Chapter 4 < take my arm

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So today was the day we were going for a meal. I'd been up since early hours , thinking... What if they thought I didn't look nice in what I'd planned to wear ... What if they hated my hair... What if I fell more in love with Calum. It was now 12:57 so I decided I should start getting ready. I could hear Megan getting ready in her room. I began to play pit bull hotel room service out loud in my speakers and I heard Megan singing along. She dragged all her stuff in and came in.
"Hotel motel , holiday inn" we changed , dancing round. Megan was rapping a verse while I laughed at her.
I sat down at my table and began to do my makeup. I pulled my hair into a bun while I was applying makeup.
I started with my cream to make my face softer. I then did my foundation , concealer and foundation powder setter stuff . I filled my brows in slightly so they didn't look a different colour to my new hair. I settled on an Autumn look even though it was still quite warm here. I put in a brownish gold eye shadow from my expensive palette then did a cat wing eyeliner. I topped it off with a deep black mascara. You could tell I was wearing it yet it still looked quite natural. I applied a deep auburn lipstick. I then contoured my cheekbones and collarbones. Not gonna lie it looked amazing. I wanted a good time tonight so I took two anxiety pills and two depressant pills. It was gonna be good. "Megan before we are finished in posh clothes , shall we bath this scruff" I laughed.
She nodded and we bathed max. He didn't shake cause he wasn't ordered too. See good trained dog.
Megan was drying his fur while I was doing my hair. I settled on straightening it with a single plat crown. 
It looked nice. I took over while Megan did her hair and makeup. She went for a red look to match her dress.
She was curling her hair. I finished Max's fur and brushed it , he smelt nice now. I clipped his claws and gave him a mint chew. I had a posh black smart brown collar for him and a posh harness with assistance dog written on the side. It was cute, and adorable.
I kissed his cheek and went to fish my dress out.
"Will this look okay?" I asked Megan showing her the laced black dress. "Stunning" she winked. I slid into the lace dress observing it in the mirror, it actually did sit my unwanted curves quite nice.
I pulled out a pair of white heel like shoes. "God you look amazing" she smiled. "Says" I winked. She blushed , as I zipped up her bright red dress. Luke had sent me photo of the boys tuxedos and they looked great.
I sprayed myself with perfumed and put my stuff in Megan's handbag.
There was a beep then a knock on the door. We ran down to meet Ashton. "Hey!" He screamed through the letterbox. Megan ran to grab a headache tablet so i opened the door. His jaw dropped and he turned bright red. I looked him up down he looked great.
His hair was swept in curls and his white shirt contemplated his muscles.
"You look so ... Just fucking amazing" he smiled, kissing my cheek. "Thank you , so do you" I blushed. Megan walked in. "You look amazing" he smiled at her. "Thanks , you too" she grinned. I looked outside to see a limo. God .. These boys lied about not being that famous.
We walked over. "Oh your hair looks great" Ashton smirked. "Thanks" I giggled.
We got in the limo as Ashton's security guard was driving.


The drive didn't take very long. But when we pulled up , cameras and paparazzi were all lined up . There was a red carpet , too. Luke was standing with Michael. Ashton climbed out and opened the door, I adjusted my outfit and thanked him. Michael took Megan's hand in his , I guess they were a thing now, lucky.
Luke took my arm and helped me out. "You look amazing , and your hair is wow" he blushed. I giggled "thanks Luke"
The cameras were flashing everywhere as another limo pulled up. "Fuck why does Calum look so cool"Ashton laughed.
Calum got out of the car , a model look in his face. He was wearing the same as the other boys but he looked better. His hands were Outline and his jawline was sharp and electric. His hair was curled slightly ...
My knees became weak. "Come get your girl" Luke smiled. Calum paced over , smiling at me. "Hey" he chuckled. I just drooled over him. "You look fucking amazing" he smirked. "Says" I smirked back. "Your hair looks great too" he exclaimed. I blushed and thanked him. "And your body and makeup and you smell nice ... You just look awesome" he ranted. I wanted to kiss him so badly , I was staring intently at his lips.
We began to walk down the red carpet. Ashton and Luke in the middle. Linked arms Michael and Megan led, and Calum had my arm linked with his behind them.
"If your not gonna I will" he smirked. "What?" I exclaimed , making max edge closer to me. "This" he blushed. He stopped us as the rest watched. He pulled his lips down onto mine , planting a lingering kiss that lasted half a minuet or so.
I wanted to scream and the butterfly's in my stomach as he took my arm and carried on walking us in. Max was wagging his tail at me , sensing that this was right.
Megan and the boys were smiling at Calum like idiots.
We were led to our table. It was quite posh.
Everyone ordered drinks , alcohol obviously. "I'm staying at Michaels" Megan smiled at me. I nodded. Petting max who was laid by my side.
Everyone was in their phone so I sent Calum a text.
Iris > I don't want to go home :(

Calum > why ?

