-Chapter: Thirty Six-

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I peeked from the window and grinned happily. After ages, I had decided to spend sometime with my brother, Aqib and Laia. I was excited. I didn't mind being around the Monarch but he didn't make good company.

It was nice day--or as nice it could be in summer. A light breeze was flowing that gave refuge from the heat. It seemed that it had drizzled for few minutes in certain part of the village. It was not enough to provide relief but was enough to give them hope that monsoon was here.

I bit my lower lip guiltily as my thought flew back to my parents. I had been so occupied by the Monarch, that I had nearly  forgotten about them. I made a mental note to ask my brother whether he had sent them letters as promised. I hoped he had.

"Lady Ayah," Nala appeared before me holding out dresses as had become our daily routine.  It struck me again how habitual I had become of this lifestyle. Did I want to go back? I did want to meet my parents but I was not entirely sure if I wanted to live in the village again.

I shook my head. I could not let myself have these thoughts. This day was supposed to my happy day!

I frowned at the dress--one was beige with golden intricate threadwork and the other was a plain purple with pretty laces. I chose the purple one as the other one was too shiny and would grab unnecessary attention.

Quickly they stripped me of my sleeping robe and put me in the dress. I kept still as they manuevered themselves around me--poking and prodding until I was perfect in their eyes.

One of the maids, whose name was Alia, handed me a goblet filled with sherbet that I liked. Smiling in gratitude, I drank it, welcoming the cool liquid in my throat and the way the taste exploded in my mouth. My breakfast was laid on my table but I would only be able to eat it once I was done dressing up. I eyed the food hungrily and frowned at my reflection as they dressed me up.

A knock broke me from my reverie and I jumped slightily. I looked pointedly at Nala and she understood as she made her way to the door. The servant moved away from me once they were done and I moved to the window to stare at the people getting ready to train.

"Beautiful," My eyes widened at the voice and I turned to look at the visitor in shock.

"Lady Ayah," Nala said apologetically, "The Prince told me not to announce his presence."

"Guilty." Prince Omar gave me a wicked grin and I could not help as a wide smile crept on my face. It was his presence in my room that made me realise that I had genuinely missed this man. There were so many things that I had to tell him, so many things that I wished to know. But before anything, I simply wanted to sink him in.

I stared at him unabashed; his curly hair--that was no more long and had been trimmed. His eyes had the same glint as he read my face trying to figure out what I was thinking. Was it strange that even though he had become thinner, he looked healthier? He was darker due to the sun and travelling, but it suited him. He was wearing his normal clothes--no more the Prince, just Omar.

My heart thudded against my ribs oddly and something fluttered in my stomach. I glanced at the food and he followed my gaze.

"Have you not eaten?" He asked.

I shook my head.

"Then we must eat," He looked at my servants pointedly and they set into motion. Nala gave me a knowing glance and she had smile on her face that was mishchevious. I felt heat rise on my face as the Prince and I sat.

"I have been informed," Omar said as he sat, "You finally had a breakthrough!"

I nodded. Is that why he was here?

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