Chapter Twenty Three

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Double update from the birthday girl because why not?;)

Avi stared at the woman in front of him, widening his eyes. He closed the door quickly, bringing Kirstin over to a chair so they could talk.


Kirstin jumped, her eyes welling with tears as she looked down at her lap. She took a deep breath, letting tears flow down her cheeks.

"Do you remember four years ago when Christina went to rehab because of some, um, mental issues?"

Avi nodded, remembering Christina perfectly. She was a jerk and rude to everyone she knew, a complete opposite from Kirstin. The blonde sighed, wiping her eyes as she breathed quickly.

"She made my mom think that I was her. I was in rehab for four years. I had no one to contact anyone. I was so scared."

Avi nodded, looking at the young woman in front of her. It amazed him to know how identical her and Christina were. From their smirks all the way to their short statures, they could make anyone believe that they were the other person.

"How did your mom not find out about that?"

Kirstin took another deep breath, her mascara running down her cheeks. She quickly wiped her eyes, looking at Avi with a broken look.

"She didn't care to check. She just wanted Christina to be sent to rehab. When our dad was in jail for the last time, I was sent to rehab once more while Christina got to see him. She made everyone believe that I hated Omegas."

" you?"

"No, of course not. They're some my closest friends. I actually work with some. How about you?"

Avi looked back at the house, smiling a bit as he looked back at Kirstin. She smiled back, missing those amazing green eyes she loved looking in.

"We have three. Scott's Mate is an Omega. His name is Mitch."

Kirstin gasped, widening her eyes as she stood up abruptly. Avi raised an eyebrow, wondering what just happened.

"What's go-"

"I need to see him."

"What, why?!"

"I need to tell him that Christina hurt him."

Avi nodded, opening the door hesitantly. Kirstin thanked him quietly and was about to run upstairs when Avi grabbed her arm.

"Kirst, let him sleep. He's been through enough. How do you know that he was hurt?"

Kirstin took out her phone, her hand shaking as she showed Avi some videos. He widened his eyes, looking up at Kirstin.

"She sent you videos?!"

Kirstin nodded, putting her phone back in her purse. She put her hand on Avi's cheek, a big smile on her face.

"I missed you so much. How are you?"

"Good, thank you. I'm married now and I have a little girl and another child on the way."

Kirstin nodded sadly, sighing as she blushed a bit. Avi nodded, waiting to her what she was about to say.

"Well, I was about to say something like that. When I was in rehab, I found out that I liked...girls."

"Oh...okay. Who are you dating?"

Kirstin look her phone out of her purse, blushing as she showed Avi a picture of a small brunette. She sighed happily, looking at Avi with a big smile on her face.

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