Chapter 18

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Almost a month later ~

Well Calum had invited me on tour , that had happened and Megan and Michael had split up. I cried when I first heard about it , but they just weren't working in the end and friends sounded better to them.
Personally I think Megan was texting her ex James again but I can't argue she's my sister....
"Do you have all your stuff?" Calum asked me.
"Yeah yeah" I flipped him off as I finished filling my eyebrow in.
"Don't you flip me off" he smiled , tickling my side.
"No Calum !! I have a wonky eyebrow" I pouted.
Calum burst out laughing and left the room to help put our cases in the bus. We were first to get on which was exciting.
I finished my makeup and packed it in my handbag. I checked all Max's things were packed and called him to follow me.
Max ran for the bus and made himself right at home.
My bump had gotten the smallest amount bigger now the baby was beginning to form but not much.
"Hey" Calum laughed , helping me onto the bus. "Calum it's actually 2am" I yawned. I don't know why I'd done my makeup , it just felt right. I looked at the bus.
As you walked in there was a kitchen , which was set out nicely and then you made your way through the kitchen and into the bed room. It was bunk beds but they were double beds for my space and there was 7 running down the hall. As you left the bedroom you entered a small living room , with a sofa and cushions and a tv hooked up with gamer consoles. To the left was a bathroom that was fairly big. It was quite a nice bus.
I didn't really have time to think of much , but Calum introduced me to Richard who was the bus driver and I now just wanted to sleep.
"Which beds ours" I asked , holding my stomach. "That one" he pointed to the bed towards the left.
I sat down on it and slipped off my shoes before pulling up the covers on me and letting my head hit the pillow.
I closed my eyes but I wasn't asleep.
I felt Calum crawl into the bed , by the side of me. He snaked his arm round my waist and placed his hand on my bump. "I love you" he whispered , "I love you too" I smiled.

I still wasn't full asleep so I could hear what was going on and by the sounds of it we were pulling up outside another house.
"Hi Richard" I heard Michaels voice fill the room , but it sounded weary and sad.
"Mikey ?" I asked sleepily. "Hey Iris" he smiled. I looked up , he looked really worn out. I wriggled out of Calum's grip and tried to get up.
"Hey it's okay don't hurt the baby"
I just shook my head and walked over to him. I wrapped him in a huge hug and he laid his head on my shoulder.
He began to murmur and stifle back crys so I hugged him tighter. Calum woke up and looked over , his face turned sad and he sighed at the sound of his friends cry. He came over and placed a hand on Michaels shoulder.
"Dude I'm sorry" Michael wiped his eyes. "it's not your fault" Calum smiled.
I knew Luke's house was next cause Ashton's was furthest away since he lived in a different state to Sydney if that's how you wanted to put it but I know it isn't to far away.
We pulled up outside Luke's house and mikey went and freshened up before stripping to his boxes and sitting on the sofa.
They did that now they were comfortable with me , just stripped and often all walked around naked but hey ho we'd all been through everything together. I sighed wearily as the ringtone of my phone filled the bus.

I scrambled round and managed to find it just in time. It was my mum.
"Hey mum" I yawned placing the phone on loud speaker and sitting on the kitchen chair which was glued to the floor so it didn't move.
"Hey I have some good news" she seemed happy and I could picture the smile on her face
"I finally got justice and a divorce from your father" she let out a whimper of joy. I smiled , happy for her. "well done mum , well I have some news for you too" I gulped.
I placed her on video call as Calum walked in.
"Hey mam" he joked smiling at her. "hey cal" she responded. Id FaceTimed her more recently a lot so she could get to know the lads. I had also met everyone's family's several times and was close to them all.
The news of me being pregnant had spread rumours everywhere like wild fire and we haven't even confirmed it to the media yet.
"So you have news ?" she laughed
"Your gonna be a grandma" me and Calum said in sync laughing a little.
The biggest and happiest smile grew on her face and happiness filled her eyes. she screamed in joy and muttered congrats to us over and over again. I just laughed before saying bye and leaving her with the news.
"I can't wait" Calum laughed.
"Me either"

I left the room and we all greeted a sleepy like , I mean no one liked being woken up at 2am to be soon dragged through different time zones.
"We're making a pit stop before Ashton's to make sure you can come on this tour" Luke reminded calum.
I nodded.

