-Chapter: Forty-Three-

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Asad and I waited outside the room the council was having a meeting. It was in the main palace and we felt intimidated by simply being there. Even Laia was waiting with us and she seemed worried.

She looked up, maybe sensing that I was staring at her and smiled feebly.

"Aqib is many things but he is no diplomat. He is quick to lose his temper. I am just worried..." she looked at me, "This is not natural to him."

Asad looked at her and smiled slightly which meant that he agreed with her. I simply nodded my eyes fixed on the door and my mind blank. It was stupid to take so much time. The Prince was in danger. Qamar was right!

The door opened suddenly by the guards and a group of tense looking men exited the room. Aqib was last to exit, his eyes were glassy but once the men were gone and out of earshot, he turned towards us and said --

"Those bloody idiots!"

Laia stood up and placed an arm on his shoulder, "What did they say?"

"They want me to lead an army towards Rayt. They want me to demand Omar's release or else I will destroy the desert-people."

Asad and I exchanged looks. Laia rubbed Aqib's arm and said --

"But in the end the decision is yours." It was not a question but a statement. It was almost as if she was reminding him that.

"Yes." He sighed.

"What--" Asad spoke up looking at me pointedly. I didn't understand his gaze but something in my mind told me to keep my face blank, "What would have Qamar done in this situation?"

Aqib and Laia looked at my brother while I concentrated on mimicking their expression. He, obviously, didn't want Aqib to know that Qamar had suggested something. I didn't know why but I did as I was told. Maybe he wanted Aqib to come up with the idea by himself.

"He would let these men do what they wanted. But..." Aqib hesitated glancing at Laia, "But he would be setting another plan in place."

"Which would be?" Asad asked innocently. I had to admit, my brother was a good actor.

"I don't know." Aqib rubbed his temple and sighed.

"Another team!" Laia piped in, "He would assemble another team and send them before the army!" Her eyes were wide and sparkling; she approved of the idea.

"Honestly, I don't know who I can trust." Aqib's shoulder sagged. He seemed defeated already.

"Us!" Asad slapped Aqib's shoulder, "Us, you idiot! Trust us! We can go."

"No," Aqib looked at Asad and then his gaze landed on me, "Omar made me promise that I will take care of you."

"Ayah and I are known for not listening to Omar or you or Wali. Let us go." Asad replied earnestly.

"You really want Ayah to go?" Aqib looked at my brother incredulously. My brother eyed me and then turned towards Aqib.

"She'll go whether you agree with this plan or not. It only makes sense that I go along with her."

"Me too." Laia piped in.

"No!" Aqib looked horror struck. Asad kept quiet.

"Yes!" Laia narrowed her eyes, "First of all, you don't tell me what to do. Second, I care about Omar as much as you and I care about these two. Asad is good with a sword now but he is not that good. He'll need help and we both know that I am better than you when it comes to swords or riding or almost anything." The last sentence was half hearted joke, I knew it, I could see it in her eyes as she looked at the man she loved.

"No, no." Aqib shook his head, "I will go with you then."

"No," Asad said quietly, "You need to stay here and be the face of the army. No one will notice if we are gone, but if you go, who is going to lead us? You're the only hope otherwise everything will turn into chaos."

"Chaos it already is." Aqib mumbled.

"It will become worse."

"I can't send you to your death." Aqib looked at the three of us.

"If you don't send us, Omar will be dead and that is something we cannot risk. The Kingdom has gone without a leader for a while now but if they learn that Omar is missing. There will be rebellion in every corner of this land. We need him. I know that Qamar is improving but we cannot rush his progress. Even if he becomes perfect, I don't think he will want to stay Monarch. We need Omar believe it or not." Asad 's tone was soft, convincing and urgent.

"I will send some of my boys with you." Aqib mumbled to himself.

"No," Laia shook her head, "We cannot trust anyone."

"I don't want you to go." Asad grabbed her hand and pulled her close. I could see the desperation in his eyes and behaviour. Asad and I respectively looked away.

"I cannot send Asad and Ayah for something that we were supposed to be responsible of. They shouldn't do it but they volunteered. I am doing the same." Laia said decidedly as she leaned in and cupped his face with her hands. I saw him sigh and close his eyes.

"I hate being surrounded by stubborn people."

"You love us, still." Asad said with a small smile.

"I don't love you." Aqib opened his eyes and looked at my brother horrified.

"Words," Asad rolled his eyes mockingly and gave him a smile. I joined in and smiled too. I know what my brother was doing, he was trying to make Aqib feel better.

"Sometimes I feel that you love him more than me." Laia joked showing off her dimpled smile.

"Nonsense!" Aqib whispered and kissed her forehead. She closed her eyes and my brother and I watched them awkwardly.

"When should we leave?" My brother interrupted.

"As soon as we can." Laia looked at us, "We need to be well prepared. They might be waiting for us."

"Or not." Asad said thinking, "Usually people take the route through the solid land avoiding the sands as much as they can, right? If I am not mistaken, even Omar took the same route."

"Yes..." Laia looked at her husband.

"So if they expect us to come, they expect us to take that route. Isn't it?"

Aqib and Laia nodded. I smiled.

"We won't take the route."

"But it will take time through the sands. You need to reach there earlier than us." Aqib said.

"You will have to delay." Asad looked at him.

"Argue," Laia said, "You are good at that. Argue against their suggestion but don't give them another option. Just keep arguing and when you think that we are near, give in."

"I am already considered an idiot." Aqib said sullenly, "I need to act more like an idiot."

"Yes." Laia and my brother said together.

"Look at us." Aqib said with fake glee, "Make such elaborate precise plans."

Asad looked offended, "It is the best I can come up with."

"No one is saying anything," Laia lookec between Asad and Aqib, "This is my dear husband's way of showing that he is worried."

Asad nodded.

I stood there surprised that I didn't have any input. It was almost like my mind had stopped working. But I was happy, happy that they had decided to do something rather than heed the council. I didn't feel any dread regarding the plan but I was worried.

What if we were too late?

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