Chapter 11

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I was woken By a phone call. I grunted and squeezed from Calum's grasp , he stirred and woke up as I flashed him an apologetic look and answered the phone.
"I'm so sorry to bother you a this time , is this Iris O'Connor?" Someone asked. "Yeah it is" I asked nervously. "I'm Bertha , I own the national horse riding , or the grand national as you'll know it"
I gasped. "Well I was passing by and I saw you riding a horse in the beach and I think you have potential , I'm basically offering you a job , it pays a lot and you get to ride in the national horse race" she laughed. "Oh my god ... Of course yeah" I gasped , laughing. Calum had his eyebrows raised at me and was laughing. "Okay come down as soon as you can"
I told her my number and details and then jumped out of bed. "You've got a job" he smiled. "You can't pay the bills by yourself" I giggled.
I slipped on some leggings and a jumper. I brushed my teeth and applied a little tiny makeup , hardly noticeable. I just pulled my hair into a high ponytail.
"Cal I gotta go to work , I love you baby" I kissed his forehead. "I have studio at 1 anyway , but have fun , I love you too"

I went outside and there was Calum's security guard waiting to take me. "Mam" he smiled. "It's okay Steven , you can call me Iris" I giggled , Steve laughed and opened the door for me. 5 seconds of summer was getting bigger and bigger everyday and more fans joined , it was crazy.

We arrived at a horse racing academy. "Hi I'm Bertha" a woman said. "Iris" I smiled. "Calum hoods girlfriend right ?" She giggled. "Yeah" I laughed. "Sorry" she blushed. "What for?" I asked. "I bet you get sick of people asking that"
"It's okay , it kind of reminds me how lucky I am" I blushed. "Aww cute" Bertha giggled.
"Anyway , welcome to aintree , let's get you kitted up"
She led me into a room where there was riding gear everywhere. She handed me some clothes and showed me the changing room , I put them on. It was horse riding jeggings and a red top with aintree jockey written on it. I also had some boots for horse riding on.
I came back out and she smiled. "Right next we need to pick a horse" she laughed. She led me to the stables and we began to walk the row of horses. "Your horse you will be training for the big race is called red sniper as his show name but we call him Oscar" she smiled , as we stopped outside a stall. Inside was a gorgeous dark brown horse , with a very big muscular body. He had a short side swept mane and piercing eyes , wow. "Beauty isn't he , the other girls have been trying to get ahold of him as there horse for weeks"
I nodded. She opened the door and we put on all his tack. I led him out and we left he stable. I glanced out at the two massive racing tracks. One was loaded with jumps while the other was plain. "Since your new , we have to start with the running"
She helped me onto the horse and i took his reign in my hands. She led us over to the start. "Right off you go" she laughed , I looked at her confused, "its an easy job , just run his round the track them we cool him down and then go for the jumps"
I laughed , nodding as I kicked him , making him start running.

I spent most of the day there and then put Oscar away and changed. I had tiny mud splatters on my face and I was so tired. I'd been so nervous all day , I really needed to tell the boys about what Calum had done , about his self harm but I know he'd never forgive me and they'd find it hard to keep it secret. I had a message from Steven as I checked my phone.
Steven ; Sorry Iris ! I can't pick you up as I have venue work to do , Calum's at home though

I sighed , saying goodbye to Bertha and exchanging phone numbers.
I dialled Calum , praying he'd pick up. "Hello" he yawned as he picked up. "Cal pal?" I said. "Hey baby" he laughed.
" I don't want to bother you but I need a lift" I sighed quietly. "None sense , I'll be there in ten" I heard him say then end the phone call.
I kind of felt bad for making him do that but I had no one else to pick me up.
I wasn't paying attention to anything , as a strong pair of arms wrapped around my waist. I jumped into the air , scared. "Shh babe" someone laughed. I recognised the voice. "Calum" I whined. He laughed , kissing my cheek. "Come on the lads are waiting for us at mc Donalds"
I fist pumped the air. "Woo" I laughed , climbing into the car. He laughed at me and sped off down the road. "How was your day at work" he asked. "interesting"
"Are you okay?" He asked , concerned. "Sorry I'm just really tired" he smiled as he pulled up in the car park. He turned and looked at me , raising his hand to my face and wiping away the dirt stains. I smiled as he kissed my lips. I got out the car and took my hand in his. As I walked in I was greeted by a drooling max as he leapt into my arms , I hugged and kissed him before setting him down. I looked over at the boys , everyone was there even Michael , who was staring at the window but Megan wasn't here. I walked over and sat down , Calum sitting next to me. "Where's Megan" I asked. "She met up with her friend Chloe" Michael smiled. "Oh" I remembered Chloe , she'd been Megan's high school friend all her life.
Calum disappeared with Luke and they came back with tray fulls of food. We began to tuck in and eat like pigs. Calum smiled at me and I turned bright red , "what"
"Nothing" he smirked.
"I'm sorry guys but we're out now" ash laughed standing up. "Us two" I said , helping Calum up. "Yep" Michael joined. We hugged them all goodbye and began to walk away from the table. Calum had his arm around my waist and his hand slipped into he pocket on my bum. I was stopped by a Whiney voice and the sound of max growling. "Iris , remember me" a girl said , as I looked up. Shit , it was Jade. Jade had been my school bully since I was probably five. "Nope" I looked down , edging further into the side of Calum. Luke bent over and whispered something in Calum's ear making him pull me as tightly to him as he could. "Hey isn't this 5 seconds of summer?" She gasped. "Are you on a VIP fan day"
Luke tried to stifle back a little laugh. "No" I spoke. "I'm her boyfriend" Calum piped up , making everyone go quiet. "No , she couldn't get a guy like you , I mean look at her"
"I'm looking at her and she's beautiful" Calum started ... "Funny" Ashton added. "Pretty" Luke said "and an amazing friend" Michael scowled. "Now bitch go sort your orange face out" ash swiped her away as we started laughing walking out. Everyone exchanged hugs and we got into our cars. Calum drove as I'd gone a little quiet. "Who was that?" He asked. "Someone"
"Iris" he pleaded. "She used to bully me" I gave in , sighing out the window. "It's okay Angel" he smiled , his hand sliding onto my leg and sitting in my thigh. I bit my lip as his hand moved further up and rested in between my legs. "Your such a tease" I moaned. "All in good time" he replied , laughing.

