Chapter 2 < Me continued

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We still had so long to go ... This plane journey was lasting forever. Everyone was talking , getting to know each other but I was lonely as usual.
Calum noticed and decided to try and make conversation.
"So where you moving too" he asked , blushing. His hand crept to the back of his neck were he scratched it , something noticed he seemed to do when he was nervous. "Sydney" I smiled.
"Hey that's were I live" he seemed happy. "And the rest of us you spack!" Luke laughed. Calum giggled , this really cute laugh almost like a little kid with candy.
"What are you smiling at" he smirked.
"Oh nothing" I blushed.
"It was , now what was it ?"
"Your laugh" I turned a bright shade of red.  He began smiling , happy he's been given the compliment.
"Thanks" he smiled.
I smiled back and let a loud yawn out. I searched through my phone and played all time low through the earphones. Then I decided , that since we were with five seconds of summer why not check out their music.
I pressed play and a song called money came on. It was quite catchy. "I'm freezing" Calum complained as I looked at him. He was shivering and his skin was almost red , cold red.
"Calum are you okay" I asked , he had everyone's eyes on him. He just shook his head like a little girl. "Ask him for a hug , it makes his day" Luke whispered. I hesitated ... "Please" Luke begged , he hated seeing his friend like this and I guess I hated it too.
"Calum would you like a hug" I blushed. His mouth curved into a huge grin and he patted his knee. "I'm too heavy for that" I giggled. "Bullshit" he complained. I rolled my eyes and climbed onto his lap. I tried to sit on the edge of his knees so I didn't squash him but his hands placed themselves on my waist and pulled me closer. "Your so warm" he smiled , snuggling me closer. Max jumped up and took Calum's sleeve in his mouth , Calum watched him confused. He took his hand and places it on the bottom of my stomach were I was having bad period cramps. I blushed , hopefully Calum couldn't tell.  "What is it boy?" He asked,
Max was whining and licking my tummy. "Are you in pain?" He asked me.  I didn't really know what to say. So I shook my head. "Well max says you are"
I disagreed again. "Ah wait I know what it is " he laughed.
I blushed and playfully smacked him, "you don't have to be embarrassed" he smiled.
I smiled snuggling into him. "You lied" I whispered. He raised his eyebrows at me , confused ... "you said you were cold , you lied" I smirked.
"No I didn't" he blushed. "Did too" I giggled.
He laughed , holding my body close to his. And I fell asleep.

I'd hoped when I woke up , that would be it , we'd be getting off the plane. But that wasn't realistic ... I mean the flight was over 24hours.
I'd lost track of the time , the gentle tick tick clock so I didn't bother.
I looked at Calum and he was asleep so I slid back to my seat. Me and Luke where the only ones awake , it was quite weird.
"What do you wanna do with your life?" Luke asked out of the blue. "Erm... Don't laugh but I want to either be a model or dancer"
"I think you'd be good at that , I wanna be a singer , we all do" he smiled.
"A band ?" I asked. "Yeah I know we are already a band but I really hope we can change lives , we can help people"
"Luke ?" I sighed.
"It doesn't matter " I decided in not telling him.
"You'll keep in touch right" I gulped.
"Every second of every day" he smiled. "Thank you"
"You saved my life you know" I smiled , lyin back in my chair. "We did ?" He asked , so happy.
I nodded. "That makes me feel like I have purpose" he smiled. I smiled back , I was happy that he was happy and that was enough.
Calum stirred snd rubbed his eyes as he stretched out. "Fuck it." He yawned.
"You okay cal?" Luke asked,
"What .., oh yeah" he laughed opening his eyes. I really thought we had so long left but before I knew it , all the plane wheels were skidding on land. The plane stopped and we had to wait while they unloaded luggage. My mum was pacing over and Megan hated her , she was younger than me but she was the older sister.
"I suggest you meet us by luggage" she sniggered. I felt my anxiety kick in and I gasped for air. Max began barking and Calum was straight there with the pills. "Thanks" I gulped. "You don't like her do you" he sighed. I shook my head.
I heard him whisper to Luke. "Her dads abusing her"
"How'd you know" Luke gasped.
"I don't , just watch the fear in her eyes"
"Calum your being silly"
"Dont fucking call me silly , you'll see" he grunted. "Max work time" I smiled patting my leg. Max jumped down next to me. I clipped on his lead and grabbed our stuff , exiting the plane. Michael and ash were leading , me and Megan behind and Calum and Luke trailing at the back.
What if they didn't keep in touch ? Well not all friends last I guess.
We walked across to the luggage area , before we went in , everyone gathered round making sure phone numbers were saved and Skype names added.
"I'm gonna miss you" Megan smiled , hugging them all. "We will miss you too" they chanted and it was just like that ... They walked away.

