Chapter 3< Morning run

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I'd woke up around 8 ish and decided it was only fair if I took max a walk. I jumped in a quick shower and tied my hair up and put on my running stuff and then Max's lead. "Let's go " I smiled , trying to stay happy. If I had a good day , I didn't have to take any medication and it was the best feeling ever.
We left the house , mum and dad were at work as usual. Even though we'd moved country , life seemed to go on as usual. Everything was so normal , it was annoying to be honest , no new rush.
I began jogging and I passed a few shops. I also passed a tattoo parlour , I'd always considered getting one. I carried on jogging ,following a loop. Just as I reached my front porch , I ran into something hard. "Oh shit I'm sorry" I cursed.
I heard laughing and looked up to see Luke. I was sweaty but I didn't give two shits. "What are you doing here"
"I live here" he laughed. "Me too" I exclaimed. "Seriously ??" He seemed so happy. I nodded.
"I'll see you in a bit" I smiled. He nodded , although he was heading the same way as me. "Oh we're all coming round , your sister invited Ashton and Michael to help with her room" he laughed. "Shit I have to get ready before Calum gets here"
"Too late. I still think you're beautiful" he smirked , standing behind me. I blushed. Smiling up at him. "Come on" I laughed unlocking the door. "Wait here two minuets"
I ran upstairs and poured max a bowl of water and gave him his breakfast. I then cleaned up and changed my outfit, "come on" I shouted,
The door unlocked and Luke and Calum walked in. Luke made himself at home , laying next to max and cuddling him. Calum stood shyly. "You can sit down" I giggled.
"Thanks" he blushed , sitting next to me. I pulled out my phone and text Calum.

Iris to cal < We are considering this a date . Don't be shy , your cute when you talk

That took so much courage to write but today was a good day.

Cal to Iris < Deal xx

I smiled at my phone , laying it down. Luke was playing music. "Luke get your fat ass here" Ashton called. "Be right back" he smirked.
Great I was alone with Calum. I laid down , searching through my laptop , Calum laid down next to me smiling like an idiot. I laughed , rolling my eyes. "Where's your mum and dad ?" He asked. I froze. "Er they work like all the time , I don't even know why we have a house , they are never in it" I sighed. "Oh" he said , his voice trailing off. I was falling in love with this boy so much and it was killing me. I began talking to Calum about his family , and him growing up , and then we watched mean girls ... I didn't notice the hours passing by until they left. Left again,
Megan's room looked sick though. "Iris" she whispered , peeking her head through. I looked up. "You know you said you loved that hair colour , the grey and I said it would suit you perfect" she began. "Yeah" I giggled.
She wiggled a little hair dye box in my face, the hair colour was a blonde that faded into a silvery grey , like the models have , the colour that suits rare people. I screamed , hugging her tight. "Come on I'll do it for you"
I followed her to her room , sitting in a chair shed set up.
The time flew by as I waited for the hair dye to set , max was watching , smiling at me , his little tongue slavering everywhere.
"You need to wash it" Megan instructed. I thanked her and went back to my room. Max followed me in and I shut the bathroom door , letting the hot water soothe my body. The scars on my stomach were sore but healing. I winced as the hot water touched them. I washed my hair and was terrified of the result.
I got out , wrapping a towel round me. I decided not to look in the mirror , till I'd dried it and could see it properly. I got a text from Luke.

Luke aka pingu< Hey boo !! Me and the boys were wondering if you'd like to come out for a meal tomorrow , at let's say 3 or 4 ish.

Iris < Hey Luke !! I'd love too , max is invited right ? And that sounds great , is it fancy ?

Lukey < He's always invited. Ashton will pick you up. You should wear something nice , a dress maybe ? Hair done cause it's quite posh. We are all in smart clothes too.

Iris< Sounds amazing. See you guys soon xx

Luke > see you soon boo xx

I smiled putting my phone down. I pulled out my brush and hair dryer and dried my hair. I made sure it was all down and flat. My butterfly's kicked in. I walked over to the mirror and looked up. Wow.

I wasn't being vein but that suited me perfect. It fit my eyebrow colour too. It looked better then my old hair.
Megan walked in and her jaw dropped.
"That looks fucking amazing" she squealed hugging me.  We laughed and I thanked her.

I stared at my reflection admiring it. It was going to be a shock tomorrow for everyone. I looked better like this though.

I slipped on my pjs and climbed into bed. I was proud of myself for being strong all day ... Maybe this thing would go away, maybe I was crazy...

Bite my tongue &lt; Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now