Chapter 19

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Everyone seemed to be in a happy mood today so we decided on visiting the cinema and a park local as it was really warm outside.
I looked through my outfits , my bump wasn't huge so I shouldn't have to wear maternity clothes ... So I went with a pair of dark denim shorts , and a grey faded loose top. It was like a jumper but not thick it was summery. I slid my hair into a high ponytail and did my makeup.
I couldn't wait till the day I felt him or her first kick... I'd never forget it , I swear.
"Ready?" Ashton's voice came from behind the bathroom door. I opened it and nodded.

We arrived at the little cinema place and me and Luke went to que for coffee straight away although coffee is meant to be bad for baby's so I settled with this milkshake thing. It tasted good so why not. We had decided on seeing the hunger games. Well it was more Michaels idea to be fair...
The film was good , although I had really bad stomach cramp but couldn't tell anyone. We managed to escape the crowds and were stood outside the coffee shop. My hand rubbed the bump gently under my top and it seemed to sooth the pain. "You okay?" Michael asked as Calum had gone with the boys to the toilet. "Sorta , just a little sore" I shrugged. He nodded , smiling.
Just as I thought my life was going great ... She turned up.
I don't know who she was ? What she wanted ? But she had it in for me. She saw Michael and glared at us before slowly walking over. "Iris come here and don't move" he looked at me , a worried expression on his face. "Why?..." I began stuttering , scared. "Trust me please , no time to explain"
I did as he said and stood next to him , although he was a little in front as I felt more safe that way. I gripped the sleeves of my shirt tightly.
"Mikey" she giggled. "Hannah" he said bluntly. "How's my Calum boo?" She smiled.
"Great now you out his life"
"Hey hey , no need to be like that now" she tutted. "Now who's this ... Is this your new bird?" She asked poking her head round and looking at me.
"No she's my friend , it's Calum's girlfriend actually"
Her face turned incredibly angry when he said she's Calum's girlfriend and now I had a feeling this was Calum's ex.
"Calum's new girlfriend?" She said confused. "Look after  what you did to Calum , your not welcome near her" Michael snapped.
I'd never seen him thus angry .. But yet so sad.
"I'm not gonna hurt her , so how long have you ... Woah!" She squealed ... Earning weird glances at us.
"Your pregnant" she stuttered standing back , well yeah duh.
"It's Calum's" she said tearing up and gritting her teeth. "Yeah" Michael nodded , biting his tongue.
She kicked the floor and looked up at me.
She looked so mad ... "Bitch you need to ..." She began ... But Ashton's interrupted her as he laughed with Luke walking back over. Calum was laughing along before turning angry and scared as he saw Hannah.
"Iris ?" He motioned for me to come over to him. I went to leave but Hannah grabbed my wrist tightly. Michael reacted instantly and snapped it back.
I ran over to Calum and snuggled into his arms.
He was shaking and sweating nervously. Confusingly .. I listens to everything going on. "Leave right now" Luke snapped ... Luke never ever snapped for anyone.
"Bitch after at you out Calum through , you deserve nothing" Ashton butted in.
"I mean that slag is carrying his baby , which means they had sex .... I didn't get sex"
"You broke his heart before anyone else could Hannah , you shouldn't do things until your both ready" Michael sighed.
"She's carrying his baby ..." She just kept saying it over and over again. "Yeah she is and I couldn't of picked a better woman to mother my children" Calum snapped.
She looked like she'd seen a ghost as she kicked the floor. We all stood close together and walked out.
I didn't wanna cause trouble so I remained quiet.
We got back home and Calum disappeared to bed ... He said he didn't feel well but he'd locked the door and he just wanted to be alone.
"Luke can we talk" I gulped. Luke smiled and nodded , sitting in the back of the bus with me.
"You wanna know who she was?" He asked.
I nodded.
"Well Hannah and Calum had a ting ages ago ... Like so long ago now but Calum treated her like royalty and all she ever wanted was sex and Calum was wimpy little virgin back then and he wanted to save his first time for someone special so he refused and she began beating him ... I know it sounds weird for a women to hit a man but she did it and he turned up to band practice beaten down to hell and we became worried and she made him do things he hated and then he refused to father her children one day so she broke his leg and arm in several places" Luke sighed.
My jaw was touching the floor and tears were streaming down my face. It doesn't sound bad but imagine being in that situation.
"Thanks Luke" I smiled , kissing his cheek and going though the bathroom and sneaking into the bedroom. Calum was laid face over and he flinched a little as I lifted his wrists to check they were okay. There was just the old scars there.
I left the room again and sat the boys down.
"Look don't tell Calum I told you this , he will tell you one day when he's ready"
I looked at them and received nodding glances. " a month or two ago when we'd been arguing , I walked in the bed room and managed to catch a glimpse of Calum's wrists ... And he'd ..." I took a deep breath, "he cut himself" I gulped. "Cal self harmed " Michael sighed.
They all looked shaken, "that's why he's been wearing long shirts" Luke gasped.
I nodded, we sat there taking it in for a while before hugging and going our separate ways.
I went back into the bedroom and curled up next to him. "Cal , I know ... I know everything ... I'm sorry"
He turned over and looked at me intently before kissing me passionately. "Kissing you makes things so much better" he smiled.
I smiled back , cuddling him and playing big spoon for the night.
"Don't get used to being big spoon" he smirked.
"Why not" I giggled.
"I do it best" he laughed.

Bite my tongue < Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now