 of December."

"Want to play twenty questions?" He asked me after I explained to him that our bathrooms were interlinked.

"Sure," I replied opening the door in the bathroom leading to my room. We gave up on the tour and just sat around my room.

"Okay so do you have a boyfriend?" He asked me and I felt a tinge of pain pull at my hurting heart.

"Nope, you a girlfriend?"

"I did but she cheated on me with my so called best friend," he said looking a bit sad.

"I know the feeling, not the best friend part but the being cheated on part I guess." He came closer to me and sat on my bed and looked at me and just smiled.

"Why would anyone ever want to cheat on you?" He asked stroking my cheek - wow he works fast.

"I could ask you the same thing," I said laying down so he wouldn't stroke my cheek anymore. He was bringing up foreign feelings - well they weren't that foreign.

"I asked you first," he said leaning on one of his elbows across my bed staring down at me.

"Well he told me that he met someone else, he said he loved me but he loved her more." I said forcing my tears not to slip out.

"That sucks, sorry I asked." He said not even sounding like he cared. I was a bit irritated but was slightly happy he was at least listening to me.

"My ex said I didn't notice her enough so she tried to get my attention by going after my best friend. It really hurts to be let down by the one person you thought never would."


Dinner was great, dad cooked and he isn't so bad of a cook. I still can't wait till our chief, Miranda comes back though I miss her. But she is pregnant, so she'll be gone for sometime. Jake was staring at me the entire time during dinner but it didn't make me uncomfortable or anything.

I walked up the stairs with Jake beside me and I entered my room getting ready to go take a bath. I took my clothes off and walked in wrapped in just my towel. I ran the bath water, I poured in my scented bath salts which filled the room with amazing aromas. I went out while going to get my speakers so I could listen to music. I entered and noticed that Jake was standing near the shower with a towel wrapped around his bottom half showing off his beautifully sculpted upper body. His abs - his biceps and as my eyes darted all across his body I never noticed the smirk he was pulling. Wow - it's getting hot in here!

"Like what you see?" He said and turned around taking the towel off revealing a nice ass underneath. I quickly covered my eyes and I heard him laugh as he jumped in the shower.

"Oh goodness me," I said as I soaked into the bathtub. I closed my eyes and just lay there listening to music, I heard the door close after a while and I knew that Jake had gone out. I can finally get out now.

I feel like a prune - but warm at least. I'm glad I don't have to go to school tomorrow because we have a mini break because its almost Christmas. Also glad because I don't have to see Erik and his girlfriend, Sophie. I just can't hate her or him - even if I wanted to. Their so happy together its actually quite adorable and sickening.

"Goodnight," I heard someone shout from across the bathroom. I knew instantly it was Jake and that brought an unexpected smile to my face.

"Goodnight," I shouted back.

"Sweet dreams," he said.

"You too," I said smiling - falling into a deep blissful sleep.

Thank you for reading, please let me know what you think - you know the drill :) √

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