-Chapter: Thirty Five-

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The servants pressed their lips in a thin line in fear as they came near the Monarch. It was usually the guards who gave him breakfast almost as if he was a prisoner.

However what the poor servants did not know was that Monarch himself was scared. He trembled besides me as they spread his platter before us. My hand was firmly placed on his arm and I gave him occasional smiles to reassure him. He didn't look at me as he continued staring at the food before him.

He just needed something to look at.

The guards were inside the room too just in case they were needed.  I didn't like their presence but at the same time, I knew it was important for them to stay for the servants. I could handle the Monarch but I was not sure I could not handle the fearful ladies.

I smiled in gratitude as they left the room in a hurried manner. The guard -- whose hand I had slapped when he had tried to close the door -- raised an eyebrow. I shook my head. No, I did not want the door to be closed.

Going outside was too big a step to take. I had been wrong. I needed to split it into small steps. First breakfast with me, then maybe in few days or so, I would make him have breakfast with my brother and I.

This may seem like a foolish thing from another man's  perspective but it was nice to have a plan. It was nice to form goals in my mind so that I know I was making some type of progress. It helped me be sane.

I offered Qamar my practiced smile as I pulled a napkin and placed it on his lap. He looked up at me, trembling slightly, but not as much now that the people were gone. He didn't  still like the idea of keeping the door open.

It didn't matter.

I pointed at the tea set that the servants had placed properly on the table. He looked at it and then shook his head.

I pointed at the fruit tray that was placed before us. He didn't look at it so I clicked my finger under his face. He looked at me, startled. I pointed at the tray again.

He shook his head.

I sighed and looked up. I prayed for patience, I knew he was not doing intentionally to annoy me. I confused him and he had trouble understanding what I meant. It didn't help that I had no tongue.

I looked at the Monarch and pleaded with my eyes. Couldn't he just take a small step towards what I wanted?

He stared at me but I knew he was inside his mind again. I sighed as I started filling my plate with food. I grabbed a bread and started nibbling on it as he continued to stare at me.

I poured some tea for myself and added two sugar cubes on the set and started stirring it with a spoon. I could feel his eyes on me but I ignored him.

I felt immature at my way of making him to do something but he had left me with no options. I was inexperienced regarding this matter. I was doing things based purely on instinct.

"Tea." Qamar managed after a while of staring at me. I was done with my breakfast by then.

I turned towards him and flashed him a big smile. He didn't  return it and I wondered how he looked when he smiled. I glanced at the portrait of him and his family, which served as a reminder of what he had lost, he was very handsome. He looked even more handsome when he smiled.

I poured him some tea and placed his cup before him. He eyed the cup curiously and then glanced at the open door. He would have done everything I wanted him to do if the door was not open.

"I..." He didn't pick up the cup, "I remember...." he stared at me oddly.

What? I motioned with my hand. But I was confused. What was he trying to say? What did he remember?

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