Chapter 5 < Made love

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I woke up to the yawn of Calum as he turned over and kissed my neck. I giggled.
We'd fell asleep naked and it was nice to just lay next to him , the linen of the sheets resting on you. It was like I'd known him for years , all my life and nothing I'd do would shock him. "It's kinda crazy" he spoke out. "What is" I smiled , running my hand through his hair. "We've been together like 7 hours , known each other three or four days and it still feels like I've known you for years" he smirked. "I was thinking the same thing" I giggled, "but I wouldn't change it for the world" he smiled , placing a kiss on my lips. I looked over at max who was snoring. I'd always wanted another dog so he could have a friend when I found myself a boyfriend. Maybe I'd get one... Maybe.
"What are you thinking about?" Calum asked . "How lonely max is" I smiled. He nodded.
I turned round , snuggling my face into the pillow. He traced his finger from the top of my neck down to the bottom of my feet. I squirmed , giggling and looking up at him. "Breakfast?" He asked. "If you don't mind" I smiled.
He sat up , pulling on his joggers. I slipped on my pants and the checked shirt , following him down. I was quite sore , so I winced in pain , trying to hide it from Calum. "Princess what was the promise we had" he eyed me. He walked back up a few steps and lifted me into his arms. I giggled as he carried me downstairs. He set me down and we walked into the kitchen. He began preparing a drink and we sat down.

I'd been at Calum's all day , so it was about time for me to go home. "I don't want you to leave" he pouted, he actually looked lost.  "I'd stay but you'd get bored of me" I sighed. "Bullshit" he exclaimed. "Okay I'll stop the weekend and then ..." He cut me off as he crashed his lips on mine. "Move in" he said, "I couldn't "
"Megan's moving in with Michael" he grunted. "Fine" I laughed.
He fist pumped the air.
I put on my tights underneath the shirt and ordered max to follow. He drove me to my house , here was the part where I had to tell my mum. But there was removal vans outside. "What the fuck" I screamed and ran out the car , max barking as he followed. Calum got out , trying to calm me. My mum walked out. Megan ran over , jumping into my arms , sobbing. "Shes making us move" she wailed. I ordered Michael to take Megan from my arms, "why are you doing this" I asked my mum. "Our work makes us move all the time , we have to go to Russia" she said, "i cant , I'm staying" I said, "your old enough to stay , Megan come on" my mum opened her arms. Megan gripped tighter to Michael. "I'm also old enough for Megan to move in with"
"You can stay just thank me your dad has already gone , I'm gonna miss you"  my mum sighed , she wasn't the bad done ... My dad scared the shit out of me.
"We will miss you too" Megan sobbed. "Who are you staying with ?" She asked as I pulled away. "Calum. Mum this is my boyfriend Calum" I smiled. I saw all the boys faces light up and were containing their excitement.  "Hi I'm Linda" my my smiled. "Nice to meet you Mam" they smiled at each other. "Goodbye , I love you" my mum hugged us tight. "We love you too" me and Megan chanted. My mum got into a taxi and left. "You look after her , Michael , she's meant to be living with a guardian , you hurt her I'll snap your neck" I grunted as I walked into the removal van. We all helped , all the boys and Megan. Anything with our names in was ours. We loaded it into the correct cars, Calum's car was jam packed. "Thank you" I said a tear dropping down my face, "hey hey" he smiled wiping it away and kissing my forehead.
"Omg you two though" Megan screamed. Everyone was cheering so I just laughed at them. "You look worn out , what happened last night" Luke winked, "absolutely nothing" me and Calum said at the same time. I face palmed and laughed. "V-card down the drain" Ashton laughed. I smacked him , laughing. We all exchanged hugs. "Hey Saturday  night , everyone round mine" Luke ordered. "Sure" we all said.
I climbed into Calum's car and rested my head on the door. "Are you sure this is okay" I asked. "Of course" he smiled.

