-Chapter: Nine-

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A month had passed since the warning of the Moon and nothing had changed.

Our life had fallen into the same routine as it had been - my father was deemed fit by Master Maha's doctor and was allowed to go to work as long as he remembered to put himself first. My mother was still the same strong-willed, stubborn yet caring woman that I had grown up with. My brother, Asad, remained to be the best older brother a girl like me could ever have. Imad was still adorable even if he was suffering from a bit of flu.

The only thing that might show a hint of change was the weather; last week, few clouds had suddenly appeared in the sky, and the entire village or the entire nation must have heaved a sigh of relief. My mother had tears in her eyes and had prayed even more rigorously than before for rain.

Baby Imad made a strange noise, and my attention was directed back to him. I was trying to feed him, but once again, I was lost in my thoughts. I frowned at the sight of him; he eyes were slightly red, and there was snot running down his nose. He had been feverish the last few day, and we had had to take him to Doctor Nasser for check up.

When he took in a small breath, I could hear the soft rumble of his chest as if it had trouble expanding to take the oxygen.

"Ayah, go to our room and do the bed. I'll take Imad now," my mother came to the room and picked up Imad and wiped his nose.

"He is still feverish," she told me and then muttered to herself, "Does the fool of a Doctor know what he is doing?

I shook my head and went to my parent's room and did as I was told. My thoughts immediately fell back to the Moon, and I felt irritation build inside of me. I was tired of living in fear that my small mistakes could cause some sort of humongous change that I wouldn't like.

Change, I never had hated a word so much. I didn't like changes; I was too used to the life I was living with the same people I had grown to love and respect. My village people may have been a bit negative, but I knew I could have gotten a lot more worse.

Most of the time it had been my thinking of myself that I projected upon the village people. Yes, they ignored my existence, but they could've done worse. They could have been cruel to my family. They could label them as outcasts.

I shuddered at the idea as I smoothed my parent's sheet and placed the pillows.

I was glad that it was full moon night again, this time, I had made up my mind. I needed clarity; I was turning paranoid now, and I didn't like it.

Asad had gone out with some friends, they were planning to have hookah in some place, from what I had heard. He had told my father that they were merely hanging out. I smiled, I liked it when Asad acted his age. I did not encourage lying, but lads his age shouldn't always be so responsible and good.

After doing all the work, I lay on my bed staring at the creaking fan. If I listened closely I could hear the soft snores of my father.

Once, I realised that everyone in my house was asleep, I crept my way to the terrace and sat cross-legged on the floor as I had done numerous times.

I stared at the Moon, in all its beautiful glory, and then closed my eyes. I concentrated hard, it had never been me starting conversations with the Moon. It had always been Her summoning me.

I felt stupid, but I also felt a strange sense of strength inside of me that I realised I had never felt before. I usually feel all sorts of emotions during a full moon night. But this time, it was different, it was more tangible.

I want to talk to you, I sent the message to the sky and stared wide eyed for a response.

I had to wait for a while when I felt Her presence, the power, the beauty, the invincibility - I could feel it all.

Well done, little one. The strong yet serene voice of the Moon penetrated through my mind. It held authority; it held a sense of knowledge.

I didn't ask Her what I had done well. This time, I was coming with my own set of planned questions, and I was not leaving without an answer.

What did you mean when you said 'things were going to change'?


I pressed my lips. Usually, I was not the type of a person who got annoyed fast. But this time, I was close to paranoia.

Are you real? Or are you a figment of my imagination that I stupidly believed to be real?


I was not giving up. I tried again.

What is going to change?

I could feel Her presence. I knew She was listening. But my patience was running out, something that had never happened before. There was a part of me that was surprised at my behaviour. Ayah Beizeen never lost control; she always had a big heart. It was unlike me to grow frustrated, or annoyed, or irritated.

Does the Insignia of the Monarch have anything to do with me?

I knew people like me shouldn't know what was written in my destiny. It was not natural for someone like us to know. But, I believed that She had told me that for a reason.

I did not realise I was standing up. I did not realise that I could possibly be crying. I was just staring at the Moon with all the anger I could muster.





And then I heard Her voice, it was soft and velvet, but the tone She used sent a cold shiver down my spine.


I stared at the night sky, the midnight blue scattered with twinkling stars. I did not know what She meant. I still had to grow up, a lot of things about me would change. I wouldn't always be the same innocent naive girl.

What do you mean? I asked.

It was then I realised that She had left me, I could not feel her presence in me, I could not feel the power She radiated. This had never happened before and somehow I felt that this was my fault. Maybe, I had crossed some imaginary line or maybe She had had enough of me and my childish behaviour. Maybe I did change already and She did not like it.

I did not know and I felt that, now, I would never know.

Maybe She had left me forever.

Maybe She had left me forever

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Is Ayah right in thinking so? Do you think the Moon has left her? :o Tell me your thoughts! The next chapter will be updated soon and it is one of my favourites! ^-^ I dont think you guys are prepared for what is going to happen in the next chapter, I know for sure, I wasnt. *evil laugh*

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