Chapter Thirty Eight

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                            's the Tavi chapter...

I'm sorry...

WARNING: death

Avi waved goodbye to Kirstie, looking at Tori sadly. She looked sad too, rubbing her round stomach softly. Avi smiled, hopping onto the couch as he put his hand over Tori's tummy.

"So, when we will find out that we're having a little Haley Ann?"

"Four more months," Tori replied, rolling her eyes as she looked up at Abi. "Avi?"

"Yes, Angel?"

Tori blushed a bit, smiling at the nickname before clearing her throat and answering Avi's question.

"What happens if we don't ever see Jordyn again? I'm scared of  Haley never seeing her older sister."

Avi frowned, shaking his head as he wiped away Tori's tears. He let a hand linger on her cheek, kissing it gently before he continued talking.

"We'll find her, baby. I promise. She'll be okay and she'll see Haley and we'll watch them grow up together. We'll be okay. We'll all be okay."

Tori nodded, moving towards Avi so they could kiss. Avi let his hand linger on Tori's tummy and cheek, about to kiss her when the doorbell was rung. The ringing occurred endlessly, causing Avi to stand up and groan playfully.


Tori giggled, waiting for Avi Ron come back. All she heard was the door open and the low growl coming from her husband. She ran over to him, widening her eyes at the person in front of her and her husband.

"What do you want, Esther?"

"To talk, something that you don't do when you get offended."

Tori shook her head, the scene bringing tears in her eyes. She saw this in a dream a little while back, the one she had asked Macy to protect someone.

And that someone wasn't Mitch.

It was Avi.

"Avi," she whimpered, knowing that  she can't do anything about this. She just has to let it happen. "Avi, I love you."

"I love you too, Tori. Stay back, okay? I don't want you to get hurt."

Tori nodded, sitting down on the couch as Esther walked in. She looked back to find a plastic bag in Esther's hand, crying silently as Avi began to talk.

"You are not supposed to be here."

"Oh, why? Is it because that worthless Omega and his husband are here?!"

"They are here, but Mitch is nowhere near worthless! You are the worthless one!"

Deja vu came quickly, making Tori son loudly as the siblings yelled at each other. She can't do anything about this.

And she hates herself for it.

It's okay, Auntie Tori. Everything will be okay.

"No it won't."


Tori looked back, sobbing loudly as Esther pushed Avi back roughly. Avi fell on the ground, his eyes turning red as he glared at his sister.

"Is that all you got?!"

"Nope," Esther answered, putting  the plastic bag over Avi's head. Avi tensed, knowing that this is the end. "Any last words?!"

Avi looked up at Tori, his green eyes filling up with tears. Tori wanted to get Scott, but she knew that he couldn't help in time. Scott would not be able to fight back.

"Tori? I love you so much, baby. Tell Jordyn and Haley that Daddy loves them very much."

Here goes nothing.


Esther grabbed Tori, pulling her off the couch. Esther stuck a piece of tape on Tori's mouth and tied the Beta's feet together to demobilize her, going back to her brother. She shoved the plastic bag over her brother's head, laughing manically.

"Looks like Scott can't do anything!"

Tori cried as Esther got a rubber band out of her pocket, putting the band around Avi's neck. Esther laughed as Tori cried, watching as Avi tried his hardest to fight back.


After two minutes or so, Avi stopped moving. Tori ripped the tape off her mouth, pushing Esther back to take the bag off Avi's head. She cried loudly, Avi's lips dark blue and his eyes half open. Tori kissed Avi's lips, screaming as she shook her head.

"I'm so sorry, Avi. I'm so sorry."

She untied her feet, pushing Esther roughly as she stood over her husband. She heard footsteps coming down, hearing four people gasp. She felt Scott's arms wrap around her, crying into his chest.

"I'm sorry, Tori. I'm so sorry."

Tori looked to see Mitch walk over to Avi, tears in his big brown eyes. Scott pulled him back, holding him tightly as he began to cry. Esther has tears rolling down her cheeks, looking at her now dead brother.

"I-I'm a murderer."

Esther got her phone out of her pocket, calling 911 immediately.

"I murdered my brother. I'm a murderer."

Tori walked over to Avi, crying his knuckles as Scott called 911 himself. Mitch walked over to her, crying himself as he looked at Avi.

"Tori, is he-"

"I'm sorry, baby."

Mitch sobbed, looking at Avi's body before looking back at Tori. He was crying harder than when that man hurt him a while back.

"I will never hear him yell Scömìche ever again."

Tori sobbed, hugging Mitch tightly as Scott walked over to them. Ben and Jessi followed, all of them hugging and crying over Avi's body until the ambulance came.

It's going to be okay, Auntie Tori. I promise.

A/N: I'm sorry. Remember that I love you all.


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