Me and Megan wandered over to mum and dad. I hated calling them that.
We grabbed our luggage and walked out , trailing behind. I covered my eyes at the bright light ahead of me. "Here we are max , Australia" I chuckled. He barked , almost smiling back at me.
A taxi was waiting with the removal vans following behind. We got in and I sat right in the back out the way. I watched out the window as fans and paparazzi swarmed the band we'd just be friended.
Wow ... They were really famous, or so it looked.
They're were so many pretty girls there too. So many , Calum was lieng about me being pretty everything he said was a lie... Lies lies lies .. I was losing it.
It didn't take long to get to the new house. It wasn't big , it didn't have to be cause mum and dad were never ever home. Me and Megan ran in , max following. She called her bedroom and my parents was opposite but my room was up another flight of stairs , into the attack. It was a nice room. Painted black and white. I wasn't changing that. It had a window that over looked fields , I could watch max play outside if I wanted, although he never left my side. My mum came in , helping the men bring my stuff to my room , I sat back letting them put it all in. Everyone left ... Peace at last. My mum had given me instructions , Max's bed here , his bowls here , wardrobe here ... Was I going to listen ... Nope.
I changed into a vest and shorts and I sorted the hard big furniture out , struggling to push it. I was super tired when it was done. There was little corner so I put Max's bed full of teddys there , although I'll tell you a secret ... He usually sleeps with me. Unless I make him go to his bed.
His bowls were behind the door , my tv up and I'd stuck my posters to the wall. I had two all time low ones , one bring me the horizon one , a panic at the disco one , a 5sos one Luke gave me , loads of rock bands. I made a collage out of them , almost becoming my wallpaper.
I was proud of my work. I looked at the clock , fucking heck it was ten already. "Max I'm sorry I can't walk you today" I sighed , me and max always went on a night jog and a morning one. Or even just a morning one. He whined letting me know , it was okay .
I logged my laptop on and I had 6 Skype requests. One was from the 5sos account , one from my sister and the rest from the individual boys accounts. I accepted em and got a call instantly from Ashton. I pressed accept wrapping a blanket around me. Just as it came on , Michael joined and so did Calum  and Megan. Luke lived with Ashton so they were together. But Luke still joined.
He must if been upstairs , cause he was laid in bed.
"Hey" I smiled.
"Told you I'd not forget about you" Luke giggled.
"Every second " I chuckled back.
"Your rooms nice" Calum piped up.
"Oh thank you!" I smiled.
Max ran infront of the screen , wagging his tail and yapping before I sent him off. "Hi max" they all chimed. "Yo Megan" I laughed.
"Yep" she laughed. "You haven't touched your room"
"Mikeys coming over to help me tomorrow" she blushed.
"ooh Michael" we all teased.
"Guys shut up" he said flicking his hair like a girl. We all laughed.
"Well I'd love to stay in touch but I'm super sleepy" I yawned.
"Same" Luke yawned.
"Well goodnight guys" I smiled.
"Goodnight" they called back , but I could pick Calum's voice out of s million as he smiled into the camera.
I ended the call and placed my laptop on the floor. Max whined at me , reminding me to take my pills.
"Good boy , now come on , it's a new house" I smiled patting the bed. He whined and wagged his tail jumping up. He loved to lay across my feet so he did.
I fell asleep in a instant.

Bite my tongue &lt; Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now