Chapter Eighteen: New Experiences

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The water trickled down his body and trailed down his shoulder muscles as he swam stroke after stroke. His perfectly golden brown skin looked so good against the beating sun of the African sky and the blueness of the water. Even though I sat by the pool and was totally gawking over Chad right now - I was worried about him.

Something could happen to him at any moment and I wouldn't know what to do, I wish he had explained more to me last night but I guess I'll have to suffice with my current knowledge of the situation.

"Come on get in, the waters great." He says, getting out the pool covered in droplets.

"Okay fine, but only because we're in Africa!" I say enjoying the sun too much. I jump in and let the cool water engulf my body - wow this feels amazing.

"Ahh!" I shout running around with a water gun getting sprayed by Chad. I jump into the pool quickly loading up on water and aim it at him and fire like a mad woman.

"Take that you asshole!" I shout. He then grabs a pool noodle as I come closer to him after getting out the pool.

"What did you call me?" He asked in fake seriousness. He came up to me and did a quick move before roping the noodle around the small of my back and bringing me closer towards him with it.

"You heard me, an asshole." I say as I'm a breath apart from him and pressed against his hard muscular body.

"Would an asshole bring you all the way to Africa?" He says with a glint in his eye I couldn't quite understand.

"Maybe you brought me here to kill me in the bushes and blame it on a poor wild animal." I say resting my hands on his forearms.

"Kill you huh?" He said thinking about it. "That's a good one I wish I had thought about it."

"See, like I said asshole." I sang, still not being able to break his grip - not that I was trying very hard though.

"Would an asshole do this?" He said then leaned in and placed a small kiss on my lips. Just a simple peck nothing fancy just a peck - but that's all it took to get my heart racing and blood boiling - and not just because of the sun.

"No maybe not." I said as I stood there looking into his brown eyes while I bit my lip. He looked at my lips and I looked at him wanting him so badly to continue our little game.

"Excuse me, Ms. Powers and Mr. O'Brian your Pilanesberg National Park Game drive is in two hours and I hope you brought cameras because the animals are so magestic." Kamva announced coming towards us - causing both of us to break apart. "You will share a bakki with the Ganada family from India."

"Cool, thank you Kamva." Chad said still standing very close to me.


"My name is Khanya Manolo, and I'd like to welcome you all to the Pilanesberg National Park. This park has more than seven thousand animals. As we go along, you might be lucky enough to see the big five - the Lion, Buffalo, Cheetah, Elephant and our sadly endangered species the great Rhino. We will also pass along the Valley of Waves and journey to The Lost City." Khanya, our Safari guide said.

"If you look over there you can see a herd of Elephants eating our famous Marula fruit." Khanya said as we drove along.

"Interesting fact, did you know that elephants are the only animals that can't jump!" The twelve year old Indian girl, Shenka said while reading her fact book.

"Well why would they even need to jump though? They've got such long noses they can reach everything." Chad said laughing at the fact.

We carried on driving and saw a couple of giraffes eating from the trees, we also saw some baby cheetahs lazing around. We drove further and saw monkeys in the tree throwing things at each other. When they spotted us they started flinging us with fruit from the tree.

"Ow," Mrs Ganada yelped grabbing her head in pain. Khanya told the driver to carry on driving.

"I'm sorry about the monkeys, they are very mischievous at times." Khanya apologised to her.

"Did you know that monkeys are great swimmers even though they prefer not to be in water." Shenka spat out another animal fact.

We carried on driving and saw many more animals, we stopped near a small village and it looked like they were preparing a feast or having some sort of festival.

"There is a small festival that is happening here where the Xhosa's, celebrate the four Seasons." Khanya said.

"Molweni," some people said as they walked past us in traditional like clothing, most men wore animal skins which looked really cool and the woman wore beaded clothing.

"Molweni, in Xhosa means hello. You should respond by saying Molo." Khanya said educating us.

"Molo." We all said, at least that wasn't so difficult to pronounce.

We went to sit down on stools around a fire and watched as they danced around the fire telling what I'm assuming was a story. I didn't understand what was happening but people were beating drums and singing a click song. It's too difficult to pronounce but it sounds pretty amazing.

"How do you make that sound?" I ask the girl, Siyamthanda sitting next me. She told me that her name Siyamthanda meant 'we love her' - but she said I could call her Siya.

"Oh well its not that difficult, try and imitate the sound of a ball hitting a bat. It's a 'q' click - it comes from the front of the tongue and you make it by sort of snapping your tongue down and back from the roof of the mouth." Siya explained to me then demonstrated by making the difficult 'q' click.

I attempted to make the sound and on my seventh try I did it! "Yes!" I exclaimed - after a while I was given a traditional black beaded skirt which I wore and danced with the rest of the girls around the fire.

I noticed Chad doing a dance move with the other men - he looked like he was having fun. He came towards me and we danced together. The music was great, the fire was warm and so was the air. I was dancing underneath the stars in the company of new friends. Everything seemed so alive and vibrant - what a perfect day.

A/N: HEY! So all the facts about Africa and the animals are true, the only part that isn't is the little village part - it might be, I don't know - but I'm pretty sure I made it up. If anyone finds any incorrect information, let me know please - I don't want to get in trouble or anything.

Thank you for reading, please let me know what you think - you know the drill :)

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