Chapter Four

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So...after reading some comments on the last chapter, I've decided to change the plot a bit. Everyone wanted to kill Mitch, but that's different now. Esther doesn't want to. She'll try to make Mitch insecure, but guess what?

Mama don't roll like that.;)

If you like confident Mitch, you're in luck.;)

I'm taking this story in a different direction and we shall see if there will be a fifth book. Also, the third book was a bit...messy. It definitely isn't my favorite in the Different series. I'm too lazy to change it change it though.xD

Onto the story!

When Mitch opened his eyes, he gasped to himself. He stood up, looking around his environment. It was the hospital where he gave birth to Mariposa and Macy.

And he is in the room where Macy passed away.

Mitch began to cry, his chest hurting from crying so hard. His vision became blurry as he touched his stomach, the scars from all his children crisscrossing each other. Each scar told a beautiful story.

Melody's scar tells everyone that you could be smart despite any disorder you have.

Nel and Alex's scars tell everyone that if someone passed away, they will always be there in someone way.

Mariposa and Macy's scars showed that one could still have a child even though it was proven to be impossible.

But Macy is gone and there is nothing Mitch could do about it.


As Mitch fell to the ground to cry some more, he felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked up to see a blue eyed, blonde haired girl that had to be at least five years old. She smiled at Mitch as she wiped away his tears, kissing his nose delicately.

"Hello, I'm Macy Athena. I'm your daughter."

Mitch woke up, gasping silently as he gripped the blankets. Sun shined through the windows, quite the opposite from yesterday's weather. He shook his head, sweat rolling down his skin as he stood up.

What was that?!

He walked into his bathroom, cringing at his reflection. The bags under his eyes were more prominent than usual and his skin looked pale. He shook his head, taking out his makeup so he could look his best.

Should I put on liquid eyeliner and have perfect wings? Yes, yes I should.

After spending a few( more like an hour) on his makeup, Mitch finally looked less pale and walked downstairs, smiling when he saw Scott sleeping with Melody in his arms.
Mariposa slept in her baby carrier while the twins slept in their rockers, both of them snoring loudly. Mitch walked up to his family, kissing Scott's cheek sweetly to wake him up.

"Babe? You slept down here all night. Do you want o go upstairs?"

Scott mumbled out a 'no', his eyes still closed as he held Melody tighter. Mitch giggled, sighing to himself as he thought about his dream. Why did Macy appear in his dream like that? What did she want?

Mitch sighed once more as he stood up, realizing that he needed to go to the bathroom. He went in there, not looking at the mirror once. After he finished his business, his thoughts consumed him once more.

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