Chapter 17

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We were all squashed into a car and heading off to the mall. "I can't believe I'm gonna be an uncle" Luke laughed. "How many months till he's here" Ashton asked. "eight" I smiled.
We pulled up at the mall and went in. I had a tiny little bump forming , it was barley noticeable but from my flat stomach you could see it begin to curve a little. "You've got a bump coming" Megan said , popping up at the side of Calum. My hand slid across my stomach to feel the bump. "I'm not gonna lie , I'm scared" I sighed. "It's gonna be okay" Calum sighed kissing my forehead.
We shopped around a little , I mainly brought a lot of maternity clothes. We'd been in here around an hour or so and I couldn't take much more. I felt physically sick , I was worrying to much.
I sat down on a bench with Luke. "I wanna go home" I sighed. "You do ?" Calum said poking his head from the changing room doors. "No ... It's okay" I tried to cover up what I'd said. "Hey hey it's okay , I'll be two seconds and we can go home" he smiled.
He emerged from the changing rooms are few moments later. "If your tired or in pain , just tell me , please" he smiled looking deep in my eyes , I just nodded as I let out a big yawn hugging Luke and disappearing with Calum.
"I think we need to have a scan" I said. "Okay"
I felt awful for making Calum leave. We took the car home as Ashton said he'd get a cab (taxi) , which was kind.
We reached the house and I stormed inside , sliding against the wall and crying. I don't really remember why I was crying but the tears were there. I'd made Calum leave the mall and miss out on time with his friends and he's stuck with me now , for 8 months with mood swings and cravings and this massive bump that was gonna form.
"Iris?" Calum asked with a hurt look on his face as he stood in the doorway. "What" I blankly replied.
"Come here"
He opened his arms wide and I crawled straight up from the floor , and into his arms. My face pushed into his chest and I held him tight.
"Remember what I said ? You always think aloud" he smiled. Shit Calum had heard everything I'd just said.
"The bump isn't ugly or bad , it's our baby growing" he placed his hand on my stomach gently "and your moody anyways and cravings aren't too bad , we just have to see what it is yet " he smiled , tapping my nose
"I don't know how many times I've told you this or I will tell you this but your beautiful and I love every inch of you , I'm so lucky to be having a family with you and we are both young , I'll admit but we aren't too young and we are gonna get through this together no matter what" he gently lay his lips on mine and then traced them with his finger , leaving the familiar buzzing in my stomach.
"I think we my craving will be your kisses" I smirked , with a cheesy grin on my face.
"Maybe it will , but I won't argue against it" he smirked back.

Bite my tongue < Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now