Chapter 12

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Calum had left at around 3am and I hadn't been to sleep since , I just couldn't sleep. For some reason I felt sick. Completely sick to the stomach and I don't know why. Maybe I'd just caught a bug , yeah ... That sounded about right.
I hated it when he had to leave ... But I guess it was his job and I should be a supportive girlfriend and support him , wherever he goes.
I felt dizzy and I ran to the toilet , throwing up a little before giving up and crawling back into bed. My phone began buzzing around and I ran my hands round in the bed to find it ... I looked down and saw Ashton's caller ID. "Hey" ash chatted through the speaker. "Hi" I yawned. "Can you open the fucking door , it's freezing" he laughed. "What!" I exclaimed. "I'm outside , and it's raining" he began but I dropped the phone , threw on a hoodie and ran downstairs. I didn't care if I looked like I'd been hit by a bus , it was only Ashton.
I opened the door , gasping as I saw a drenched Ash stood there. "Finally" he laughed. "I am so sorry , come in now" I cried , covering my mouth in shock. "It's okay , what were you doing ?" He asked. "Erm I was sleeping"
"Aww" he chuckled. "I'm so sorry ash" I sighed shutting the door behind him. "Nah , trust me I'm fine" he smiled. I smiled back before running to grab a towel. "You can take your wet clothes off upstairs , and borrow some of Calum's stuff and take a shower if you like , I'll make some cocoa" (aka hot chocolate for you English lot) .
"Thank you" he beamed before trudging off to get changed.
He took a while meaning he'd had a shower , but he eventually came down and sat with me on the sofa. Ashton was like my brother , I was closest to him and Luke , they were always there for me when Calum screwed up or couldn't help with that problem.
"How longs cal and Luke away again ?" He asked
"I think Calum said about two days" I smiled.
"Oh" ash laughed flicking though the tv channels. We settled on watching Alice in wonderland , before heading out to the local pizza place with Michael and Megan and then returning home. Ashton stayed the night , setting himself a space up on the sofa. There would be nothing wrong with us sharing a bed , he was my best friend but I missed Calum and I couldn't stand for anyone to be in his spot.

3 days later :

I'm sure Calum said two days , but it's been three and I'm missing him more than ever. I felt ghastly this morning , so sick , I didn't know what was wrong with me but before ash had gone home , I'd thrown up 3 more times. I sighed looking at my phone just as it began vibrating, I smiled seeing Calum's name.
"Hey baby" his chirpy voice filled the speaker.
"Calum" I exclaimed.
"I'm sorry I'm not home yet but it's mental on the motor way , it's packed but we're about an hour or two away if not that a little more" he sighed.
"It's okay , I've been sick so I'll be in bed" .
"Aww are you okay ?" He asked , sounding concerned
"I'm fine , now stay safe ... I love you"
"Okay , I love you too"

I didn't want to scare Calum but something was wrong and it was haunting me badly. I was so scared I didn't even want to tell Megan about it , and if I went out to get the item or test I needed ... People would recognise me and it would be all over the news. Unless I ... No I couldn't. But it was my last option. "Steven" I asked looking at the security guard I'd called over to my house. "Yeah" he replied. "I need something from the shop but I can't tell any of the boys about this , especially cal"
"Okay, what is it " he asked.
I went white as a sheet, "come on Iris"
I handed him a shopping list before he left with a shocked face.
This was gonna be hell .... And I was going to hate every moment.

Bite my tongue < Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now