- Chapter Two -

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I was excited.

I had never been to a party before and I always heard from my father and my brother on how beautiful the women looked, or how richly the halls were decorated.

When I heard my mother tell my father that I was to go, I had jumped in delight and had gone to my room to see if I had anything good to wear. Even if I was going as the daughter of the Master's servant, I wanted to look good. Or as good as I could.

After eating lunch and drinking tea, father had told us to hurry up. He did not want to be late because there were lot of works to be done that had not been done because of his fall.

Mother had taken a promise from me to drag my father away from the Master's house if he showed any sign of fatigue and I had given it wholeheartedly knowing well that father was trying hard to suppress the fact that he was tired.

Asad had dressed up and he had left for the market to buy some things for the party and that left me to walk with father to the Master's house.

"Ayah, this is the first time you will go to their house now that you have grown up. I want you to behave, don't go wandering about just because you became curious. If you do not see me, stick to Asad. If the guests ask you to do something for them, do it, they might think of you as just another servant..."

I kept nodding as I lost focus on what father was saying and started imagining the jewelleries and the gowns that the rich ladies will wear and come. Would it be as grand as the princesses? I had only seen the princesses once when they had to come to visit the village as part of their tour all over the country. They had stayed for few hours, and their appearance before the people was just for quarter of an hour. I had been mesmerised by the beauty they had radiated and the confidence with which they had held their head up high.

"Are you even listening to me, my princess?" My father asked, his black eyes twinkling in delight, the wrinkles on his skin evident but the small smile playing on the corner of his lips made him look younger.

I shook my head and he laughed loudly. If it was my mother, she would continue to lecture me on how I should stay attentive because if I am not, it would result in something bad happening.

"If you want, you can take care of the horses!" My father said eyeing me mischievously. I slapped my hands on my mouth as I delightful gurgle emerged from my throat and looked apologetically at my father whose expression had changed painful.

"Oh, I still pray for that day that I would hear your voice, Ayah." He said softly.

I shook my head. This was not the time to be sad, we had work to do. Asad must have reached the house of Master Maha already, I pulled my father's sleeve and both of us started marching again.

I would stick to the stable, and look at the beautiful horses and take care of them, for they won't be humans with tongue. They would be the same as me, sharing our silence.


By the time the party had started, I was tired, not with the stable work but with all the other works that I had to do while keeping an eye on father. Master Maha, an old man in his early nineties had been delighted to see me and had reminded me that when I was young, I used to play on his lap and pull his grey beard.

I had no such memory of the old man but I had smiled gently as he had complimented on how beautiful I was.

Then his grandchildren had come and I was left to arrange the flowers and position the velvet cushions or re polish the silver vase so that I could see my tired face on it.

But I had to admit, Master Maha's party was grand, the entire great hall of his mansion had been emptied to accommodate the guests, with its furniture removed it looked as if our entire village could stay there.

"Ayah!" I heard my brother scream as I exited from the backdoor of the kitchen towards the stable.

I tilted my head a little and bit my lower lip to avoid laughing as I saw him struggle with black stallion of one of the guests.

"Help?" Asad said as he held on the reins and tried to pull the horse.

I shook my head as I stood there watching his struggle in amusement. He narrowed his eyes at me, but he knew that I was playing with him.

"Please?" he begged.

I placed my hand under the chin and rubbed it thoughtfully as if pondering over his request, I heard him sigh in frustration as he tried to make the horse move.

Giving up on my pretence, I slowly walked towards the beautiful stallion. It had a glistening black coat and had a brown mane with its tip a lighter shade. It had intelligent black eyes and with the way he was pulling away from Asad but not using his full strength, I knew that he was simply playing with my brother, for if he really wanted to flee he would have done it.

He had a small white patch on his forehead and another white patch just above his hoof of his front right leg. I had never seen such a magnificent creature and my heart thundered as I stepped closer to him.

The horse stilled as he noticed my presence and I stretched my hand towards him, keeping my distance. Eyeing me curiously, the horse took a step towards me and smelled my outstretched hand. I wanted to clap my hand and twirl but I knew that any sudden movement would startle him so I stayed still letting him investigate me.

He took a step backwards and lifted his head at his full height as if showing me that he would not be fooled by a young girl like me. I smiled at the horse as my brother handed me the reins, moving carefully in front of the horse, I tried to walk leading him to the stable, the horse didn't budge.

I frowned at the horse; did its master let him be so arrogant?

I knew the horse was well disciplined, I could see it the way it held himself among so many people. My brother had left me with this one as he had gone to tend for the other horses and the guests.

Stepping closer to the horse, I let my hand touch his nose and slowly it travelled to the white patch between his eyes. He pushed his long head against my palm, a sign that we might be slowly becoming friends. As if a mind of its own, my hand reached to touch the horse's mane, it was coarse, but softer than the usual horse's mane I had touched. The horse was well groomed and when I looked at him again, he met my gaze.

Come with me, I thought to him, I cannot talk, just please.

I didn't want to grab attention and I knew that I had been standing with the horse for far too long. I didn't want his owner showing up and asking me why I hadn't put the horse into the stable, I doubt the owner would understand if I told him that the horse was not cooperating.

I took his reins again and gave it a soft tug, the horse shook his head and took a step forward, and smiling proudly at myself I lead the horse to the stable.

I took his reins again and gave it a soft tug, the horse shook his head and took a step forward, and smiling proudly at myself I lead the horse to the stable

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The song linked is - 'Talking to the Moon' by Bruno Mars. A sort of inspiration to the story - enjoy! :D

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