300k Character Interview | answers

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Do you still talk to the Moon? Did she ever give you the truth of who she was?

Ayah - The Moon has stopped summoning me since my time in the desert. I don't know who She was or what She was. I haven't told anybody about Her voice in my head. I think I will always keep it a secret; I don't think anyone will understand. But deep in my heart, something tells me that She will talk to me soon. And that it was not the Leader of the tribes manipulating me since birth. I don't want it to be. She was first true friend and only because of Her I found so many other friends, including Qamar.


Does the Moon still give you advice? Do you feel like you aren't heard in a conversation?

Ayah - I feel like I've answered this before but no. Ever since the desert I haven't been talking to the Moon. I miss our coversation. She was the only one I had been able to talk to - well after Asad - and before I met Omar, Aqib and Qamar.

When we used to talk, before, I was simply so thrilled that I could talk to someone without using my voice and that She would reply back. I knew She was vague - or maybe a creation of my mind. But I never thought about not being heard. I was being replied to . . . and my thoughts were clearly transferred to this entity. What else would a mute girl want?


What is your favourite habit of Iqra?

Qamar - I think it has to be her generosity. Iqra was always generous. She always took it upon herself to be responsible for the people who didn't fare well in our kingdom. She used her intellect to suggest policies to help these people. She always so driven, so determined, so stubborn . . . it made me mad sometimes, I'll admit, the way one idea in her mind would get stuck and that's all she would talk about. But this was why I fell for her so hard. When I had proposed her - the idea that she didn't want to marry had been stuck in her so bad. I think I have been the only person who has managed to change her mind about some thing. I suppose I am stubborn too, in my own way.

I am talking too much, aren't I?

It is just that . . . I haven't talked about her for so long. No one really asks me about her anymore. It feels weird . . . talking about her as if she is in the past. But she is in the past, isn't he? I need to look forward . . . or at least try to do it.

Do you still have the strong bond with Qamar?

Ayah - Omar says that it was I who saved Qamar but I am not really sure I agree. All I did was listen . . . and he taught me - he taught me so many things. He taught me passion, he taught me love, he taught me that it is okay to hurt and show. It is okay to cry. It is okay to mourn. In the end, he saved me in some ways. I wouldn't be the Ayah I am now if it weren't for him. I suppose he was my Moon. I know I can always go back to him. I can always talk to him. He will understand . . . he always does. So yes, our bond remains the same. I don't think some thing like that can grow weaker in time. It hasn't from my side.

What was your inspiration to write this book?

Me - I don't think something specific inspired me to write this story. There was no one set moment that I can recall. I'll be honest and say that I always wanted to write a character named Ayah, I just didn't have a proper plot for her. And then as I started reading on Wattpad - I realised that I was tired of reading about the typical strong female character in the fantasy genre.

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