Chapter Twenty-Three: Confrontations

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I lay in bed snuggled with someone warm - I really enjoy waking up with someone in my bed all the time. I look up expecting to see Chad but as memory serves - it wasn't him I had slept with last night.

He was still warm though - I tilt my head and look over at my clock and see that it's Noon.

"Chad's coming!" I say shaking Erik vigorously. He stirred and looked at me groggily. "Out now!" I say getting up and putting some clothes on.

"Well good morning to you too." He says rubbing his eyes.

"Out now!" I say to him hurriedly brushing my teeth.

"Jen, Chad is here." I hear my brother say outside my room.

"Closet!" I say shouting towards Erik.

"I'm going." He says grabbing my sheet then disappearing into the closet.

"Jen? Who are you talking to?" Chad asks stepping into my room.

"Oh no one, it was the TV." I say quickly then looking towards the blank screen. That was a terrible excuse.

"I missed you last night." He said ignoring the TV comment and coming up to me and kissing my lips.

"How much did you miss me?" I asked him. He kissed me passionately this time, he placed his hands on my back and stepped closer towards me.

"What was that?" He pulled away and asked as he heard a noise from the closet.

"It was probably one of my cats." I quickly say.

"Shouldn't we open the door to set them free." He asks steping towards the closet.

"I'll do that," I say running towards it and opening it slightly, I see Erik standing there covering his man business with my sheets - well that needs a wash.

"I guess she wasn't in there." I say when obviously no cat came out.

"Let's go then." He says linking our arms. We walk down the stairs and were about to go outside when I realised I forgot my phone - Chad being a gentleman insisted on getting it. I hope that Erik is still in that damn closet.

"What are you doing here?" I hear someone shout. Oh gosh - I run up the stairs and see Chad beating up Erik on the floor.

"Chad stop!" I shout, trying to pry Chad off Erik but get punched in the process and get knocked out.


"What happened?" I ask touching my head.

"This asshole punched you." Erik says now fully clothed looking furiously at Chad.

"It was an accident James." Chad says calling him by his last name.

"Okay, it doesn't matter who punched me." I say slowly getting up.

"Yes it does matter, you can't be with someone that is going to hurt you! I told you that he wasn't good enough for you last night." Erik shouted giving Chad a death stare.

"Not good enough for her? As if you are any better. And what happened last night anyway? Why did I come in here with him naked?" Chad asked looking at me.

"We made love last night that's why," Erik said then Chad immediately punched Erik again.

"Guys stop!" I shout.

"Tell me why I should stop beating this son of a bitch up, tell me that he is lying and that you didn't sleep with him last night." Chad says with so much sadness in his voice. I wanted to tell him that it wasn't true, that I hadn't cheated on him but I was at a moment of weakness last night and didn't mean to do what I did.

"I really wish I could Chad, I wish I hadn't had done what I did, but I did. And I am so sorry for that." I say with tears flowing from my eyes - but the right one stung more than the left because it was bruising.

"You know what Jenifer? I really want to be with you, with all my heart. I want to be there for you when no one else is and be the first person you come to when you are happy and have news to tell. I want to love you with my entire heart - no matter how faulty it physically is. It's just that - I don't know if you want the same. So when you know what you want and are going to stop playing with my heart and Erik's - you can come find me." Chad says then coming forward towards me. "My heart will always be open for you. And I'm sorry about punching you." He finishes then kisses my right cheek near the bruise.

He walked out my room and I felt my heart tug as I saw his back towards me. Erik was standing there with his arms crossed against his chest. He just looked at me with those irritatingly electric blue eyes of his.

"So what now?" He says looking at me.

"I don't know." I say, my voice cracking. He looked at me and walked towards me and just pulled me in for a hug. I cried into his chest and just let it all out.

"I'm so sorry, Jen. I shouldn't have come here last night and been with you. It was selfish of me and I wasn't thinking straight. I was thinking with the wrong head." He says chuckling and so do I.

"You always know how to make me feel better." I say looking up at him - our lips were so close to eachother. He was looking at me and I was looking up at him, it would've been a perfect moment to kiss. But us being together is what started all of this mess.

"It's not your fault Erik, it was me too, I shouldn't have succumbed to your charms." I say to him.

"But you love my charms." He says with that award winning smile of his.
"Yeah but right now, your charms aren't working." I say escaping his embrace.

"Okay fine, I'll go. I should probably apologise for ruining your date today." He says extending his arm and scratching behind his head - looking extremely cute, if I might add.

"Its fine Erik." I said as I watched him go out my window. I went and closed it along with my door, then curled up in bed and cried.

Thank you for reading, please let me know what you think - you know the drill :)

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