Chapter 14

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Steven returned and then left again to pick Calum up from the taxi. I stared at the little boxes he'd given me. I'd already dosed up on anxiety tablets so I was trying to remain calm.
I was gonna go to the bathroom and take the tests but I heard the locks click open. I ran upstairs and hid them under my suitcase which was slid on top of the wardrobe.
I faked a smile and ran downstairs to greet Calum. He smiled dropping his things and taking me into his arms , leaving longing kisses on my face. My smile turned from fake to real and I hugged him tighter than I ever had. I noticed the rest of the gang stood behind him , smiling. "He invited me" Michael laughed walking into the kitchen.
I went upstairs with Calum , staying as close as possible. We got ready into our pjs and then left to go downstairs. "Iris?" Calum said stopping me before we reached the bottom of the stairs, "yeah"
"It's the 7th should you be on your ... You know ... You usually start on the end of each month kind of time" he blushed, I realised what he was saying and tried not to break down. "I am" I lied. "Oh I'm sorry" he smiled. I smiled back , a sick feeling in my stomach that I was lying to him. "Let's play spin the truths" Luke said.
"So basically you spin the bottle and then get asked a truth and have to answer honestly"
Me and Calum sat down and began to play. Luke spun the bottle and it landed on Calum.
"Do you want kids?" Luke asked. I froze nervously and Ashton shot me a worried glance. "I want kids but now isn't really the time" he shrugged before spinning the bottle.
I just sat there frozen and helpless. "Excuse me" I sighed , as tears began to drop down my face and I ran up the stairs. I had to take them tests. I ran into the bathroom with them and took them as fast as I could. They were all different brands so it should be a clear answer. I could hear Ashton and Calum's worried voices coming up the stairs just as the results flashed up with a loud beep. My heart was pounding , as I looked down.
Positive. I was pregnant.
I began to cry ... This would fuck everything up for Calum ... His career ... His touring .... His life. He would cheat on me or leave me or something.....
"Maybe I should try and talk to her first just In case" ash said. I didn't hear anything else , just Ashton's voice as he opened the bathroom door. "Iris what's wrong ?" He asked. I just held the test up and Ashton took it from my house , screaming Calum's name before wrapping me in his arms. Calum ran in , looking sad and afraid. Ashton gulped before handing Calum the little test. Calum's face was different ... He didn't look angry or sad ... He looked happy yet disappointed.
"Your ... Your preg ... Your pregnant" he stuttered. I nodded as ash kissed my forehead and left the room.
There was no noise except the sound of my crying. It stayed this way for moment or so.
"I understand ... I'll get my things and leave" I choked.
"Leave ... No you don't" Calum ordered waking over and wrapping me in a huge hug.
"Ive ruined everything for you , it's all my fault " I cried.
He sat me down on the bed and lifted my chin up. "Downstairs , I said I what're kids but this wasn't the time ... Maybe it is the time ... It this little ass kicker wants to come into the world in 9 moths then I can't wait .. I wasn't prepared but I've realised suprises come at the best of times and the most random of times ... I have the most beautiful girlfriend ever and if my kid looks anything like her , I'd be the happiest man alive" Calum smiled.
"So you want this baby ?"
"With all my heart"

Bite my tongue < Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now