-Chapter: Forty-

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It was a strange experience to watch the Prince leave from his palace grounds. I had seen it happen plenty of times before in the months that I had lived here but I had never been filled with dread before. I looked at the sky and searched for the sign of the Moon. Maybe, I could ask Her to watch over him. It didn't matter if she was real or not, as long as it helped ease my heart.

"He shouldn't go." Aqib came and stood beside him as we stared at the retreating shadows of the men, "At least not without me."

"He needs you here," Laia whispered from behind us and I turned to give her a smile.

"So he shouldn't leave!" Aqib said evidently worried about his friend. 

"Well he did," Laia said matter of factly, "And there is nothing you can do about it. Come, let's go to bed."

Laia took his hand and lead him inside the residential palace. I continued staring at the empty space in front of me while the crickets sang their tune in the background. It had been awkward; our good-bye. After his little confession, the other night, things had been awkward. It was not from his side, it was from mine. I wanted to spend time with him before he left but whenever I came around him, I just could not act normal. If he noticed that, he didn't show.

He had feelings for me, that is what he had said and it was something I could not wrap my head around. He was a prince, he had seen many beautiful noble women around him and yet, he had feelings for me. I knew he was being honest--if there was something that I was sure about Omar was that he was an honest man. But it did not make sense to me -- why?

How was I different than the other women? I sighed, I was not experienced in such matters. I did not know what to think about it. 

I turned away from the gate and walked inside the palace. Instinctively, I climbed the stairs to the third floor and to the Monarch's room. The guards didn't question my disturbing them at odd times, they had grown used to it. 

I entered his dark room and noticed that he was sitting peering out from the window. I walked and sat opposite to him, he looked at him, his eyes dark in the night. He nodded in acknowledgement and looked away.

I placed my hand on top of his cold ones, he turned his head to look at me again, I pointed outside.

He sighed but didn't respond. I remained silent. It depended on him, I was trying to change my tactics again with him. I was trying to let him make his own decision rather than following mine. If he wanted to go outside, he had to tell me. 

"Is that wise?" He finally asked in a low whisper as if afraid that someone would hear him.

I shrugged my shoulder.

"Ask the guards to follow us," He said after a while of silence, "In case I..."

He looked at me hesitantly. I nodded and walked towards the door, I knocked and the guards opened for me. Thinking carefully, I moved my hands pointing at Qamar and me and then making a motion that showed walking. The guard concentrated trying to decipher the meaning and then blinked at me confused. I sighed, racking my brain to show them what I meant. I could ask for Nala or Asad but that would take time. Time enough for Qamar to change his mind.  

"She is telling that we are going out for a walk," Qamar said from behind him, his voice sounded strained and I jumped slightly. I hadn't realised he had followed me. The guard looked at the Monarch perplexed while Qamar stared at his feet, clearly fighting an inner battle, "She wants you to follow us for our safety."

"Yes, your highness." The guard said still in shock.

Qamar nodded and I smiled. He was doing so better now and my mind went back to the time that I had first time met him. It felt a long while back. I was proud of him.

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