Chapter 15

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I stood in disbelief ... He really wanted this baby didn't he. "But it's going to ruin everything Calum , everything" I sobbed , he hugged me tighter. "The tour lasts 4 months , you'll only be what 5/6 months pregnant then and when we get back , we can go baby shopping and set up the spare room , and then wait and I will only be doing odd studio days" he smiled , hope swimming in his eyes. I smiled at how enthusiastic he was. "I don't want to be alone for 4 months" I pouted. "Oh yeah I almost forgot , Ashton did some talking and managed to persuade the manager to let you come on tour with us" he chuckled. "You did what" I gasped. I hugged him so tight as he kissed my forehead. "He or she wasn't expected but that doesn't mean they were un wanted" he smiled at me , placing a kiss on my lips just as ash walked in. "I think you should wait a little before you tell anyone" ash said, me and Calum nodded. I wiped my eyes and headed back down stairs. "Are you okay ?" Megan asked , as everyone's eyes fell on me. "Sorry I just didn't feel well , I'm okay now" I smiled. We all sat back down but no one questioned it , which was lucky.
"Well we are all tired so I guess we will be heading off" Luke yawned. "Okay bye Lukey" I smiled.
"Bye Iris" he hugged me , tight.
"Love you sis" Megan said hugging me tight. "Love you too"
"Are you sure your okay" Michael whispered in my ear as he hugged me , "I'm fine" I smiled.
"Bye lil sis" Ashton smiled hugging me tight and kissing my cheek. "Bye ash"
They all left and the room fell silent , I though maybe now Calum would say how he really felt or that he didn't want the baby but he began grinning and acting so happy. I smiled at the sight of him. "I'm gonna be a dad" he gasped. My cheeks formed the biggest smile you'd ever ever seen. "I'm gonna have a family , we're gonna be a family" he smiled.
I smiled back , hugging him tight which turned into a slow dance in the kitchen , laughing and joking around.
We eventually called it a night , well I did but Calum said he was finishing his tv show.

Calum's POV :

I made sure she was asleep before I called Megan. "Hey Calum" I heard her say. "Hey Megan , I just wanted to ask you something"

Bite my tongue < Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now