Chapter Five: First Date

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I got up bright and early today so I could do some sit ups and leg lifts. Mainly to loosen my bones up a bit because I'm going ice skating with Jake - actually let me rephrase. I'm going on a date with Jake!

I feel so dead right now just laying on the ground heaving in breath after breath. That was a good workout - I realise that my mom is standing at the door with Snow - one of our cats, in her arms.

"What's on the teenage agenda today?" She asks trying to sound all hip.

"Jake and I are going ice skating." I say not able to contain my smile.

"That's great honey, its really good to see you smile like that again." She says just as Jake walks out my bathroom. "I like him," she points towards him then leaves two cups of hot chocolate and some cereal on a tray for us. She's stronger than I thought if she can pick up Snow and the tray - let's just hope there's no cat hair in our breakfast.

"Why are you on the floor?" He asks me while I stretch myself out and hear a few clicks from my back.

"Why are you not?" I ask jokingly to him. He grabs the tray and joins me on the floor.

"So what time shall we leave?" He asks me.

"I think the sooner the better, that way there aren't too many people there. How good are you at ice skating?" I ask him grabbing my hot cocoa.

"Well in my home town I played ice hockey, and you can't really play ice hockey if you can't skate." He said chuckling.

"You don't look like an ice skater, more like a football player." I say looking at him.

"I get that a lot, but at the new school I go to I think I'll play football. Well I'll try out for the team." That reminds me of Erik he was on the football team and I used to go to everyone of his games. At the end of the game he would always blow me a kiss and I would catch it even if they lost the game - it was our thing.

"Jen?" He looks at me questionably.

"Mm? Sorry I think I was day dreaming. I do that a lot." I said blushing.

"What were you thinking about?"

"Just, things." I sigh out.


We put on our ice skates inside the car and then step out and walk awkwardly to the rink. There aren't many people here - which is good. I hate it when it gets too crowded. I open the gate and step on the ice still holding the plastic wall trying to be careful I don't fall. I then wait for Jake to come on and he does so with ease. He is standing beside me and grabs my hand and tries to lead me around the rink.

"Come on you won't fall, I've got you," he says placing his hands around my waist from behind me. This feels nice - he was once again radiating heat. I place my head on the space between his neck and shoulder as we skate across the ground. After a while he decided to teach me some tricks on the ice - he is really good at this stuff.

"For an ice hockey player you're pretty good." I say trying not to fall on my ass this time.

"Well I might've been in a championship or two for figure skating." He says blushing a bit.

"Really? I can't imagine you wearing one of those tight figure skating uniforms." I say laughing.

"Well you better belive it honey," he says coming close to me and grabbing my hands. He teaches me how to spin and then we sort of dance our way around the ice.

"You're not so bad, rookie." He says to me giving me that ice melting smile of his.

"Thanks," I say feeling myself blush immensely. He comes forward to me and grabs my hand again but this time we are not moving just still in the middle of the ice. He cups my cheek with his gloved hand and leans in even closer. My heart beat races out of my chest and I can feel his warm breath on me. I lean in closer and realise that this could be the ice breaking moment! This is the moment where we kiss and realise we are soul mates and are meant for each other - this is the moment... where I feel a sneeze coming on?

"Hatchuu!" I sneeze pushing him away, I sneeze again and again. Please don't tell me I'm sick, I sneeze again this time my nose feels blocked.

"Oh no, I think I'm sick." I say to him sounding like I have a blocked nose. I make my way off the ice and go straight to his car and try and unlock it - I always have tissues in my purse. In a matter of minutes Jake is off the ice as well - he reaches into his pocket and unlocks the car. I get in and rummage through my purse. I blow my nose instantly with an embarrassing sound.

"Yup definatly sick," I say as I slump into the seat. He gets inside the car and we both take our skates off - chuck them in the back seat and put our normal shoes on.

"I'm sorry our date didn't last as long as you wanted." I apologise as the car starts moving.

"Its okay, I had fun." He says flashing me a smile. "We should get you in bed and with some chicken soup."

"That would be amazing." I say staring at him.


"Here is your soup honey," my mom says as she brings my soup up to me on a tray. I take it and place it on my lap - I'm in my blankets with the windows open. I've been complaining about it either being too hot or too cold. So Jake just wrapped me in blankets and opened the window for cold air - which is a total paradox in itself.

"Are you feeling any better?" He asks me.

"Just a little, I don't think you should be so close, what if you get sick too?" I asked worried about him. Ginger suddenly came in through Tiggers doggy door, she jumped up on the bed and stalked Jake for a bit. When she had looked him up and down she came closer to him and snuggled in his lap purring like mad. Then Snow came in and did the same and finally my little man Tigger came and lay across my feet. They always seemed to do this when I was sick I think it was their way of saying - we're here for you.

Thank you for reading, please let me know what you think - you know the drill :) √

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