-Chapter: Forty-One-

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It was odd to see the Monarch trying to be social. After the day that he and I had gone out and paid their private garden a visit, Aqib had made sure that Monarch almost always had some company. It was daunting for Qamar, I knew, but I agreed with Aqib that he needed it. We could not make progress if I was the only one who was not scared of Qamar. He needed to know that other people -- important members of his family -- trusted him too. 

It had been weeks since Omar had departed and Aqib had received a letter saying that he safely reached Rayt. We were relieved but still, that impending dread was evident in our eyes. It was something that Qamar had noticed too.

"You seem worried, Ayah." He said. We were having breakfast. Ever since he had learned my name, he always needed to mention it while talking to me. It was slightly weird but I assumed it was his way of trying to figure out that I was, indeed, real. 

I shook my head in response. Asad who had joined us for breakfast cleared his throat.

"It is not good to lie to the Monarch." He said with a smile that said - he needs to know what is happening around him. I agreed to some extent but at the same time, I didn't want to burden the Monarch lest he tipped to the dark side again.

I smiled and shook my head. Qamar remained quiet and Asad continued eating without saying anything. 

They didn't mind each other's company but there was not exactly friends or acquaintances. But they did have a silent camaraderie going on, which made me wonder: what made Asad so instantly likeable? I frowned at my brother at that thought.

"So..." Qamar said his grey eyes on me and then flew to Asad's face. My brother stopped eating and looked at the Monarch. Qamar gulped, obviously struggling with words, he was not very good at small talks but he tried, and we reminded ourselves to be patient. 

"Ayah..." he gulped again, "Was she always mute?" He looked at me apologetically as if he had said something bad.

"Yes," Asad said politely; used to answering this question about me, "She was born this way. She did not cry when she was born, she simply choked. My mother said that it was an odd sound she made."

Qamar nodded in understanding, "Your parents...they are," he hesitated, "alive?"

"Ah yes." Asad smiled looking at me, "They live in our village near the old town of Muzn."

Qamar fell silent but I could see that he was thinking something. There were few things that I had learned about the Monarch in the past week that reminded me of what the others usually told me about him. He had a curious mind; he liked asking questions when he was in the mood and like storing information in his head that someone else may deem unimportant. There was also the fact that Monarch was highly observant; he'd rather stare at you while you converse than actually actively participate in a conversation.

These were little things, I had to admit, but these things easily showed me the type of man that he was.

"How did you..." He cleared his throat, "How did you meet my brother?"

I froze and even Asad looked slightly uncomfortable. We had agreed in between ourselves that we would only mention Omar until absolutely necessary. I remember the last time that I had showed his portrait to the Monarch, he was enraged and had nearly attacked me. 

But Asad answered even before I could show any indication of how I wanted this question answered, "We met the Prince in the Muzn. Our father works under this Master who knew your brother. He had held a party in his house where the Prince was invited."

Qamar nodded more to himself, "He does not visit me."

Asad frowned, "He is not in the City."

I bit my lips and eyed Asad pointedly. My brother gave me a stiff nod which easily said that he had seen my warning. He had to be careful. 

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