- Chapter: Eight -

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Twilight had always been one of my favourite parts of the day; I would climb to my terrace and stare at the horizon, as the red ball of fire disappeared behind the mountains. The houses would light up, one by one, after the sun set and all the children would run inside. The mothers, as my mother, would start prepping for dinner, and the men would start their tiring journey back home.

I could see the last red tendrils of the sun rays seep through the blue sky. It looked so beautiful that I could stand there staring at it. But I knew I couldn't, I was already late; for all I know, my parents had arrived and were waiting anxiously for me.

I thought of baby Imad, and a small smile appeared on my lips. I missed him so dearly; I didn't want anything else but to hug his soft body, or see his cute little dimples when he smiled.

I scampered my way back at the realisation, I could already imagine my mother's tired but furious face, my brother's smug expression, knowing well that I must have been daydreaming all my way back. He was not wrong, but I didn't like proving him right.

"Ayah, I was about to send Asad looking for you. He said you went for almost an hour and a half," I heard my mother exclaim as I entered our little house. My brother had cleaned it well, and I felt guilt rise on my chest for not really helping him. But to be our for an hour and a half? I couldn't believe that I had been away for so long.

However, all these thoughts flew away from my mind at the sight of my old father sitting on the chair, looking frail as ever. I placed the bucket on the ground and rushed to embrace him, I had been so worried.

"She is the only child of mine who actually cares for her old man." My father laughed as I rested my head on his chest and curled up on his lap. It was uncomfortable, but I had missed him so much. He smelled of wet mud and jasmine, a weird combination, but it was comforting, and I knew that I could remain curled up like this forever.

"I should find a woman, and start my family. Apparently, no one thinks great about me in here, except for....baby Imad!" Asad mumbled from behind, and I laughed.

"You should," my mother said hitting his head lightly. "Maybe then you will realise that this is not something to be joked about." She looked up at me and narrowed her eyes –

"Ayah, get away from your father. He may say he is as young as Asad, but he is weak as a twig."

I pouted like a spoilt girl but climbed my way out of his lap to sit cross legged near his leg.

"I challenge you in a wrestling match, right here, right now!" my father joked with Asad who shook his head and smiled while my mother rolled her eyes and mumbled –

"It looks like age is making him lose his head."

I had to stifle my laughter as my father looked at my mother in mock hurt expression; even Asad seemed to struggling to keep his face straight. Deciding that we had joked enough and the fact that I really wanted to know what the doctor had said, I asked my mother while she fed baby Imad milk from his bottle.

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