We headed into Calum's house , carrying as many boxes as we could into the house. This was completely crazy , I'd not known this guy very long and I was moving in with him .
"Max come on buddy" Calum called. "Grab your essentials , we will unpack in the morning" he kissed my cheek. God I was so badly in love...
"If you don't want max in your room , I can put his bed down here" I smiled. "Non sense , he can stay up here"
I smiled , setting a blanket down for max.
I shifted round awkwardly. "Look Iris , you live here now and your my girlfriend , what's mine is yours baby girl" he said rubbing my arms and kissing my head. I leaned up and put my lips against his , his kiss was truly heart wrenching. It warmed you up inside. "Shall we change" I smirked. He nodded , taking my hand and leading us upstairs.
I went to pull my shorts out of my bag as a t-shirt was chucked at me. "I like it" he smiled , as I held the shirt between my fingertips. "You only like it cause you can see my underwear" I rolled my eyes, "and.." He winked. I giggled at him , as I began pulling my shirt over my head. I slipped off my bottoms so I was stood in my underwear. I traced the scars on my stomach with my finger , sighing. I heard footsteps and Calum appeared behind me. "I think they are beautiful" he smiled , moving my hands away. He placed his lips on my jawline and collarbones. Kissing up and down my neck. I moaned slightly as he hit my sweet spot. I turned round and kissed him , letting the taste of his tongue stay in my mouth as long as I could. He pulled back kissing my cheek as he turned away and got changed. I slipped on the new checked shirt I'd been given and left the room , walking downstairs. Calum watched me and I tried to make him horny by swaying my hips. He laughed as he followed me down. I felt my back hit a wall and Calum took control. His fingers slid into mine and he pushed my hand up , connecting our lips. His other hand traced my jawline and circled down my body until it was sitting on the edge of my pants. His finger rubbed up and down the material. I screamed out , gasping for air under the pleasure. We were interrupted by the door shaking under someone's fist. I groaned slipping on some leggings that were hanging over the arm of the chair. I fixed my hair and answered it , it was Luke and he was crying his eyes out. I gasped , as he fell into my arms , sobbing. "Guys you have to come quick" he cried. "Luke dude what's going on" Calum asked , from behind me. "It's Ashton , he's in hospital" Luke cried.
I saw Calum's face ice over and his voice  cracked , like he was about to cry. I gasped. "Luke what happened?"
"He felt really sick but told no one on the plane and then he just collapsed and was screaming and the ambulance took him away"
"Shit !! Max boy lets go" calum screamed pushing past us. He climbed into the drivers seat but I wasn't letting him drive. "Calum let me drive"
"Get in the back" he sighed. "Baby please" I begged. He gave up , climbing into the back to comfort Luke.
I sped down the street , as fast as the speed limit would allow. When we arrived cameras were already watching us. I got out the car and ran for the hospital , max padding along behind me. He was acting strange. I got in and told him to stay but he ran off. "Max" I screamed. I had to leave him and check in. "We're here for Ashton Irwin" I smiled. "Follow your dog" she chuckled. I thanked her and ran after max, he stopped at a door and I slowly opened it. Ashton was all connected to tubes but he was smiling. "Your a right dick" I smirked. "Thank you" he croaked. I smiled , falling next to him. I rested my head in his shoulder.
"Luke seemed upset" I chuckled , seeing Ashton not as bad as Luke had described. "Eh he did?" Ashton blushed. "Your blushing" I smirked. "Am not" he coughed. I rolled my eyes pinching his cheeks. The doctor walked in , smiling at max who was curled up under Ashton's arms. "It's nothing serious you sprained your appendix , your free to go , just take it steady" she smiled. I thanked her for everything as she took the needles out if Ashton's arms. I helped him up and he skunked his arm round me for support. Max followed , supplying extra support. I walked back out and Luke ran over wrapping Ashton in his arms. They looked so happy together. Calum smiled at me , as I hugged him tight.

Ashton was spending the night at Luke's to make sure he was okay , and cause well Luke kind of made him. I'd got back home with Calum and was so sleepy. I climbed up the stairs , grunting and make noises as I did. I got up stairs and face planted the bed.
I heard Calum laugh at me as he lowered him self down on top of me , squashing me playfully. I wriggled round and turned my self round underneath him. He smiled at me , that playful smirk , causing his dimples to show. I smiled back , lifting my head up and kissing him. "Come on baby your tired" he smiled as he took a wipe from my draw and began to wipe my makeup off. I felt really insecure and I looked straight down. "your still beautiful to me" he chuckled. I smiled at him as he finished his work.
I scrambled into bed and Calum lay next to me , scrolling. Through Twitter and Facebook. I decided to do the same before I went to sleep. I got my phone out and saw my followers had blew up because of the boys following me.
I saw a post on Twitter from a week ago when we were on the plane.
@michael5sos > I have made new best friends.
@calum5sos > I think I've found her. But she dosent even know me yet...
@5sos > dinner  with our besties (photo of our meal together)

I smiled following a few people and then shutting my phone down. I turned round , Calum pulled me closer. I rested my head on his chest and fell straight to sleep.

Bite my tongue &lt; Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now