Chapter 8 < Girl stuff

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I woke up before Calum and scurried away. I brushed my teeth and did my hair and makeup. He woke up and walked in the bathroom just as I was straightening my hair. He went for a wee then walked over. "Morning" he yawned. I smiled at him.
He looked in the mirror , and had a quick shave before sorting his hair out and cleaning his teeth. "I'm so sorry I woke you up last night" I sighed. He lifted my chin up. "One day we will vow through sickness and health so I'd get used to it" he kissed my lips and left to change, he'd just said he was gonna marry me. Some day ....
I nipped to the toilet and came back out , changing into a pair of back ripped jeans and a grey hoodie. It looked actually quite cute.
"You look beautiful" Calum smiled against my neck. "Thank you" I giggled kissing him. We put our stuff away and headed downstairs. Calum began laughing. "What?" I asked confused. "Something you said while you were drunk last night"
"What was that" I gasped,
"Well you started crying about how much sperm is wasted in sex when people use protection and then you started begging me to fuck you and get you pregnant and have your babies" he laughed. I turned bright red. He laughed kissing my cheek and leading us down the stairs. Ashton was sat on the sofa, "Luke's dead" he laughed at the sleeping Luke on his lap. I awed at them. "I'll tell him you said thanks" he smiled. I nodded and said bye. We left the house and Calum drove this time.

I got back to Calum's and jumped on the sofa , pressing a hot water bottle on my stomach. I heard him sigh and disappear somewhere. I shrugged it off and put on the tv. Calum came back with a glass of water and tablets. I smiled at him , gulping them down. He took the glass away and then crawled next to me. I shuffled onto his lap and lay curled up in his arms , it just made me feel so better.
He chuckled kissing my head.
We sat like that and watched two toy story films. I yawned stretching out , I wasn't tired I'd just been comfy for so long.
My phone began buzzing and I grunted sliding the answer button across.
"Hey Iris"
"Oh hey ash" I smiled
"Well me and Luke are going bowling not tomorrow the day after , if you two would like to come"
"I'll ask cal"
"Calum do you wanna go bowling the day after tomorrow With Luke and ash?" I asked.
He nodded , whispering whatever at me.
I shrugged. "Yah we'd love to" I smiled.
"Okay see you soon"
"Bye" I said , ending the call.

It felt like Calum was being mardy with me so I left his grasp and got up. His eyes watched me as I disappeared up stairs.
I guess I was hoping he'd follow but he didn't or at least I don't think he did.
I went into the room , nipping to the toilet , brushing my teeth and removing my makeup. I guess everyone got bored of me. I could heard max barking and scratching st the door.... I knew what was coming.
I slid down , crying. There was a razor on the side and I clutched it in my hands. I didn't want to self harm but if I was having one of these attacks I couldn't stop. Max was screaming at the door , probably ripping it to pieces.

Calum's POV :

I'd been such a dick with her , she only asked me a question and I shrugged her off. I had to get a grip of myself. I could heard weird noises from upstairs and then the patter of feet. I was about to get up as max came bolting down the stairs. He was barking and whining at me so I ran after him. I knew what was happening but I was terrified of the fact that she was shut in the bathroom. "iris open up please" I banged on the door. "I'm sorry Angel , open up" I could feel the hot water drops on my cheeks from my eyes. "Please open up"
Max was holding her pills in her mouth as we heard the door snap open. I ran in , there was a razor laid next to her and she was just crying, my beautiful girl ... Crying.

Iris again :

He looked hurt. Tears staining his skin. Max chucked the pills at him and he made me swallow some. They took affect straight away and made me feel so stupid. I began shaking and sobbing. "I'm sorry" I gasped. He hushed me and flew straight into my arms. This was one of those hugs were you felt bad and upset so you squeezed them so tight. He wrapped me tightly in his muscular arms and squeezed tight , planting in kisses all over me. "I'm sorry for being a dick , and don't say I wasn't cause I did and I'm sorry" he sighed. "It's okay , I love you" I smiled as he wiped the stray tears away. I fell back in his arms and he lifted me up onto his waist carrying me back into the bedroom. "You didn't hurt yourself did you?" He asked as we sat down. I shook my head. He smiled weakly at me before slipping his clothes off and laying in bed. I climbed in next to him and lay my leg on his. I hauled half my body over him and wrapped my arms around him , his heat from his body keeping me safe and warm. I rest my head next to him as I fiddled with the curls in his hair. "Your so beautiful" he smiled tracing my skin with his thumb. "I could say the same to you" I giggled.
I sat they're admiring him. He'd tried to sleep and closed his eyes but I was still watching him , admiring everything.
"You creep!" He laughed , as he jumped up and lay on top of me. I smiled , laughing like an idiot as he propped himself up above me. I saw his lips curve into a smirk and he leaned down pressing our foreheads together. Just as I thought he was gonna kiss me he began tickling my sides. I squirmed underneath , squeaking. He laughed at the sight of me as I was in tears. "Calum stop" .... I laughed , I remembered the code word and tried again. "Daddy please" I laughed. He began to slow down , still not good enough for him.
"I'll surprise you with something if you stop" I smirked. He stopped straight away. "Okay , sounds like a deal" he smirked. "But it's your thingy week , we can't ..." He began. "You'll see" I smiled , pulling down his boxers. I dragged him to the edge of the bed , were he sat there smirking at me. I pushed hims back a little and sat in front of him. I heard him let a small moan as I took his dick between my hands. I placed little kisses around the inner parts of his legs. His length became hard and stood up straight. It was working. He threw his head back as I took the tip between my lips. I began pumping his throbbing dick in and out my mouth , giving him a blow job.
He threw his head back as his face became all sweaty. He was moaning my name , gasping for air. I was really working magic here. He looked so hot as his hair became wet and floppy. I licked his rim. "Fuck ... Iris I'm gonna cum ...." He moaned in shirt breaths. "Cum for me baby" I mumbled against his leg. I thrusted my mouth up and down a few more times as I felt Calum's liquids fill my mouth. I swallowed , licking him clean.
He smirked at me , placing a kiss on my lips. "You have to do that more often" he said trying to catch his breath. I just laughed at him as he pushed his lips on mine. I parted my lips slightly and he stuck his tongue in , licking the roof of my mouth. I smiled into the kiss , causing Calum to smile too. He pulled back laughing and we got back into our sleeping positions.

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