Chapter 16

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(Iris again )

Calum watched me as I finished my hair and turned to him. "So where are we going ?" She asked. "Your gonna meet my mum and my sister if she's in" he smiled. I froze. "They won't like me"
"My mums always talking about you" he laughed. I smiled weakly hoping he was right.
I was terrified ... What if Calum's family didn't like me. I took a deep breath and remembered that all I had to do was be myself.
We left the house and got in the car , "my mum can't wait to meet max" he laughed. I giggled , as I glanced at the drooling dog in the back.
It took us just under an hour but we eventually reached Calum's mums house. It was a small house and looked really nice. He stopped the car on the drive and I began to shake. "They're gonna love you baby I swear" he kissed my forehead as I nodded and got out , intertwining my fingers with Calum's. We knocked on the door and a woman answered , smiling. "Calum!!" She gasped hugging him tight. "Mum meet my girlfriend iris" he chuckled pointing to me. She gasped with a huge smile on her face. "Well look at you ... Your beautiful" she gasped. I blushed and thanked her. "I'm joy , and Calum's dad .. David is somewhere in the kitchen and Mali Koa should be back in an hour or so" she smiled. I smiled back , nervously gripping Calum's hand. "And this is max" she smiled looking at max who was sat by my side. Max loved joy straight away and began kissing her. She laughed and invited us inside. "Please make yourself at home , there's no need to be shy" she giggled. "Calum" a man exclaimed making me jump. I was fearful of men but Calum's dad seemed okay.
"Iris right ?" He asked, "yes sir" I smiled. "It's okay , you can call me David" he laughed. I giggled and hugged him. I was warming up to his family , they were nice. "Dinner will be out soon" David said following joy into the kitchen. "I told you you'd be fine" Calum smiled kissing me. "Shut up" I giggled.
I felt a shoot of pain in my stomach and my hand instantly flew to it. "Are you okay ?" He asked placing his hand on my waist. I nodded , breathing sharply and putting on a smile. "How many weeks are you" he whispered. "4" I whispered back. "A month?" He exclaimed, I nodded at him.
"Calum" I heard a girls voice say. "Mali" he exclaimed running to hug her.
I knew he was close to his sister cause he had a tattoo of her name. "And this is ?" She smirked. Calum came back Over putting his arm round me. "Mali this is my girlfriend Iris , Iris this is my sister Mali" he laughed. " your very pretty" she smiled hugging me. "so are you " I replied. "Aww" she kissed my cheek and left to see her parents.
Me and Calum helped out with dinner for a while and then sat down to eat.

"So are we expecting grand kids anytime soon ?" Joy blurted. Everyone fell silent and began laughing as me and Calum almost choked on our dinner.
"I don't know maybe" he laughed shyly.

"Okay moving on , what are your parents called" David asked. I didn't really have family anymore. "She doesn't have any" Calum stuck up for me. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry" he gasped. "It's okay" I smiled.
We all chatted for what seemed like hours , and I noticed it getting dark out. "It was so nice to see you mum" Calum smiled hugging and kissing her. "Visit soon" she smiled.
We all exchanged hugs and Mali gave me her number.
After saying bye we got into the car. "When does the bump come?" Calum asked as he pulled out of the drive. "Soon" I shrugged. "We have to tell the boys" he grinned. "Okay" I giggled.

We got back and I ran straight upstairs and pressed the Skype app. Everyone eventually picked up just as Calum walked In and nodded at me. "We have something to tell you" I gulped.
"We're expecting a baby" Calum said sitting next to me. Their faces where priceless as they all began to smile. Then there was screams and congrats thrown everywhere. "We are celebrating when we go shopping tomorrow" Megan screamed.
"Shopping ?" I looked at Calum. "oh yeah" he laughed "we're going shopping to get some stuff for the tour"
Oh I mouthed laughing.

Bite my tongue < Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now