Thank you

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This is the end.

I remember starting this series.

I didn't have a lot of Internet friends, terribly written books, and an iPhone 4.

Yes, those still exist.

Anyway, the Different series was the best and the worst thing to ever happen to me.

Only a few people know I feel about it. These people have been supportive of my choices since the beginning and I cannot be anymore grateful for them. I thank God for putting these people in my life every day.

First off, I will like to thank Superfruit_IsLife. Because of her, the Different series is alive. She gave me inspiration for this entire series because of TAATO and I cannot be anymore grateful for her. She was definitely one of the lights I had while I was in the darkness.

Second person is PTX-Soprano. Jordyn made all my covers and never failed to impress me. She is seriously the kindest person ever and I cannot thank her enough for all she has done for me. You're the real M.V.P, Jordyn.

Third is person in none other than TheAnnoyingWyatt. You made me laugh at every comment you wrote. You were always there with your funny comments and knew how to make my day better. Your comments helped me a lot with some of my toughest times.

Fourth person is LoveCarousel. I knew I had to include in the series. You and Ben are meant for each other, lol. This person is amazing and I love our friendship. Jessi is amazing and one of the most beautiful people I have ever met, personality wise and physical wise.

Fifth person is @WillowThunder. We just became friends today, but she was undoubtedly supportive of me and my choices. Welcome to the KAHG, Cara.:)

Sixth person is AviouslyAranda. I loved your comments. Just remember that if you ever need anything, I'm right here.:)

Lastly, I would like to thank the KAHG. RoseGoldHeart , ptxforevs , HaleyIsUnavailable , and BoopBoopOakley , you four have encouraged my so much these last few weeks. You gave advice that I will keep close to my heart forever. You guys made me laugh, cry, and realize that Internet friendships could happen. From our many inside jokes to our deep conversations were I am sure one of us have cried because of them, we have the best squad on WattPad. You four are crazy and I feel bead for Kelsey because I know we annoy her.😂 Remember this and keep it close to your heart...don't be a Jake.

As the rest of you, thank you to everyone who has been here from the beginning or read the series when the last book came out. You are all my motivators and I love you all so much.

Anyways, I hoped that you all enjoyed this series and remember that I love you all.:)

P.S: Same goes with Mitchy.


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