Chapter Twenty-Six: The End...?

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"It's just a stomach bug." The doctor said to me.

After I had started throwing up again this morning – Drake had suggested that I should go to the doctor because I might be pregnant. I only actually went because I remember having sex with like three different guys this entire holiday, I used a condom with Jake. But Chad and Erik – I'm not so sure about. I should really be a whole lot more careful – this is a total wakeup call!

"Thank you doctor." I say then getting my prescription.

"Jenifer, I don't advice teenage sex, but if you are so worried about getting pregnant then you should get yourself a couple of condoms and maybe go on the pill." Doctor Sampson advised me.

"Yes, I will, thank you again doctor." I say then walk out the doctor's office only to bump into someone's hard head.

"Ow!" I exclaim touching my head, then looking up at one of the most gorgeous guys I had ever seen.

"Oh I'm so sorry." He says looking straight into my eyes with his brown ones.

"It's okay, I'll live." I say, blushing at our closeness.

"Well let me make it up to you," he says touching my arm. "How about we go out for a coffee?"

"Um okay yeah." I stammer, "I just have to pick up some medicine first." We walked in awkward silence as I got my medicine. We then carried on walking down the street and into a small coffee shop called Café Volga.

"Edward Storm, by the way." He says finally introducing himself when we had sat down in the Café.

"Nice name, I'm Jenifer Storm." I said not thinking at all, "I mean Powers, Jenifer Powers." I quickly corrected myself laughing awkwardly and pulling - what I'm sure was a psychotic smile.

"It's fine." He says capturing my gaze and laughing - he has such an amazing laugh. "So tell me about yourself?" He asks in his husky voice.

"Well what do you want to know?" I ask.

"Everything." He responds giving me a dimpled smile.

We spoke about everything, specifically our childhood just getting to know each other a little bit. I found out that he was born in Cape Town and but raised in different parts all over England. His father was a business man and so they moved to England after living in South Africa for most of his life. His mother had died of Malaria when he was fourteen and now only had his father and identical twin brother, Richard. We both ordered hot chocolate and a huge muffin while chatting to each other.

"Ahh, this hot chocolate tastes so good." I say taking a small sip.

"Mine has a heart in it," he says, "Oh and look, here's the waitresses number." He says lifting his cup and seeing a number on the serviette.

"You must get that a lot huh? Being a model and all." I say feeling myself blush once again.

"That's flattering, but I'm not a model." He says chuckling.

"Oh sorry, I just assumed you were." I say embarrassed.

"No, since I'm out of high school I'm actually here studying medicine." He says.

"Wow, medicine." I say surprised, I guess I miss judged him because he is so good looking, I just assumed he was brainless.

"Yeah, do you know what you're going to do after high school?"

"Well I know I want to go to College, but I haven't really thought about what I'm going to study." I say honestly.

"Oh well you've still got a long time to decided." He says gently touching my hand. After we were done at the Café we decided that we would go to the mall. As we entered I felt the welcomed warmth of the Mall heater – or whatever it is.

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