Chapter 7 < Wake up (smut)

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I'd woke up before Calum as planned, and my wake up call was about to be put into place.
I carefully got up and straddled Calum , siting on top of his crotch. I began to rub slowly back and forth. "Good morning baby" he smirked. I smiled , laughing. "You turned me on , now you've asked for it" he smirked , flipping me underneath him. I screamed at the shock.
He slipped my pants straight down and began kissing down my body. I ran my hand across his muscles. I was shocked as he placed a blindfold across my eyes , tying it at the back
Everything went quiet and still , as Calum's lips pressed down , taking my boob in his mouth then carrying on down onto my stomach. "Tell me to stop if you need to" he whispered as I felt him shuffle around and line up at my entrance. He thrusted in , making me shudder in pain at first then relax under his touch. He began thrusting in and out , picking up the rhythm. There was a saying that guitarists are good with their hands and singers have a beat and rhythm to their thrusts , so I guess Calum had both. He began to pick up the pace , rubbing my clit a little to help. "Calum..." I began to say. "I've told you what to call me" he said , his voice deep. "Daddy .. I'm I'm gonna ... Cum"
I moaned out. "Cum for me baby girl" he whispered as he began to get sloppier , signalling he was too. He pushed right in , all the way which sent me over the edge. My vision became white and blurry as I filled my orgasm. Calum came and filled me up , our juices mixing together.
I moaned my final gasps as he pulled out. He held my legs down , and they began to shake as he cleaned me out. I felt his face inches away from my clit. He began licking all round , cleaning up as he called it. His tongue grazed over making me Buck my hips. He smirked at me as he pulled away the blindfold. I was gasping for air , my body shaking from the pleasure.
"I take it , that we have to do that more often" he smiled kissing my lips. "Way more often" I smiled , laughing as I threw my head on the pillow.
The laptop sounded , the Skype call going off. Me and Calum shot each other a look as he pulled his boxers on , I clicked answer and moved quick off the camera since I was naked. Calum slipped his joggers on and sat in front of the camera. Everyone was on the call.
I slipped on a pair of pants and Calum's long hoodie that was laid on the floor.
I looked in the mirror. I had the sex look , messy bed hair , swollen lips , thousands of love bites and I was shaky. I tried to play cool and I slipped the hoodie on so you couldn't see the love marks.
I joined Calum on the camera , he shot me a smirk making me blush. "Hey guys" I smiled.
"Hey you don't have to stay lovebirds , I just wanted to remind you that you need to be over at mine any time after 4 for my sleepover" Luke smiled. "We will" Calum smiled back. "So how's your morning been , what you been up to" Megan asked me as she watched Michael dance around. I looked at Calum. "Oh we slept in that's all really" I smiled. "Good save" he whispered. I shivered under his hot breath touching my neck.
"Calum your turning her on , might have to go for round one million of morning sex" Ashton smirked.
"We haven't ..." Calum blushed as I face palmed my head into my hands. "Fuck off it's pretty obvious , messy hair , especially you cal , love bites , swollen lips , thrown on random clothes , twinkling eyes , flushed cheeks" Luke blabbered on. "Yeah yeah ... Well we will you see you at 4 ish" I laughed ending the call. Me and Calum burst into fits of laughter. "Let's unpack your stuff" he smiled. He fetched the rest of the boxes why I began to unpack. I felt awful , takin up his room. He came in and took a box of things to the bathroom. "I feel bad" I began. But he ran in and kissed my lips shutting me up , he pulled away smiling and went back to the bathroom. I remembered what was in the box and I ran in. "I'll unpack that" I blushed but it was too late , he was putting the sanitary towels , tampons and stuff in the cupboard. I groaned , blushing madly putting my hands on my face , hiding my blushed cheeks.
"Baby girl , it's natural , once a month , I did school you know , you don't have to be embarrassed in front of me  , it's a girl thing , you know if guys bled from their dicks once a month ... We'd expect you to treat us nice and not get grossed up by a pack of pads or tampons" he shrugged.
I laughed , smiling at him. "Thank you" I giggled kissing his cheek.
I went back to spreading the wardrobe of our clothes.
It took us a couple of hours , a break with a sandwich , he continued as I changed our bed sheets , he took max a walk while I finished and that's it we were done.
I looked at the time , well we had to go to Luke's in an hour. I took a bag and put in some pjs which consisted of a pair of batman pj trousers and the checked shirt , Calum had give me. I also put in some clean underwear , socks and shit. I packed my toothbrush , hair stuff , make up and makeup remover. Max's lead , his toy his bowl , his blanket. That's it I think.
Calum had finished his bag and we'd changed and sorted ourselves out to go over.
I switched all the lights of , as Calum loaded max into the car. I locked the door , checking it was locked before getting into the drivers seat.

Bite my tongue &lt; Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now