-Chapter: Forty-Five-

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As an afterthought, I was not sure if having Qamar alongside us was a good thing or not. I was not entirely convinced of his stability but at the same time it was good to have a trained warrior with us. If I believed what I was told, he seemed to be pretty handy with the sword that he was carrying.

However, if I tried to think the other way, giving him a sword could prove to be dangerous for all of us.

He rode Barq with relative ease and the horse seemed delighted to have his owner back. I had seen the connection immediately in the stables; Barq had been more than thrilled to saddle up for his master and even Qamar seemed happy reuniting with the horse. It seemed like both the master and the horse had the same type of temper.

We had been travelling all night in good pace but had slowed down once the sun hit the sky. Qamar had had to wear the hood of his cloak over his head to avoid recognition even though we had taken a path less ventured by people. He had barely talked since we had left, trailing behind Asad and Laia, keeping a good distance from me. I was not sure what this meant.

But I knew that this would be overwhelming for him. This was too sudden, too fast, even I knew that and I was inexperienced. It could also be exactly the thing he needed too -- purpose. It was all confusing for me and I was not sure what to make out for it.

I just knew that I had to keep my eyes opened in relation to Qamar and my surrounding. They could be watching us, they could be following us and at the same time Qamar could also snap.

I kicked my horse lightly and she trotted forward so that I was parallel to Qamar. We seemed to be travelling through a barren plain land with absolutely nothing. Alam had a lot of land compared to the population. Most of the people that lived in Alam didn't prefer to leave their home place and move to the City until they were forced -- like the drought. It was strange because Alam's neighbouring states were quite the contrast; bubbling with people and richness.

Qamar glanced at me slightly and I gave him a smile that I hoped was reassuring and at the same time welcoming; I wanted to tell him that if he wanted to tell me something, he could. I wouldn't respond and it was not that I could tell anyone.

I needed something distract me because the silence that surrounded me led me to think about the Prince. Qamar's words haunted me. They could kill him. He had said it in such a montone but obviously he cared. Why else would he be here?

"Ayah," Laia turned around and gave me a tight smile. We were all tired and bothered by the heat. We did not have energy to be appropriate, "Do you want to rest? If Asad and I are reading the map right, a little further and we will be able to see The Rayt. Most of the desert-people don't live here because of Rawthor so we should be fine."

I glanced at the Monarch and nod. He could do with some rest.

"Right," Laia whispered something to my brother as my brother frowned at the paper in his hand. He glances at me and smiles.

We find a place near a dried out tree -- the only shelter we can possibly hope in this barren land. Laia hands us water and reminds us not to drink in hurry. Asad walks away from our group and stares at absolutely nothing. I am almost compelled to walk towards my brother when Qamar blocks my path.

"Tell your brother not to worry," Qamar glanced at my brother, "We are going in the right direction. It was a clever idea."

I nod and then stretch my arm to grab his. Qamar looked oddly at my hand and then stared at me. In response, I simply raise an eyebrow.

"I am fine!" Qamar whispered shrugging me off. He went and sat beside Laia who gave me look but then looked away.

I look at him. I didn't know why he was being so distant with me. What had I done? Was it because I was close to his brother? But it never seemed to bother him before.

I wanted to slap myself; maybe it was because he didn't know that I was close. But how was that possibly my fault?

I walked towards my brother hoping to find some solace in his company. Asad looked at me and gave a smile.

Qamar says you're going in the right direction, I signed.

"He remembers?" Asad asked looking between me and the Monarch. I nod in response.

Do you think he will prove to be dangerous? I sign with a worried look. It had become my biggest concern. I could not risk the lives of so many people.

"I hope he proves to be dangerous to the desert-people." Asad whispered to me. "He seems like a man on a mission."

What my brother said was true too. Qamar seemed determined and full of purpose. It was something that I had never seen in him before but I had to admit, I did not know him. Maybe the new haircut helped him act like his old self. It sounded crazy in my head but I simply had no other theory to validate his actions.

It could be that he was doing this for his brother. I wanted to believe that but it seemed to sudden.

"Ayah! Asad!" Laia called out, "Get some rest. Straighten your back. We have a long journey ahead of us and The Rayt is not as comforting."

We nod and head towards the little shelter that nature provided. I sat opposite Laia and my brother sat beside the Monarch.

"If I am reading this right..." Asad said handing the paper to Qamar, "We will come across an oasis."

I widen my eyes at the mention of the oasis. I had seen one before, somewhere! My mind starts reeling as I try to think where.

"It will take us two nights to reach there." Qamar replied to my brother.

"Are we up to two nights of travelling?" Asad looked at us skeptically.

I nodded absent mindedly as I straighten back again the hard and rough ground. I didn't know why but Master Walis images popped in my mind...and then it hit me!

I had seen the oasis in one of his paintings in his complex. If I was not mistaken, he had told he had met someone there and she had shown him something.

I frowned but was slightly surprised - I never used to have any problem recalling memories.

But I was delighted that I was able to recall at least that much; maybe if we could find the woman that helped Wali, we could ask for her help. She would help us, wouldn't she?

I sign to my brother while lying down.

"I can see your hand moving, Ay. But I can't see you so sit up." Asad said and I was convinced that he had an amused grin on his face.

But before I could respond, Qamar spoke -

"Ay?" He asked.

"Yes," Asad looked at him, "It is something I call her from when we were young."

"Oh.." Qamar doesn't look at me and I frown. What had I done?

I sat up even though my muscle protested. Both Laia and Asad looked at me as I signed

"It could be any oasis, Ay." Asad responded but I knew he was considering. It would be amazing if we had someone to help us and especially someone who knew the desert.

"There is only one." Qamar responded.

"How do you know so much?" Asad translated for me as my hand moved in furious speed.

"I am the Monarch," Qamar looked at me as he said, his deep grey eyes penetrating mine in a way that reminded me of Omar. I felt exposed. "I need to know the land I rule."

I nodded in response as his gaze unnerved me. There was something wrong. What was it? Could it be that he was hiding something, I just couldn't shake the feeling.

Qamar looked away turning towards Laia, "I am going to lie down for a while!"

He stood up marching slightly away from under the shade of another dried off tree and layed down underneath it.

"Is he all right?" Asad asked dubiously.

Laia sighed looking at both of us, "No! But we are not either."


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