We got back home and I went inside. I was in a mood where I didn't know what I wanted to do with myself, "can we go to the beach tomorrow" I asked. "Baby I'd love too but me and the boys have something else planned for you" he smiled. "What is it" I gasped. "Suprise" he laughed. "Calum" I whined, "I'm sorry" he laughed.
I went upstairs and walked into the shower , switching the water on so it would heat up. I pulled of my clothes and glanced at my reflection in the mirror. The scars had healed so well , and I remembered the cream I had for them ... Maybe I could give it Calum. I felt different , I don't know how but I did. I heard the door click open and I turned around embarrassed. Calum laughed and slipped his stuff off , hugging me and helping me In. I giggled reaching up to kiss Calum's lips. He ran his hands down my back so they settled on my waist, "God you're so beautiful" he smiled. I blushed looking at my feet.  He lifted my chin up and looked my in my eyes. "This is crazy ... I never thought I'd deserve someone like you" I shook my head. "You deserve more than me"
"There isn't anything better than you though" I smiled. he smiled back planting a longing kiss on my lips before getting out , I rinsed my body and followed , wrapping a towel round me.
I walked back through the door and sat for a bit before slipping on one of Calum's long shirts he gave me. I saw Calum getting dressed , in proper clothes so I shot him a confused look. "We have no food in , so mikey is meeting me so we can get some shit" he smiled. Oh I mouthed at him. "I promise I'll be right back" he said. "Okay" I smiled.
He kissed me and left , I didn't really know what to do so I invited over Ashton.
"Hey" he smiled running through the door and hugging me. "Hey ash" I laughed. "How's my boo"
"I'm getting there" I smiled.
He sat down on the sofa , patting the spot next to him. I sat down and heard him let out a sad sigh. "What's up Ashton" I asked turning to face him. "I have something to tell you , but I don't think any of you would still like me"
"I'm your best friend of course I would" I asked confused. "I like ... Erm I'm ...I like boys" he rubbed the back of his neck afraid. I put my hand on his. "I kind of knew but I won't treat you any different" I smiled at him warmly. "Thank you" he giggled.
"And if I'm also right ... You have a thing for our Lukey" I smirked. "Do not" he blushed bright red. "Oh really"
"Don't tell anyone , please" he begged. "I won't but you want my opinion , I think Luke's got a thing for you to"
"Really" he asked with hope in his eyes. I nodded , a big smile set in my face. "You have to tell the other boys"
"I will" he smiled
"Now go on Luke will be missing you"
"Shush" he laughed hugging me, he placed a kiss on my cheek and thanked me. He left the house and I was soon greeted by a Calum who was carrying shopping bags through. I helped him and brought them into the kitchen where I began unpacking. We finished putting everything in cupboards before flopping out on the sofa.
I was just sat as I felt a sharp pain in my lower back. I tried to hide it best I could but it hurt. "Are you okay" he turned to me and stopped flicking through the tv channels. I nodded , as the pain began to stop. Max jumped onto Calum's lap and lay down but he was acting weird. He placed his head on my stomach and began whining at it. Calum's face froze , he knew something. I was just confused so I look at Calum scared.

Calum's POV :

Oh shit. I have a thing for dogs so I learnt a thing or two about them , and one thing that came up in a video is that dogs can detect life in any situation. Nah I was being stupid.

Iris :

He smiled down at me, "maybe he just likes you that much" Calum laughed , I laughed along thinking nothing more of it. We eventually decided on calling it a night.
"Babe , me and Luke have got an interview to do , but we are staying over night in a hotel" he sighed , looking down. "That's okay I'll chill with ash" I smiled. He smiled back falling asleep behind me.

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