- Chapter: Fifteen-

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"People cry, not because they are weak. It is because they have been strong for too long."


Too many questions.

The night that Master Omar and Master Wali had left for the City every piece seemed to have fit in.

However, one week later, everything seemed to be confusing.

It did not help that my brother had decided to raise the questions out loud -

"So you are telling me," Asad said eyes furrowed in deep thought, "that Master Omar is the exiled Prince?"

I nodded for what seemed like the hundredth time. Yes, that was my theory. It all had made sense back then, all loose string tied to this very truth. Master Omar was the Prince, it was the reason he never went to the City. It was the reason why he carried himself so different and why he treated Master Wali so casually.

Maybe Asad had not observed him the way I did. He had always been busy being my tongue.

"And you think the brother he is talking about is Monarch Qamar himself?"

I nodded biting my lips. It made sense in my head but when he spoke it out loud, it seemed like a far-fetched story. Something that a girl of my age could imagine inside her happy bubble. I could see that my brother wanted to believe him, he was trying hard to connect the dots the way I did. I knew my theory was based on assumptions but my mind went back to the night. The way Master Omar had begged me to trust him. The way he had asked me earnestly to keep his secret that it should not be something that people should know. Why would he do that? 

How could I explain this to my brother?

Asad shook his head, maybe trying to clear his mind, to see things from my perspective. He looked at me and gave me a small smile. He did not want me to feel discouraged. He did not want me to think of me as a fool.

Things were better now with us, he was no more distant with me, it was as if the night and the secret that we held between us had brought us closer again. We talked casually, sharing theories about our new obsession. It seemed  the same like before.

"Let's forget about that for time being. I feel like I am running in circles. Anyway, we have another important matter to discuss." He smiled and leaned closer to me. We were sitting on our doorstep under the afternoon sun. The heat was something that we were used too. My mother had gone for an afternoon nap and Asad was not needed in Master Maha's house.

I looked confused at my brother. What did he mean? What could be possibly important?

"Ay, you forget all the time!" He chuckled softly and ran his hands through his hair, probably an attempt to wipe out all the sweat beads formed on his forehead.

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