-Chapter: Seventeen-

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I paced in my room, restless

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I paced in my room, restless.

I bit my lower lip as hundred of thoughts clouded my mind. My brother, on the other hand, was annoyingly at ease as he lay on his stomach on my bed and stared at me while playing with a twig.

I closed my eyes as I went back to the night I met Master Omar. It was also the night that my father had suffered a heart attack and survived.

What had he said that night?

He had said that he did not think that incident to be a medical miracle.

What did he mean?

I tried looking at the scenario from his perspective. Why would any man think that?

If it was not a medical miracle. What else could it be? Nothing made sense to me, my every thought was muddled up and confused. If he thought I could help him somehow, I wanted to help him.

He had asked me to hear him out as a friend but he had given me nothing to come to a decision.

This was something to do with the Monarch and I knew very little of him. He was young and had been married to a beautiful woman. Their wedding was a grand thing and that month all taxes had been pardoned. He had come to the throne at the age of twenty-two and had been ruling for seven years. 

Little news came from the City to the villages about the Royal Family and they were very good at keeping their secrets away from the public eyes. They were not controversial. The biggest controversy that had ever happened in this family was the banishment of Prince Omar.

He had been banished three years ago and yet he went back to the City. How was that possible?

I remember no reason ever been given for the banishment. Only that the Prince could no longer enter the Palace or the City by the Monarch's decree. Yet, here was the Prince, doing everything in his power to aid the Monarch. It did not make sense.

I probably was judging too harshly, but I did not particularly like the Monarch. He seemed selfish and arrogant - a stark contrast to the way people talked about him when he first came into power. I remember my mother telling me that all of the people had thought of him to be a better Monarch than his father. The throne was destined for Monarch Qamar.

I went back to the words of the two men sitting and talking about the Monarch. He had said that the desert people were uniting their tribes in order to riot against the Monarch while he sat in the palace's protection and had not shown his face for three years.

Something had happened three years ago that resulted in the banishment of the Prince. It also resulted in the Monarch confining himself to the Palace. But what?

I opened my eyes and sighed loudly. I sat on the bed in defeat.

"Decision making has never been easy, Ay. Prince Omar has been kind enough to give you three days." I heard my brother as he sat up on the bed and faced me.

You think our parents will let? I asked.

"We have been summoned by the Prince. They cannot exactly refuse." He placed the end of the twig in his mouth and started chewing thoughtfully.

Do you think I should go? I elbowed him to look at me and asked.

"It is your decision to make. I will go wherever you want me to go."

I want your opinion! I said annoyed at his relaxed attitude.

He smiled, "If you really want my opinion," he crossed his leg to sit comfortably, "here it is. Go."

I blinked at him confused.

"I may not know much about Prince Omar, you knew him better. He always had a liking for you. I cannot blame him, though." He glanced at me.

What does that mean? I prodded.

"You will figure it out, you are smart." He gave me a half smile that I found extremely annoying, "Anyway, what I meant was, we know him enough to know that the man has a good heart but is fairly arrogant. Yet, all that he has done so far simply shows him bowing to us, seeking us. It means that he is desperate and that we--you are his last resort. Whatever it is that he thinks you can do, he does not really have any other option. It does not help that the person we are supposed to help killed a well armed and trained Royal Guard a week ago."

My mouth opened as I stared at him, shocked. The Monarch killed a Royal Guard? I was beginning to despise that man every time a new piece of information came to me about him.

But the main question was - how did my brother know this? All I remember Aqib Suleiman telling Prince Omar is that his brother killed a man that worked under him.

I don't understand. I told my brother.

"You did not figure that out? Didn't you see Aqib Suleiman in our house today? The way he was barking orders at the Guards as if they worked under him and he even called them 'rookies' - whatever that means. That night, when he came all out of breath, he mentioned that the Monarch killed a man that worked under him. Who works under Aqib Suleiman?" He asked rhetorically.

It all made sense now. How did I miss that detail? I mentally chided myself, I was always someone who boasted about my observation skills.

Why did the Monarch kill the Royal Guard? I looked up horrified at Asad. What are we going to deal with?

"I think that is where Prince Omar requires your help. "

How could a sixteen-year-old  girl stop a man from killing his own people? A man who was a trained warrior. Who was capable enough to slaughter twenty such men if he decided to. What miracle did Master Omar expect me to do?

I rubbed my forehead as I felt a pounding headache emerge. I had woken up with a refreshed mood and all my good vibes were gone now. I felt annoyed, confused and angry at Prince Omar and Monarch Qamar.

I finally gave in and lay on the bed. I felt Asad do the same thing beside me.


I sat up. Eyes wide and back straight. The familiar presence of the Moon was back. The sense of power and strength. I stared out the window. It was afternoon now and this was not going to be a full moon's night. How could this be possible?

Go, little one. He needs you.

I could hear her in my mind. I could sense the power that she made me feel. The way her presence made me feel stronger, it made me feel invincible.

"Ayah," I heard my brother call out as I struggled to get out of the bed and made my way to the terrace.

What do you mean? I asked the afternoon sky which had no trace of the Moon.

Go child. Before it is too late. Before he gets succumbed by the darkness completely.

 Before he gets succumbed by the darkness completely

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Who would have thought? The Moon makes an appearance...in the afternoon. Strange. :D Let me know your thoughts. Is this exciting for you or not? :o

Dedicated to @tashia25 for being amazing! :D

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