Chapter 6 > left.

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I woke up , quite cold. And alone. There was a note on my draw with a bunch of roses next to it. I laughed , grinning like an idiot as I sat up.
The note read...

Hey baby !! I'm sorry I got an urgent interview , you can watch us on radio 1 but I advise you not too hehe !! I'm really sorry I didn't tell you but you were so cute while you were sleeping , except my apology gift. Remember what's mine is yours. I'm gonna get a movie for us too watch tonight. I love you , see you soon xx

I smiled to myself , smelling the Roses. I went the bathroom and found a pot to put them in. I carried it downstairs , and filled it with water , placing the roses in.
I switched on the tv and funny enough their interview came on.

Interviewer : So Calum I've heard there's a special lady in your life ?
C : Erm yeah
Interviewer : Her name ?
C : Oh her names Iris

"Awesome name" the man smiled. "She's an awesome gal" Luke laughed. I smiled it myself. "She's your guys best friend" he asked, they all nodded.
"Whats she like to you guys ?"
"Oh well , she funny , adorable amazing and always there for you" Luke giggled to himself.
"Yeah she's just a nice girl , easy to get along with" Michael smiled.
"An amazing friend , with really big eyes that always glisten when you talk to her , she's not judgmental and she's always there for you , and we are always here for her." Ashton smirked.
Calum's turn .... My heart began to flutter.
" there isn't really enough words to describe a girl like her. She's quirky and weird , but the good kind , she's sweet , loving and she just gives the best kisses and ..."
"Sex" Luke screamed interrupting.
"And that" Calum laughed.
I blushed. "She's just an amazing girlfriend , and I love her" he smiled into the camera , almost knowing I was watching. "So I hear you guys are touring next year again" he blabbered, I switched it to a music channel. Nothing important to hear now. The chart label sounded. "This is the new ep from 5sos it's called good girls"
I sang along as I made a cup of coffee. Now what to do all day. Ashton had told me I'd get recognised now so I had to be careful if I was alone. I thought long and hard. I had to keep myself entertained, hmmm. I had to start earning money , I couldn't expect Calum to pay all the bills by himself.
Id heard of a model agency looking for a new dress model. Fuck it why not. I rang the number
"Hello" the voice sounded. "Hi I'm Iris , I'm calling about the job"
"I'm Helen , and you don't mean Iris as in Calum hoods girlfriend do you?"
"Er yes" I laughed. Wow they really did recognise me. "Come on straight down" she smiled into the phone. I thanked her and raced off to get ready.
Max ran with me and we got In the car before the fans noticed.
I drove a little while till I pulled up at a building , oh god this was it.
Just as I was about to go in , my phone began buzzing , I looked down at the caller , it was Calum.
"Hey" I smiled placing the phone to my ear.
"Princess where are you?" He asked. He must of got home. "I got offered a modelling job , I'm sorry I'll be home soon"
"That's okay , I have a surprise for you , so don't be long"
"Oh gosh" I gasped.
"I love you baby girl" he chuckled. That was the first time he'd told me he loved me , and it felt so good.
"I love you too"
"Bye" he called ending the call.

I got out and walked in , a woman greeting me. That must be Helen. "Wow! Sorry I'm a big five seconds of summer fan" she blushed. "That's okay" I smiled.
"Erm I'm gonna sound like a bad worker but is it possible not to spend to long here today and begin work after the weekend" I gulped. "Of course , have you got plans tonight" she winked. "Well Calum asked me to be home cause he has a surprise" I blushed. "Aww" she squealed. "Follow me , we have paperwork to sign than I'll show you round and we will book you for Monday" she smiled. I thanked her and followed her. There was a desk full of paperwork , at least it was only paperwork I'd have to sign.
I began signing all the paper she threw at me , it took ages. I felt like I'd been there hours. She then gave me a tour of the building. It was really nice.
"Okay I'll see you at 12 on Monday" she waved. "Bye" I smiled. I sighed , dragging my hand down my face. I was grunting and groaning as max began barking as he ran forward. I grunted at him , getting mad until I looked up and Calum was laughing at me hysterically. I blushed , smiling , as he opened his arms wide. I ran straight in , feeling safe and secure in his arms. He kissed my forehead. "So this is the surprise" I smiled into his chest. "No" he grinned. He took my hand and led me out , "you'll see when we get home"
I climbed into the car , letting Calum drive for once. He drove quite fast so it didn't take us long to get home. My heart was racing as we pulled up to the house , I don't even know why. Max jumped out and went through his dog flap that Calum had put in for him , so he was free to come out when he wanted.
I got out the car and opened the door , waiting for Calum before shutting it. I slipped off my shoes and stretched out. Calum took my hand again and led me upstairs , I knew were this was going, or at least I think I did.
"I've ran you a hot bath" he smiled. I grinned at the hot water , something I really needed right now. His bathroom was massive too , the bath was like a fucking jacuzzi . I smiled at him as I pulled my shirt over my head. I took all my clothes off as I could feel Calum's stare still on me. I placed one foot in the water and it relaxed my muscle straight away. I slid in , letting the warm water take control .... There was just one thing missing.

"Calum join me" I asked. He smirked like an idiot , pulling his shirt over his head. I sat and just admired each of his perfectly toned muscles on his stomach and his biceps on his arms. And the way his shoulders sat there , the way his jawline was so sharp it would make you bleed.
He pulled down his jeans chucking them in the basket , I tried to keep my eyes away as he pulled his underwear down. I blushed looking away. "Like what you see" he asked climbing in behind me. "Can't argue with that" I grinned.
He split his legs and pulled me between so I was sat in between his legs. He gently took his fingers and traced my back.
"We never finished yesterday" he whispered in my ear , my legs came up in goosebumps as he did. "Your right we didn't" I whispered. He chuckled in my ear as his lips began leaving little kisses and his teeth grazed my skin. His finger traced my body as I wriggled under his touch. I heard them hit the water as they traced my stomach making it turn in knots. He moved them slowly down to my belly button and then even further down till he was at the edge of my clit.
He began to move then round in small circles , getting bigger and bigger. I squirmed under pleasure moaning out, his name.
He chuckled as his other hand slid across my chest , holding my boobs , massaging them slowly.
His other hand dropped slightly as he slid one finger into me. I gasped , wriggling about.
He slid another finger in and began pumping them slowly.
"Who's your daddy" he whispered , in a sexy voice . "You " i moaned. "I want to hear you say it." He grinned. "Daddy" I moaned. He sensed I was close to coming so he pulled out. "To be continued..." He smirked , getting up and wrapping a towel round him. He grinned leaving the room. "I hate you sometimes" I laughed. I got up and placed a towel round me. I decided I was gonna wake Calum up with something nice in the morning. It was all planned.
I went into the room and slipped some underwear on , I was about to put a shirt on but Calum stopped me. "I like it when you sleep naked"
I climbed into bed next to him , wearing nothing but a pair of pants. Calum generally wearing nothing.
I rested my head in his shoulder. "Are you out tomorrow?" I asked.
"Nope I'm all yours baby" he smiled. "I like it when you do that"
"When I do what?" He smiled. "Call me baby" I blushed. "I guess I'll do it more often baby" he smiled. I giggled kissing his cheek. "Goodnight Calum"
"Goodnight angel" he smiled , kissing my lips. When you started to kiss Calum it was hard to stop so our kisses usually lasted a while.
"I love you"
"I love you too" I smiled , for once in my life I was happy. Truly happy.

Bite my tongue < Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now