Chapter 20

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Almost three months later ....

Well my baby bump was noticeable now and I'd luckily been to see the boys practice and perform a few times although I didn't move out the bus much.
I paced over to the little set up of a kitchen and poured myself a drink , only to find Calum's phone left on the side ....
I mean ... I didn't want to be nosy but it's me so I decided to click it open. It began ringing just as I did.
I nervously pressed it to my ear.
"Calum?" His mums voice said through the speaker.
I relaxed and smiled.
"No , it's Iris"
"Oh hi Iris" she laughed.
"Hi" I giggled.
"Would you like to speak to Calum ?"
"Yeah is there ?" She asked.
"He's out at the moment" I sighed. I'd been alone all day.
"Oh right , I'll talk to him when he's in , how's the baby" she asked
"Good , I think" I smiled as the boys personal tour doctor walked in.
"Glad to hear ! Be safe , love you!"
"Lov you too" I giggled

It was weird of Calum to leave his phone at home , he took it everywhere with him.
A message from Ashton popped up.

Hey Iris ! We know your on Calum's phone , any way ... Can you meet us at our arena in half an hour , Steven will pick you up xx

I smiled , blushing to myself before racing off and making myself look decent.
There was a knock on the bus door.
"One second Steven" I laughed slipping on my shoes.

About thirty minuets later I arrived at the large arena , and watched the boys perform. The crowd had squealed as I'd waved when the car drove past. I watched up at the stage , noticing Calum's ex a few rows away from me and his parents across the other side. His sister came running over to me and they let her into the VIP area.
"Mali-Koa" I squealed hugging her. "Hi boo" she giggled.
We danced around best we could and I had to wear Calum's hoodie so the fans didn't get to suspicious.
"Hey you know what , we should give the fans something to talk about" she smirked.
"Calum agreed to this?" I asked shocked as she whispered in my ear. She nodded smugly.
"Okay" I nervously smiled as she helped me pull my hoodie off. Luke gave me a thumbs up from the stage and the papparzi swarmed us with cameras.
"Thanks for having us , we've been 5 SOS , see you soon!" Ashton screamed.
They left the stage and we were watched intently by the fans. They were all looking at the bump as we walked by the railings.
"Excuse me miss" a girl caught my attention. I turned to her and smiled.
"Is that Calum's baby?"
"Yes it is" he smirked , jumping up behind me making the crowd go mental.
"Congrats" everyone was screaming and a few were crying with jelousy but most were happy.
It was weird cause all the boys were stood in a circle near the barriers now and had asked the crowd to be quiet and they'd obeyed.
Calum took my hands in his.
"Iris I don't even know how to begin ... If Michael hadn't of found you in that airport and we hadn't spoke on the plane I don't think my life would have been as amazing as it has been. I know the last months have been tough on us but we've pulled through and our baby will be here soon" this got a little cheer from the crowd.
"I love you so god damn much and I thought you were the most precious , fragile thing I'd ever laid eyes on from the second I met you , we've been through so much together and I know I'm not winning any boyfriend of the year awards but you've forgiven me for things I don't deserve forgiveness for. And I want to spend every moment with you and our child and maybe some day children .... I couldn't wait till after they opened their eyes in this world so I'm doing it now" he smiled , I could practically hear his heart pounding out his chest.
I slapped my hand over my mouth as he got down on his knees and tears poured out of my eyes. He pulled out a little box and held It tightly in his grasp. "No shut up" I heard Mali koa scream and gasp. Everyone was so shocked except Ashton who had a smug look on his face meaning Calum had told him about this.
"Iris , will you marry me ?" He asked , snapping me from my thoughts. I just began sobbing and shaking my head as he slipped the ring onto my finger. I collapsed into his arms and he relaxed but his body was shaking. "I love you" I sobbed , kissing his cheek. And through the screams and chants of the erratic crowd I felt him bite his tongue as he smiled .... "I love you too angel"

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