Chapter Eleven: Truth Or Dare?

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"Jake we're going!" His mother shouted from outside his room. Unfortunately Jake and the Williamsons were leaving to spend the remainder of the holidays with their grand parents. Jake walked into my room from the bathroom with his suitcase and came up to me.

"I'm going to miss you," he said kissing my forehead.

"Me too, do you really have to leave? I mean it's my birthday." I complained.

"You know I can't stay, plus I want to see my grandparents, their so old they could die just from farting." He said smiling at me.

"I love you Jake." I said shyly, not believing I had just said that, I hid my face in his chest.

"And I love you, I'll be back before you know it."

"You better text me the entire time you are driving there, and call me when you get there and before you go to bed. Okay?" I said sounding like a nagging girlfriend - but I didn't care.

"I promise I will do all those things, now can I please get a kiss from my beautiful girlfriend before I leave?" He asked locking our lips together.

"Bye." I said as our foreheads touched after our lengthily goodbye kiss.

"Bye angel." He said then gave me one last kiss on my forehead. Why did I have such a strange feeling that this would be the last time I see him - okay I'm over reacting what am I saying. I jump back into bed and click on a movie. Then all of a sudden my phone buzzes twice. I check it and I have two message's one from Erik and the other from Jake.

Erik ~ Hey there's going to be a new year's party and I was wondering if you'd like to go with me, Sophie can't make it. :)

Me ~ Um I'll think about then get back to you.


Jake ~ Hey babe, what are you wearing? ;)

Me ~ Um clothes, don't try talk dirty to me when you're in the car with your parents.

Jake ~ Why not? They don't have to know.

Me ~ Jake come on. I know you want me but you'll have to wait until you're at least alone then we can have a bit of fun ;)

Jake ~ Yes that's my girl - okay I'm going to sleep now talk later love you. <3

Me ~ Love you Jakey.

Jake: Jakey? :I

Me ~ It's cute

Jake ~ Fine, Angel.

Me ~ Yay.


I was watching Trevor Noah - African American; it was hilarious I love this movie. And Trevor Noah - honestly I think his dimples make him look a lot more attractive than he actually is.

I was laughing so hard that I didn't realise there was a knocking on my window. I walked over slowly and noticed there was someone making the knocking noise - Lori?

"Hey Lori, what are you doing here?" I asked extremely surprised.

"Hey sorry to come in like this I was just bored and needed someone to chill with, oh and happy birthday!" She said excited handing me a box of chocolates.

"Thanks Lori, but you know you could've just come in through the front door."

"This was way more fun." She said pointing to the window. She sat on my bed and looked at the screen and then looked at me.

"So what are we watching?" She asked - well isn't she very persistent.

"Uhm Trevor Noah - African American, it's hilarious." I said sitting back down on my bed and placing the chocolate on my dressing table for later.

"Oh I love Trevor Noah, he is adorable."

"I know right: it's totally the dimples." I replied actually enjoying her company now.

"I feel like guys who don't have dimples have to work like fifty percent harder to look attractive than guys who have them - cause I mean they flash just a smile and I'm hooked." She said.

"I totally get what you mean, for me it's defiantly dimples, great eyes and great smile. Like he doesn't even have to be that good looking if he has one of those three things I'd most probably love him." I said thinking of only Jake and maybe just a tiny little bit about Erik - although both are good looking!


"I'm so bored." I say after we'd watched about two movies - my parents had gone out for the night and Drake was probably out at a party.

"Let's play truth or dare." Lori suggests.

"But it won't be as fun with just two people." I say.

"Sure it will, there is this app I can download where it gives you truth or dare questions that you have to ask eachother." She says showing me - the dirty truth or dare app.

"What do we do if we don't want to answer?" I ask.

"Uhm I don't know, have anything in mind?" I went out the room and downstairs and got a bottle of vodka and two shot glasses.

"This." I say coming back into the room.

"Oh, bad girl - I like." Lori says.

"Okay tell me how many people you have slept with." Lori asks me reading the app.

"Two, only Erik and Jake." I say, I take the phone from her and press the spin button.

"Okay truth or dare?"

"Dare." She says.

"I dare you to tell me how many guys you've slept with." I say reading the same question. She looks at me and blushes worriedly.

"Pass." She says taking her third shot of vodka.

"That bad huh?" I burst out laughing - having had three too many.

"Truth or dare?" She asks.

"Dare baby!" I say enthusiastically after having had about five shots and starting to feel a bit dizzy.

"I dare you to get half naked." I look at her wide eyed. She turns the screen and shows me the words.

"If that's what the machine wants." I say giggling like crazy - I am such a light weight! So after about five minutes of struggling to take my clothes off I did and I was sitting there half naked - in only my underwear. It's a good thing the window was shut and the heating was on other wise I'd be freezing.

"Okay." Lori says blushing, I wonder what her problem was has she never seen a girl half naked before? Unless...

"Are you lesbian?" I say asking her the simple question.

"Honestly, I don't know, sometimes I have this attraction to men and then sometimes I have this pull towards women." She answered honestly.

"What about now, do you like what you see?" I asked getting closer towards her - I totally understood what she was saying because I was feeling this weird attraction towards her right now.

"Yeah." She answered truthfully.

"Would you ever kiss anyone to determine your sexuality?" I asked her getting my face really close to hers. She leaned and scooted closer to me - my stomach was in nots and there was this burning feeling in my chest and throat which was spreading heat throughout my entire body.

"Yes." She gently nodded bringing her hands up to cup my cheek.

"Then kiss me."

Thank you for reading, please let me know what you think - you know the drill :)

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