Chapter Eighteen

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A lot of you guys like my eyes.xD I love my eyes too, lol. I love how green they are.


Mitch woke up, crying silently as he hugged his stuffed Ariel. The other side of the bed was empty, making him look more alone than he already is. Avi and Tori had to leave for a few hours, but Mitch knew what to do if he was by himself.

Besides, Kelsey is coming today to tell him how long Scott will be gone for the war in Europe. He prayed last night that everything will be okay and that their children will be found and that they will be a family again. He just wanted to be happy! Is that too much to ask for?!


Mitch whimpered, putting his hands over his ears. He stood up, shaking a bit as walked downstairs. All was quiet. No screaming kids, no television playing loudly...

No Scott.

Scott, please be safe.

Mitch smiled weakly when he saw Ben and Jessi sleep next to each other, their hands held tightly. He gasped when he saw the ring on Jessi's finger, smiling as he looked at it some more. He couldn't tell where it came from, but it looked familiar.

Too familiar.

Mitch walked into the kitchen to prepare breakfast, wanting Scott to hug him around his waist and sing songs while his voice is 'sleep-deep'. He wanted Scott to dip his finger into whatever he was making and put it in his nose, laughing as ushered out of the kitchen. He wanted Scott to reassure him that he will feed all the kids and that he could sleep for a couple hours. He wanted to wake up to one of Melody's drawings on the walls and Scott shaking his head as he held Alex and N.J, even though they were fully capable of walking by themselves now.

Scott, come home. I need you.

Mitch continued to make breakfast, his self-inflicted scars still there when he tried to commit suicide last year. He remembered how he let like Scott didn't love him anymore and his heart broke into a million of pieces. Scott kissed his scars everyday just to reassure how much he loved him as that they will never lose their love again.



Mitch looked over, smiling when Ben walked up to him. The younger Omega smiled, siting down on a chair.

"Did you sleep okay?" Mitch asked, flipping a pancake. He smiled when he saw that it was done, setting it down on a plate. "That's yours, by the way. Do you want some fruit?"

"Sure," Ben replied, smiling when Mitch put fruit salad on his plate. Ben picked up a fork, tilting his head a bit. "You were asleep for a while."

"I know," Mitch replied, finishing another pancake. Jessi woke up, stretching a bit as they smiled at Mitch. "Good morning, Jessi. Did you sleep okay?"

"Perfectly," Jessi murmured, hugging Ben tightly. Ben smiled, bringing Jessi close to him. "We're getting married and I was wondering if you wanted to be my Maid of Honor."

Mitch gasped, tears gathering in his eyes as he turned off the stove. He ran over to Jessi, crying heavily as he nodded. Jessi laughed a bit, patting Mitch's back gently.

"Yes, yes, yes! Of course, Jess! That's such a big honor! Could I wear a dress?!"

"Of course! Why do you think I asked you?"

Mitch smiled, handing Jessi a plate. Today was a big day because Avi and Tori are going to Esther's house to get their children. As Mitch went to sit down, the doorbell rang. He raised an eyebrow, walking over to it quickly. He looked through the peephole, gasping whine he saw Kelsey on the other side. He opened it slowly, shaking his head at her sad expression.

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