We pulled up at a large white building with doctors surgery written in bold letters. A few fans were waiting outside but not the usually amount cause it was to early.
We got in to see a nurse straight away and I sat leaned back in a chair. I was scared , if this baby wasn't strong enough I'd have to stay here and i would hate it.
"This is gonna be really cold" she giggled , squeezing a jell onto my stomach. Calum held my hand tightly. The woman scanned a weird thing over my stomach , covering the whole area. I hadn't really opened my eyes to look till I felt a tight grip on my hand. I peered open , "well there he or she is" the nurse smile , as I stared at the tiny human on the screen. I looked up at Calum smiling , and he had the biggest grin on his face and he looked like he was gonna cry.
"Now I understand you wanna travel ?" She said.
I nodded slowly.
"How long exactly"
"I think it's around 4/5 months" Calum spoke.
"Well the baby should be fine to travel but try to reduce stress and drink lots too" she smiled
I hugged her and thanked the nurse before hugging Calum and leaving.
The tour bus was waiting and I walked in with the tiny photo of my baby in my hands.
"Let me see , let me see" Luke smiled , full of energy now and excited. "Me too" mikey ran over , joining the Circle.
"Wow" I heard Michael gasp.
We stood there , gossiping and staring at the photo . "It's crazy to think in like 4 months you'll be huge and he or she won't be long" Luke shook his head.
"I know" Calum blushed.
After the boys had finished looking at the photo , we went our separate ways around the tour bus. 
Most of the boys went back to bed but I was waiting for Ashton. Truth is ... I was terrified , my aunt died in childbirth and so did the baby , and I can remember my mum telling me how my dad refused to come to the hospital when my mum was in labour with Megan, and me. He left her in so much pain ... And I could never forgive him for that. I was just scared that Calum wouldn't be by my side in the hospital and I'd have to face childbirth alone. I knew how much it was gonna hurt , the pain leading up to it ... The stretch marks it would leave and all the chances there'd be something wrong with the baby or it would die. I was afraid that if I die , would Calum keep her safe ?
I heard the door click open so I put a smile on and tried to calm my nerves , as my hands were shaking like crazy.
I looked up to see Calum. I smiled weakly at him. He stood there , leaning on the counter ... Studying me for a moment , he let out a sigh and opened his arms. I got up from the chair and ran straight into them. I just let it out and I became shaky and I cried... I was scared , I just wanted this to be over. My body was a mess ... I was shaking , tears falling from my face.
"What's up baby" Calum whispered , placing his chin on my head. .
"It's silly" I hiccuped. "Nothing you ever tell me will be silly"
"Okay , ... I'm just ... I'm scared"
He let out a long sigh and pulled me closer to his chest , holding me tight. "I'm scared too , but we can do this , together" he smiled , lifting my chin up.
"I guess" I sighed.
"Hey" he said , looking me in the eye. "They'll be a punishment if you don't agree with me"
"Like what" I smiled weakly. He tapped his hips and helped me lift my legs up , onto his waist. "This" he smiled. He pushed his lips onto mine and held them there before moving them round gently. My hands slid round the back of his neck. He pulled back , staring at me fondly. "I like that" I smiled. "Mhm me too baby" he mumbled.
The door opened and in came a tired , grumpy Ashton. He hated being woke up early. "Hi" Calum laughed. "Ergh" he grunted grabbing food and walking away. Calum took my hand and led me back to the bedroom , I guess he was tired too.
I climbed in and his hand Instantly sat on my baby bump. "Goodnight my angels" he whispered. The way he said Angels ' talking about the baby too ... I felt my heart flutter and everything felt warm. "Goodnight Calum" I smiled.

Bite my tongue < Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now