Iris > I don't like it there , if Megan isn't round my parents terrify me.
Calum > If I ask you a question , answer me honest.
Iris> okay.
Calum> Does he threaten you ? X
Iris> Erm.. Yeah I guess X
Calum> your staying at mine tonight X
Iris> I couldn't do that.
Calum> you are deal with it xx

I smiled at my phone. "I have a trick" I smiled
"I need everyone's phone"
Everyone nervously handed me their mobiles. I stacked them up in the middle. "First to touch their phone has to pay everything and leave this place butt naked" I smiled
"Fuck you" Luke whispered. Everyone laughed.
"I don't want any baby Clifford's yet , use protection" Ashton pointed his finger at Megan and Michael. They both turned bright red. "Same" I tutted.
My cheeks burnt up as I could feel someone staring at me. I looked round and Calum's eyes were sat on me , a smile on his lips.
"What?" I blushed, "your beautiful." He smirked. I rolled my eyes. , laughing at him.
The food came and we all ate quite fast. Talking about future .
"Do you want kids" Luke asked me. Ashton took it dirty minded, "shut up" I smacked him. "Yeah , do you ?"
"Maybe some day in the future" he grinned,
"What about you do you wanna marry , and have kids" Megan asked Calum. He blushed a little. "Yeah of course" he chuckled.
The waiter came with the bill. I passed max a little bit of meat but I'd saved him some in a tub Calum brought, for him.
I saw the boys put their credit cards in and pay for it all between them. I took my card out and so did Megan. "You won't need that" Calum smiled as the waiter walked away. "I can't let you pay" I gasped. "Too late" Michael smiled. "I feel awful" Megan sighed. "Don't baby" Michael smirked kissing her forehead. "It's my pleasure" Luke said kissing my cheek as he walked past. "Mine too" Ashton kissed my cheek. "Ours" Michael said kissing my cheek. Megan smiled taking his hand in hers.
"Especially mine" Calum blushed , pecking my lips.
We linked arms and left the restaurant , max walking next to Calum.
"Your coming with me" he dragged me to the car after we'd said bye to everyone.
My mum wouldn't care where I was anyway.
"I feel bad , invading on your space" I said. "Don't " he smiled helping me in the car.

We arrived back at Calum's and he helped me out. I walked over to his house with him , he unlocked the door and walked in , locking it behind me. I looked round it was quite a nice place actually.
"I bet you expected mess" he laughed. I nodded , "I did to be honest".
"Nah I'm quite clean"
"Come" he smiled , leading me upstairs.  I followed him , there was only one bedroom. Oh god. "I'll sleep down here" I said pointing to the sofa downstairs. "Your being silly." He giggled.
I smiled. "Best friend sleepover" he shrugged, I felt  hurt , I wanted so much more than just friends. "The dog though" I gulped looking at max.
"He's like family to me now" he agreed. "How's he family" I asked,
Calum walked over and smashed his lips into mine , they moved in perfect sync. Taking all the breath from my body , but he kept going. After a while I pulled back for air. "You have no idea how long I've wanted and needed to do that for so long" he gasped.
"Me too" I said breathless. "I love you .. I don't want to wait . Be my girlfriend ?" He blurted out.
My heart dropped. Was this really happening ? "I ... Fuck it . Yes" I screamed hugging  him. "But I'm hard to deal with. I trust mikey Told you that " I sighed. He placed his finger under my chin and lifted it up. "Your mine. That's something I have promised myself to take care of you but you have to be honest with me , your in pain for any reason , you tell me" he eyed me. I nodded hugging him tight. I never wanted to let go. "Now come on." He smiled.
He routed through his draw and pulled out a checked shirt of his.
"Bathrooms there" he smiled. I thanked him and went to change. I changed into the baggy shirt. It came just below my underwear but I didn't care , it looked quite sexy. I folded my clothes up and walked back out. Calum did the jaw drop thing , staring at me.
I blushed. He was shirtless and it kind of turned me on I tried to hide it though.
He patted the space next to me and I wandered over , climbing into his bed next to him.
"I want to ask a question but I'm scared" he blushed, "go ahead" I laughed. "Are you a virgin?"
The room fell silent. I felt my cheeks blush as I nodded. I decided not to wait as I climbed underneath him. He propped himself up in his elbows. "I can't , I'll..." He began. "But I want to" I smirked. He grinned. He crashed his lips on mine as he took my clothes off and his joggers.
Let's just say the night ... Went as you'd imagine it .. Rough sex.

Bite my tongue &lt; Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now