Chapter 9 < Lets stay in bed

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I was one of the lucky types , I went to the toilet and found my period had finished. Yes yes yes yes.... Don't judge me ... Calum heard me talking to myself as he stood in the doorway. "Is it finished?" He asked ... "Yeah" I blushed. He smiled , as I walked past him and collapsed back into bed. I was a lucky girl ... It only lasting two or three days.
I must of fell back to sleep for a while cause I was woken up but Calum planting soft little kisses along my jawline. "Baby was sleeping to long" he smirked. "Baby wants to punch you" I smirked. "Rude" he laughed. I smiled , giggling while opening my eyes properly to see him smiling down at me. "Lay down" I ordered as a confused Calum lay down beside me. I straddled him aligning his dick against me.
He was getting impatient and he began bucking his hips up against me.
"patience baby" I smiled. "Stop teasing" he moaned. I rolled my hips in circles , making him moan slightly. He flipped me over , making me the victim. "I told you not to tease" he smirked. "I'm sorry" I smiled. He ground his hips in me lightly , making my head throw back and a small moan escape my lips. "Your so beautiful" he smiled , leaning down and pressing our lips together.
We finished our session ... Calum collapsing on me and panting for air. I ran my hands through his hair and smiled , causing Calum to smile back.
I just lay there admiring his every breath.
I slipped out from under his touch and put on a baggy shirt. "We have to do something productive" I laughed. "Beach?" He asked, "hmm" I shrugged. "I'll ring the boys" I smiled. "Okay I'll make us a sandwich" he smiled back.
I went over to the house phone and began to ring Michael , knowing Megan would be there too. "Hey" I heard Michaels chirpy voice pick up. "Hey mikey !!" I screamed. "Oh hey Iris" he laughed. "Well me and cal pal was wondering if you'd like to come to the beach?" I asked. "We'd love too , I'll be at yours in an hour maybe"
"Okay see you soon !!" I smiled. "Bye bye" he laughed ending the call.
I rang Ashton's phone next. "Hey" I heard Luke pick up. "Oh hey Luke'y" I smiled. "Hey Iris"
"Do you and ash wanna come to the beach?" I offered, "sure when do we need to be round"
"Well mikey is coming in an hour or so , so whenever" I laughed.
"Sounds brill" I heard Ashton's voice light up the speaker. "Hope you two aren't gonna be too sore" Calum joked as he walked over and wrapped his arm and round me. I giggled before glancing over to the clock. "It's 5pm ?" I said confused. "Nah it's gonna be fine" Calum smiled pressing his lips to my cheek. I ended the call to ash and Luke and then put the phone down. "We're just gonna sit on the beach and it will be a little cold so don't worry about your swimwear"
"Oh okay" I smiled.
About an hour or so later everybody arrived and we piled into our cars. I was driving as Calum was sleepy as he put it or just lazy. "Cal pal don't let the lady drive you will crash" Michael laughed. "Yeah women are crazy enough to kill you when their behind the wheel" ash chirped In. "I also happen to be really good at super wedgies" I laughed. They all chuckled shutting up and Ashton faking being scared.
I followed his car out of our drive and I tried hard to focus on the road but Calum looked so perfect as his head drooped off the seat and his arms were folded across the wheel.
"It's really hard to sleep when your staring at me" he smirked , his white teeth poking over the top of his lips.
"I'm sorry" I giggled , blushing and looking away.
He laughed sitting up and staring out the window. He began fiddling with CDs before sliding one in. It was ed sheeran. I smiled at his choice , he was so cute ... So not punk rock at heart.
The music came on and Lego house began playing. I'd grown up listening to eds words when my father would hit me and I'd cry for hours , the sings not really helping as we all know ed sheeran songs make you cry more.
"And out of all these things I've done .... I think I love you better now" I half whispered half sang so Calum couldn't hear but he did and he was going to make a scene from it. "You have such an amazing voice" he gasped. I shook my head in disagreement. He began singing to the music , knowing I'd follow. "I'm out of touch I'm out of mind" I sang. We had a little sing off before I pulled into the car park of the beach. "Well I know how you talked about horse riding so much" he whispered as we got out the car. "Here you go" he said , repeating the words of Michael as Megan stood there in shock. "Holy fuck" I gasped looking at the six horse stood at the side of the beach. I ran down , Megan laughing and running by my side. They all had our names drawn into the head collar.
I found my horse, it was a big muscular chestnut colour stallion. He was beautiful.
I placed my foot in the holder and hauled myself up. I took control of the reins and moved him to stand by Luke and Megan who were ready too. Everyone had mounted their horses and I led the group over to the sea. We walked as far down as we could , the horses hooves splashing in the waves.
I stopped , as I turned and faced the other way. I made sure the rest had stopped still and were out of the way before I kicked the stirrup hard. "Let's see what you've got" I smiled , tapping him. The horse began to run . I felt so free and so alive , so at peace as the salt water wind swept through my hair. I heard he rest catching up behind so I made my horse who'd I'd names San Francisco cause of his colour.
We played about on the beach for hours , or so it felt. We put the horse back and a lady took them as we walked back to the car. I jumped onto Calum , repeatedly kissing him and saying thank you and I love you over again . He pulled me down and stared into my eyes. "Your welcome and I love you too , now let's get home" he said climbing into the drivers seat ... I guess he wasn't to lazy to drive now. I closed my eyes and let the soft bumps if the car help me fall asleep.

I didn't notice being lifted out or carried inside , or the lick of max at my finger tips , signalling I wasn't feeling well. I was sleeping and I was at peace.
The only bit I properly remember is Calum planting a kiss on my forehead and whispering "goodnight angel , sweet dreams , I'll tell you how much I love you tomorrow and then I'll smash your ass at bowling and than I'll take that term from a metaphor to a fact when we get home" I heard him chuckle and trace my jawline with his fingers.
"Goodnight Calum" I whispered back , snuggling closer to him. "Sweet dreams angel"

Bite my tongue &lt; Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now