Chapter Twenty-Five: The Doomed Youth

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The week flew by very quickly and I still hadn't heard anything from Chad. Erik and I had sort of been hanging out but I can tell that he wants us to get back together - mainly because he has been hinting it a lot. - way to be subtle about your intentions.

Anyway right now I had just arrived at school and I have English first lesson, I get into the class take out my speech and look at it.

"Good Morning class." Mr Blumin greeted. "So who would like to go first?" He asks. Of course no one ever wants to go first, but I decided I would this time.

"I'll go first Sir," I say.

"Good, you can come to the front and begin." I get up with my note cards and get up in front of the class.

"We cheat, we lie, and we criticize. We're trying though - I mean stuff happens. We fight over stupid things, we fall in love and end up getting hurt. We gossip, gossip and gossip some more. We party till dawn, we drink till we pass out. We hate people for no reason, we call each other names. We stay up having late night conversations, or say up late just to think. We go out and have an incredible time with our friends and those will be the moments we will remember forever.

We don't waste time standing in the same place year after year, we don't say someday or sometime, because that is known as the disease of inaction, a crippling fate where our dreams would fade and never happen.

Our dreams are important, impossible? - No, even the word itself says - 'I'm possible'. There is nothing we can't do. We are Unstoppable - We are, THE DOOMED YOUTH!

We are the type of people who can't remember to walk the dog, but will never forget a phone number. We are weight watchers who go diets because we are told we are fat. Or we just don't meet the criteria of the media. We're the type of people who get their allowance on Monday, spend it all by Tuesday then beg borrow and steal by Wednesday.

We are the people you expect so much from, even though you know very well we are not going to give our full potential. Then you push us to the limit, by trying to speak to us and getting to know us. But really it's for your own benefit, isn't it?

Then you sit us down and give us the talk - you know the one, "I know what you're going through" they say "I was a teenager once too." Well you know what? You may have been a teenager once too, but you were not me. Not in the world that we live in today.

That's why most adults don't understand the pressures of being a teenager, they don't understand how it's like to feel lonely or depressed because of something we think is big, but small to someone else.

They try yes, that much I'll say. But on a serious note here, adults expect to much from us." I pause looking at Mr Blumin, the class laughed then I continued.

"We're young, we are trying to live our lives, and a little party never killed anyone. We are trying to make memories, most of us just want to leave here knowing we made a mark.

We don't need to be reminded that we need to pull ourselves together. Or grow up, or start acting mature. We know that, trust me, we do - the thing is? We don't want to. We'd rather go out and forgot about responsibilities, and just have a blast with our lives.

You only live once, is what all the youngsters are saying, and it's kind of true. We don't need to be reminded that our youth is doomed, we know that we are the future leaders and that we should start pulling our socks up and tie our shoes.

But frankly I'd rather walk on the beach barefoot. I'd rather risk getting cut by the glass and learning from the experience myself than having to just do what everyone else says I must do." I dramatically paused.

"We are the Doomed Youth - SO WHAT?!

Who cares if when we are older the world will be in chaos, if you had set a better example maybe the world wouldn't be the way it is today.

If you had chosen your leaders more carefully maybe we wouldn't have such bad examples of leadership.

Maybe if you didn't drink all the time, those innocent people you killed while driving would still be alive.

Maybe if you two didn't argue so much - she wouldn't be such a mess.

Maybe it's your fault that - he cuts his wrists, because he saw you cry as your husband beat you half to death.

Maybe it's your fault that, that kid one day will grow up to beat his wife - just like daddy did." Everyone gasped, as I finished that line.

"Adults, be careful who you call the doomed youth, yes you have challenges. But we too have big obstacles to overcome.

So the next time you feel like pointing fingers at us, think about yourselves and what you did or are doing wrong.

Maybe you were the DOOMED YOUTH and we're just living in your chaos and mess!" Mic drop - Everyone clapped and actually stood up cheering.

If we weren't in school I feel like I might've just started a rebellion against parents and other adults or something.

"That was a great speech Jenifer." Mr Blumin said, "A+"

"Yes!" I exclaim.

"That was a great speech, I could really feel your rage." Terry says as I sit down.

"Thanks, I think." I reply chuckling.

"Good job, girly." Lucy says. The rest of the speeches were really good also, someone of course did one about world peace and someone else about poverty and shopping. Lucy did one on Love and Terry on being unique - I really liked hers.

Before I knew it - school was over and I was going home. Tomorrow is Saturday - so no school - which means I can sleep all day! Yay!!

Thank you for reading, please let me know what you think - you know the drill :)

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